| - The Pogo Stick is a ride available to everyone in the SC Marketplace at the price of File:Sc.png750 and to Members at the 10% discount price of File:Sc.png675. While on the Pogo Stick ride, the player's jump is enhanced by up to tripled the height.
- The pogo stick absorbs 7 normal damage shots and its appearance changes upon absorbing 4 and 7 normal damage shots, but it cannot be destroyed, it just degrades. The zombie absorbs the succeeding hits. The Magnet-shroom can take it.
- A stick with handles at the top, a spring-loaded jumper at the the bottom. Step onto it and hop around!
- When Doctor Rebos was putting his Wonder Dog android together, he was having Loco hand him the parts for him to assemble, he asked him to hand him a leg, and then another one. But Loco told him he already handed him a leg, but Rebos tells him: "Dumb, dumb, I'm not making a pogo stick!"
- A pogo is a trick where you bounce up and down. This trick should not be confused with the Ollie AKA Bunny Hop.
- Discovering this device requires level 91 Invention. Success in creating the blueprints earns 121,584 Invention experience. Weapons must be set to "unsheathed" for animations to be in effect. The pogo stick will not work with some walk animations active. File:Pogo stick.gif
- A pogo stick is one of the most devastating weapons known to man. Nobody knows exactly what the limits of a pogo stick's power are but it is known that they can kick the asses of such enemies as ninjas or even baby seals. Those foolhardy few who have pushed a pogo stick to the limits of its power are usually found later crouching in a corner of the room, sucking their thumb and singing country 'n' western music to themselves.