| - A Canadian animated television series created by Simon Racioppa and Richard Elliott for Nelvana and Teletoon. It can be seen on Qubo in the United States, Disney XD in Mexico, Brazil & Spain, Nickelodeon in Sweden, ABC 3 in Australia, Nicktoons in UK & Ireland, and Teletoon in Canada. Once upon a time, there once lived a Mad Scientist who spent his weary days on a secluded island in the middle of the Pacific. To occupy his time, he creates biological abominations that stood against all notions of sanity and common sense. But sadly, it was only a matter of time until the judicial system caught whiff of the whole situation and arrested him for crimes against nature and "good taste". With their master forever gone from their lives, the mutants, with only limited knowledge of the outside world and their customs, are left to construct a civilization of their own. Of course, this leads to ensuing hilarity. See the character sheet for more.
* Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal
* Accidental Kiss: Entree and Wunny Sharbit
* Adobe Flash
* Aesop Amnesia: Most Peri and Entrée cartoons involve one of them gaining some form of power or popularity the other does not have, the other one gets jealous and at the end they decide that it is more important to just be friends... again.
* All Just a Dream: The episode Mo' Mayo Mo' Problems, which then turned into a Dream Within a Dream.
* And Call Him George: Princess Pony Ape Hands
* And Knowing Is Half the Battle: Parodied with the "Knowing is Growing" shorts, which deals with incredibly common problems and misconceptions, such as samurai pet care, time travel, and even snorting up antelopes. We all know you've done the last one sometime in your life.
* Animal Gender Bender: Entrée, who is a male yet has a pair of udders (which he also uses as feet... Wait, what?!).
* He also lays eggs, which confounds the issue further.
* Animate Body Parts: Entree's stomach, brain and heart in "Stomach on Strike".
* Art Shift: A very discreet example. Any episodes that gives Lord Wingus Eternum a speaking role give him a more detailed look (i.e: more frayed hair, longer beak, and eyes in a half-lidded expression).
* The source picture for this page shows how Wingus looks when he's silent/just there. And when he speaks...
* The animation briefly switches over to stop-motion in the beginning of "Poosh and the Quest for the Blargy Parble".
* Ass Shove: Fuzzy accidentally crawls up Entrée's ass in "Brothers in Farms".
* Badass Labcoat: The scientist.
* Bald of Evil: The Mad Scientist.
* Belligerent Sexual Tension: Mister Smarty Smarts and Octocat's relationship, which is thoroughly shown in the episodes "Octocataclysm", and "Of Masters and Minions".
* Big Ball of Violence
* Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: The episodes "Livin' La Vida Lava" and "Yetis Don't Care About Nothin".
* Body Horror: Often, but having your spine sucked viciously from your body by a baby robot comes to mind as a particularly cringe-worthy one.
* Breaking the Fourth Wall:
* Peri in "Bowled Over": "But when I realized I was narrating, I knew it was time to take a break." He even tries to speak to Entrée in his Inner Monologue before correcting himself.
* Several of the Idiosyncratic Wipes address the audience.
* Brick Joke: The Robot with a Sandwich Brain...in color.
* "The Couch Hates Me".
* The boxers Peri and Entree stole from the Doctor's lab in "Stomach On Stike". Entree told Peri the boxers didn't fit him, and was interrupted before he could tell him the whereabouts of it. About a minute later, when Entree's stomach climbs out of his body, it barfs out the muffins Entree was trying to digest, and a pair of boxers.
* Bring My Brown Pants: In the episodes "Cleaning Up" and "The Mutants Who Cried Monster".
* Buffy-Speak: "Look, a thingy thing thing!"
* Caffeine Bullet Time: Peri experiences this as a result of consuming huge amounts of sugar in "Sugar Low".
* Calling Your Attacks: Two-legs Joe. THUNDER STOMP! TELEPORT STOMP!! QUANTUM STOMP!!! REGURGA-STOMP!!!! The intermission wipes even lampshaded about this and noted on how absurd it could get.
* Smarty-Smarts when he had his Mechanical Stomping Legs. "RAINBOW FISHY STOMP!!!"
* Calvin Ball: Bucket Stick Fruitball.
* Catch Phrase: Fuzzy's "Huzzah!" and "Expedition note!", Joe's exclamations of "Horns above!" and "Sweet mercy!", and Entrée's "May-O-NAAAAAAISE!"
* Chekhov's Gun: Peri's bowling skills are necessary to save the town from bowling pin-shaped aliens near the end of "Bowled Over".
* "Close Enough" Timeline: The end of Mr. Wrinkles in Time.
* Combat Tentacles: Tentacle Bob.
* Companion Cube: Boosty the jet pack.
* Continuity Nod / Call Back: Despite Negative Continuity being in full effect (especially when the episode ends with the island being destroyed), some things remain the same for one episode to another. For example, Entrée's udder teets still have the same names from episode to episode (although which one is which may vary).
* Convection, Schmonvection: The episode "Livin' La Vida Lava". The entire town ends up using lava as if it were a public utility.
* And in "Bowled Over", Peri pulls a bowling ball out of the top of a volcano.
* Heck, just their use of the volcano in general.
* Covered in Kisses: Two-legs Joe Thanks to Entrée's heart in "Stomach on Strike".
* Cryptic Background Reference: The Blargy Parble, which we never get to see.
* Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Entrée and Peri. The former can fly, teleport, mind-control people, and summon sea creatures to do his bidding. The latter can shapeshift, detatch his limbs, and turn people into his slaves with butterfly wings.
* Dance Party Ending: Poosh and the Quest for the Blargy Parble.
* Did You Die?: A variation is used in the episode One Joe Wingus:
* Ditz: Calcu-Pony. "Beige!"
* Does This Remind You of Anything?: In the episode "Pink", Peri wakes up one day and finds out that he has turned the color pink (instead of his usual orange), and Entrée does not want to be his friend anymore because of this. The metaphor is heightened by the fact that Entrée thinks that being around Peri will turn him pink, and indeed has a nightmare in which this happens.
* The episode "Juice" and "Mo' Mayo Mo' Problems".
* Efficient Displacement: Several times. How Joe found out who stole his pretzel-maker. Invoked when the hole Entree cuts open with a laser sword is shaped just like himself.
* Egopolis: The town on the island has this for the Doctor to an extent.
* Epic Fail: Peri tries to paint Two-Legs' house and it catches on fire.
* Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Mister Smarty Smarts and Octocat.
* Everything's Better with Rainbows
* Everything's Better with Samurai: But you should leave them in the wild, because they make bad pets.
* Everything's Deader with Zombies: The episode "Bite, Shuffle and Moan".
* Everything's Even Worse with Sharks and Killer Rabbit: The Wunny Sharbit: part rabbit, part shark, part chainsaw, all killer.
* Evilly Affable: Apéritif, Entrée's evil brother.
* Eye Scream: In both of the first two episodes, Entrée gets a forieign object in the eye: a wrench in "Bowled Over" and a book in "Stuck Together".
* Also the chair that holds their eyes open. Interestingly though, while meant to be a torture device, Peri applies the holders to himself, thinking they're for convenience.
* Fantastic Aesop: The "Knowing is Growing" shorts, which have included aesops like 'don't put antelopes up your nose', 'gravy isn't a vegetable; it's a fruit', and 'don't adopt samurai as pets'.
* Fur Is Clothing: In "Bowled Over", Peri pulls back his fur to reveal a tattoo.
* Game Face: Fuzzy and Octocat, Patricia might be another.
* Getting Crap Past the Radar: Literally in the theme song listen at 0:09 (It was made in Canada after all).
* Also in the episode Two Arms Joe after Peri gives Two Legs Joe his arms for the day:
* In "Stupid Means Never Having To Say I'm Sorry", Peri, in a delusional state while being stranded on a marooned island, befriends a tire who both do quite a questionable act on 6:47:
* There's also the title of the episode "Living Hellp" (Yes, it was spelt with two l's and everything)
* Gross-Out Show: It's not really as gross as you'd expect it to be, but there has been some instances where you get to see miles of snot, exposed brains, the sounds of stretched limbs slowly tearing apart, and the occasional inside-out bodies.
