| - In this future, the USS Enterprise-D had continued to serve as the flagship of the Federation for several decades after 2370. About five years prior to the events Picard encountered, the ship was almost decommissioned until Admiral William T. Riker took interest in his old ship and made it his personal flagship. The ship was refitted with a third warp nacelle and other technologies such as a powerful phaser emitter and a cloaking device. The Klingons had conquered the Romulan Star Empire, rather than the empire being crippled by a supernova, and relations between the Klingons and the Federation had deteriorated significantly. Picard had stepped down as captain of the Enterprise to become an ambassador, before retiring to his vineyards on Earth, where Irumodic Syndrome had began to cause his mental pathways to deteriorate. He had married Beverly Crusher, but the couple had divorced. After the divorce, she had kept the Picard surname and taken command of the medical ship USS Pasteur. The ship had been allowed by the Klingons to deliver medical supplies to the plague victims on war torn Romulus. Worf and Riker were both interested in courting Deanna Troi, but neither did so because of the other person. Troi later died, and Worf and Riker became enemies for the next 20 years. Worf became a member of the Klingon High Council, but his position diminished and he was relegated to the governorship of a small Klingon colony on H'atoria. Geordi La Forge eventually retired from Starfleet, married Leah Brahms and became the father of three children and an author. He took ocular implants to replace his VISOR. Data held the Lucasian Chair at Cambridge University. He had emotions, was able to use contractions, and had added a streak of gray to his hair. This future was altered when Q interfered by transferring the consciousness of Picard from 2370 to the body of his older self. The Enterprises from three time periods created the anti-time eruption and were subsequently successful in collapsing the anomaly. When Picard's consciousness was returned to his 2370 self, he shared his experience of how the future was going to unfold with the crew. He caused them to make different life choices, which created new future for the prime timeline, which caused nothing from this timeline to happen. (TNG: "All Good Things..." )