The Gadunka were a species of Aquatic Fish-like Rahi.
Gadunka were tiny little fish that fed of Play-doh. They were the bottom of the Mahri-nui food chain. However, due to their bad taste, nobody wanted to eat them as the tasted of Broccoli. Gadunka also gave Matoran extremly bad breath and made them like to bite their toe-nails
Gadunka were an abrasive species of marine Rahi.
Gadunka on vedessä elävä Rahi-laji. Gadunkat ovat hyvin pieniä.
Gadunka to małe, morskie Rahi, wykazujące się dużą agresją.
Categoría:Rahi Gadunka son pequeños pero feroces Rahi marinos.
Gadunka sind sehr kleine Meeres-Rahi, die in der Grube und in Metru Nui leben.
Gadunka sind sehr kleine Meeres-Rahi die in der Grube, in den Meeren von Mata und Metru Nui leben.
Gadunka was once a tiny Rahi who was enlarged by the Ignika.