| - "Stem Cells" is an invented term, created by liberals so they can force more abortions on unsuspecting Americans In regular abortions, liberals kill full-term baby Americans; to harvest stem cells, liberals kill baby Americans' cells, which according to the Bible, is just as bad. The use of stem cells is clearly evil because Jesus loved unborn fetuses more than cancer patients or paralyzed people. Here is the entire liberal agenda in poem form: First they come for the stem cells, then they came for the pre-born, then they came for our children; Why do liberals hate Our troops?
- Most stem cells are obtained from spare embryos provided by fertility treatment clinics. These embryonic stem cells are used in a variety of ways: 1. They can be used to cure degenerative diseases. As they are undifferentiated, they can replace or repair damaged tissues in the body. This has been used to cure paralysis. blindness and, potentially, brain damage. 2. They can be used to grow new organs in vitro. These organs can be then used for transplants or drug testing. 1. Cure heart disease
- Stem cells are undifferentiated cells, that is, those that do not perform a specialized function but are capable of changing into specialized cells. All human beings start out as a single cell, and stem cells are common in the developing fetus. However, as a human being grows and develops, cells become more differentiated and specialized. Although adults do have stem cells, they are not common in the body. In Not Cancer, House deals with patients who die when stem cells become cancerous, take the place of healthy cells, but do not differentiate into the appropriate cell.
| - Most stem cells are obtained from spare embryos provided by fertility treatment clinics. These embryonic stem cells are used in a variety of ways: 1. They can be used to cure degenerative diseases. As they are undifferentiated, they can replace or repair damaged tissues in the body. This has been used to cure paralysis. blindness and, potentially, brain damage. 2. They can be used to grow new organs in vitro. These organs can be then used for transplants or drug testing. Adult stem cells (found in the bone marrow) are harder to utilise due to the fact that they can form only a limited number of cell types. However, they have been used to: 1. Cure heart disease 2. Provide stem cells for therapeutic cloning. Adult cells are used to produce a cloned early embryo of the adult. This can then be used to produce new organs for the donor
- "Stem Cells" is an invented term, created by liberals so they can force more abortions on unsuspecting Americans In regular abortions, liberals kill full-term baby Americans; to harvest stem cells, liberals kill baby Americans' cells, which according to the Bible, is just as bad. The use of stem cells is clearly evil because Jesus loved unborn fetuses more than cancer patients or paralyzed people. Here is the entire liberal agenda in poem form: First they come for the stem cells, then they came for the pre-born, then they came for our children; Why do liberals hate Our troops? Stem cells fuel the liberals' war on America and freedom, which is why they murder countless Americans. Also, it is said to taste like powdered milk.
- Stem cells are undifferentiated cells, that is, those that do not perform a specialized function but are capable of changing into specialized cells. All human beings start out as a single cell, and stem cells are common in the developing fetus. However, as a human being grows and develops, cells become more differentiated and specialized. Although adults do have stem cells, they are not common in the body. Medical science is now studying stem cells as a possible treatment for diseases where the body is unable to create or replace specialized cells. In theory, if stem cells are placed in the appropriate place in the body, they should be able to differentiate into the appropriate type of cell. If this is the case, many conditions from diabetes mellitus to degenerative nerve diseases could be successfully treated. Currently, most stem cells are harvested from aborted fetuses and are grown in cultures. The source of stem cells has caused a great deal of controversy over the research and during the administration of George W. Bush, the federal government did not fund stem cell research based on cells from aborted fetuses. However, several private foundations, such as the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, do fund such research. In Not Cancer, House deals with patients who die when stem cells become cancerous, take the place of healthy cells, but do not differentiate into the appropriate cell. In Small Sacrifices, the patient initially refuses stem cell treatment for his multiple sclerosis.