| - Trope Overdosed The Webcomic is a webcomic devoted to TV Tropes. The site has been down since 2013, with wiki pages like this the only record of its ephemeral existence. The concept of the webcomic is simple, every strip is some sort of example of a trope. It could be any sort of playing around with the trope, including the characters simply explaining it while in a situation that involves it. The main characters are Alice and Bob. It's just starting up as of right now and its author is planning on being its Entry Pimp until it can get famous enough for him to not need to, if it ever does. He has pretty much stopped, though, because other people have pretty much replaced him in doing this, and he's lazy. It's made partially in Garry's Mod and partially by way of drawings made by one of the author's friends since the author can't draw. Its obvious goal is to reach Trope Overdosed status, but that hasn't happened just yet.
* Alice and Bob: The main characters of the webcomic
* Alt Text: Shows up sometimes.
* Art Shift: From Hand drawn to G-Mod to GIMP.
* Bag of Holding: The stinky old peddler sold Bob quite a nice one of these at some indeterminate time.
* Battle Discretion Shot: We do not see what happens.
* Christmas Episode: This functions as the beginning of the first legitimate story arc.
* Critical Existence Failure: Bite = Explosion if and only if Bob is bitten and he has low enough hp that it decreases him to zero.
* Everything's Better with Penguins: The only non monster in the cave. Becomes Alice and Bob's pet.
* Exploding Barrels: Bob blows himself up with some of these.
* Eye Beam: From a beholder, no less
* Incredibly Lame Pun: Turn undead indeed.
* I Have Your Wife: SPIS has Alice.
* In Soviet Russia, Trope Mocks You: In Russia, sentry sap spy!
* Level Grinding: Alice and Bob level grind for many a panel, but, alas, only reach level 2
* Neon Sign Hideout: You can't get more obvious than a signe "Obvious spy base where Alice obviously is.
* Non Sequitur Thud: Seven is a color!
* Outside Ride: Bob rides the blue falcon on the outside... for the fun of it.
* Power Level: They fight a monster with a power level over nine thousaaaaaaand
* Schizo-Tech: Axes, bows, swords, shields and jeeps. Lampshaded.
* Shout-Out: One to FinalFantasyVII, and It's over NINE THOUSAAAAAAND
* Stillborn Serial: The webcomic had a temporary period of simulated Stillborn Serial during which the author almost gave up and actually made it a Stillborn Serial. (Comic signifying the end of said period)
* Symbol Swearing: For some reason, the symbols are written.
* Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Stick figure Alice has a bow on her head.
* You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Alice, thanks to Art Shift.