* Hair-Raising Hare: The Wunny Sharbit.
* Idiosyncratic Wipes: The show's main Running Gag, which is often accompanied with random sound effects for laughs.
* Inherently Funny Words: Blargy Parble.
* Poosh.
* In Medias Res: "Octocataclysm." Lampshaded when Peri tries to explain the concept to Entrée.
* Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja: Unlike Samurai, they make great pets.
* Instant Expert: Peri and Entrée find a learning helmet that lets them instantly download and master a large number of skills, with a recurring side effect.
* It Tastes Like Feet: Entrée says this after attempting to eat Two-legs Joe.
* Kill Sat: Octocat controls one.
* Lilliputians: The mole-sters.
* Makeover Montage: Wunny Sharbit gets one.
* Medium Blending: Happens in several episodes, including "Pork Chop", "Bowled Over", "No Play for Princess", "Two Arms Joe", and "Poosh and the Quest for the Blargy Parble".
* Me's a Crowd: "Clones Don't Care 'Bout Nothin' Either".
* "Mission Impossible" Cable Drop: Entrée performs one while stealing Joe's hat in the episode "Follow Your Dreamworms".
* Mix-and-Match Critters: Pretty much all of the main cast.
* More Teeth Than the Osmond Family: The Wunny Sharbit. It is part shark and chainsaw, after all.
* Network Red Headed Stepchild: On Qubo.
* Never Say "Die": Averted.
* Non Sequitur Thud: Entrée does it in "Amazon".
* Noodle Incident: In "No Play for Princess", Joe reminds Peri and Entrée about what happened the last time they played Bucket Stick Fruitball. We don't get the specifics, but it apparently involved a flight of planes crashing into a bridge, a car going off a ledge, a giant lizard, and dancing.
* Not So Different: In the episode "Same Difference" Two Legs Joe and Mister Smarty Smarts develop a friendship over their mutual dislike of Peri and Entrée (though Mister Smarty Smarts downright despises them, while Joe just finds them annoying).
* Odd Friendship: To Mr. Smarty, Joe and Octocat.
* Off-Model: Even though this is usually done intentionally to express the character's emotions in a very creative manner, the animation crew has tendencies to either animate them extensively with brilliant results, or make it look like a four-year-old could've done it.
* Only Sane Man: Patricia, Octocat and, to a lesser extent, Mister Smarty Smarts and Peri.
* Organ Autonomy: Entrée once made a bet with his brain, heart and stomach that he could survive a week without them. They went off and had adventures of their own for the week.
* Overly Long Tongue: "Stuck Together" shows Peri to have one so long that he can use it to walk on.
* Entrée in "Yetis Don't Care About Nothin".
* Pass the Popcorn: Peri and Entrée in "Of Masters And Minions" and the latter alone in "One Joe Wingus".
* Pet the Dog: More like pet the Octocat for Mister Smarty Smarts.
* Pinball Gag: The episodes "No Play for Princess" and "Same Difference".
* Planimal: The Swineapple. It's part pig, part pineapple.
* Punctuated for Emphasis: "My name is Peri and I! AM! A BOWLER!"
* Relax-O-Vision: Used in the episode "Pork Chop", where Entree goes apeshit on everybody after obtaining Kung-Fu powers.
* Short Run in Peru: Premiered first in Latin America.
* Australia was the first English speaking country to air all known episodes.
* Shout-Out:
* How Entrée sees the Wunny Sharbit in the episode "Cleaning Up" wears a Goaltender mask.
* In the episode "Nightmare On Condemned Street" Entrée says "I have the power!"
* Peri says the same line in "Bowled Over". Right after Entrée says "Do or do not."
* In "Come to the Dork Side", Mr. Smarty Smarts tries to get Peri to join his cause, by strapping him to an electrical chair, forcing him to watch violent scenes, preventing him from blinking, and washing his brain with shampoo. It doesn't work.
* In "Same Difference", one clip in Smarty-Smarts and Joe's montage shows the both of them watching Grossology, which was created by the same people. The Grossology theme can also be heard in the episode "Yetis Don't Care About Nothin"
* One of Entrée's udders is the cane wielding Cranky.
* The original Donkey Kong games in "Octocataclysm".
* Pac-Man in "Honorary Freak".
* To the game Breakout in Cube Whacked.
* "A winner is me." to NES's game Pro Wrestling.
* Peri's Rainbow is to The Red Balloon.
* Kilroy, the famous graffiti man, appears in Follow your Dreamworms.
* Mr. Smarty does the head crushing thing in two episodes.
* Compu-Peri's outfit was very reminiscent of Tron.
* There's a Bond-esque laser scene in Of Masters and Minions...only it works.
* Same episode, Mr. Smarty holds a radio over his head like in Say Anything....
* In Nightmare on Condemned Street, Mr. Smarty can be seen wearing a Suzie Diamond style dress and slinking seductively towards Peri, Entree and Fuzzy in one of the dream visitations. The ensuing flee was quite understandable ( Suzie Diamond is a porn star).
* The "Knowing is Growing" segments are rather like those "The More You Know" ones.
* Patricia's mother computer acts an awful lot like HAL and/or GLaDOS.
* The Count of Pinchy Crabbo is a whole plot reference to The Count of Monte Cristo.
* The board game Clue appears in a whirrel's intestines as a clue to the Blargy Parble.
* The title card to the episode One Joe Wingus is a clear shout out to the Pixar short For the Birds.
* Calcu-Pony makes fun of the ridiculously stupid early generations of My Little Pony.
* "You got computer in my horse! You got horse in my computer!" from "Two Arms Joe" is a reference to 70's Reese's commercials.
* Slow Motion Drop: Entrée does this with a mayonnaise jar in "Stuck Together".
* Slow No: Two-Legs Joe does one when Peri uses his bowling ball to fix his house.
* Snap Back: In "Walkie-Talkie Spinie-Suckie", basically everyone except Peri, Entree, and Octocat permanently lose their spines in a volcano, "Clones Don't Care 'Bout Nothin' Either" had the entire island engulfed with deformed clones of Peri and Entree, "Sgt. Snuggums" had a overpowered and deranged Octocat bombing the island with Fuzzy's rocket, "Bite, Shuffle, and Moan" had everyone except Peri being infected by zombies, and "Mole-sters In the Mist" had the entire shrunken town being enslaved by overgrown mole-sters.
* Space Whale Aesop: The Episode "Pink" and, to a lesser extent, the episode "Compu-Peri"
* Stock Footage: Used repeatedly, mostly in the form of black-and-white, public domain movie footage.
* Strange Minds Think Alike: In one episode, when Peri and Entree are about to fall, Peri reminds Entree he has chicken wings, but Entree objects because chickens live underwater. Then, at the end of the episode:
* Surrounded by Idiots: Mister Smarty Smarts.
* Those Two Guys: Peri and Entrée.
* Title Drop: In "Stuck Together", Entrée fuses Peri to his body and says, "Oh, you know, I just spliced us together with one of the doctor's machines!"
* Two Legs Joe in "Honorary Freak"
* Toilet Humour: Very often.
* Torches and Pitchforks: Standard riot supplies on Keepaway Island. They even keep a flaming torch in a 'break glass in case of emergency' style glass case.
* Trademark Favorite Food: Entrée loves mayonaise.
* Ultimate Authority Mayor: Two Legs Joe.
* The Un-Reveal: Done with Peri's purpose in "Stuck Together".
* Unfortunate Names: The mole-sters, mole/hamster mutants that inhabit the island.
* What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: In "Bowled Over", Peri makes a sandwich, fixes Patricia's car and does Pony Ape Hands' hair with a bowling ball.
* Wheel-O-Feet: This shows up quite a bit. In Entrée's case, Wheel o' Udder Teats.
- "Spliced" is a Season 3 episode of Atomic Betty.
- Spliced is the 2010 cartoon from Teletoon.