| - Hair color is an easy visual shorthand for getting information about a character to the audience. Most often, hair color will tell you something about the character's personality, but sometimes, its meaning is far more obvious: this character has an Elemental Powers and the hair color to match the element. Quite often, their personality will also be tied to their element and thus their hair color. This is less common in Live-Action media than in animation, video games, comic books, or manga, for obvious reasons. Examples of Elemental Hair include:
| - Hair color is an easy visual shorthand for getting information about a character to the audience. Most often, hair color will tell you something about the character's personality, but sometimes, its meaning is far more obvious: this character has an Elemental Powers and the hair color to match the element. Quite often, their personality will also be tied to their element and thus their hair color.
* Fire - Usually red hair, although sometimes, it will be more orange. Sometimes taken to the logical extreme. Hair will often be short and spiky.
* Earth - Brown or green hair. More rarely, orange or yellow. Usually short hair on males, females may have longer hair. Tends to be Wild Hair or dreadlocks.
* Lightning - Yellow or white. Hair will often be spiky, as though hit by an electric current.
* Water - Usually a bright blue, especially if ice is also present as light blue. Hair is usually straight and of mid length, but it can also be wavy.
* Ice - Light blue or white, and of a similar style to water, though probably less flowing.
* Air - White or gray. Often wavy with lots of volume. It may defy gravity. Can be green in some cases.
* Light/Holy - White or yellow, or outright gold. Tends towards White Haired Pretty Boys and Girls when white.
* Dark - Nearly always Shiny Midnight Black, occasionally more purple.
* Nature/Wood/Plant - Green. Often messy, and decorated with leaves or flowers.
* Love - Pink or gold. Probably because the first is feminine, and the second is often considered pure and innocent. Expect Hair Decorations. Rarely, if ever, found on a male character. This is less common in Live-Action media than in animation, video games, comic books, or manga, for obvious reasons. Sister trope to Elemental Eye Colors. Subtrope of Color-Coded Elements, Color Coded for Your Convenience, and Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance. Often overlaps with You Gotta Have Blue Hair. Compare Flaming Hair, which is this trope for fire elemental users taken Up to Eleven. Examples of Elemental Hair include: