| - Blind Date is an episode of the Happy Tree Friends internet series, the twenty fifth of season two, and fifty-second overall.
- Stewie Griffin appears on Blind Date in "8 Simple Rules for Buying My Teenage Daughter". After offering to pick up some "zaa", or 'pizza', a thought bubble appears over his date's head indicating he is cheap. He suggests she is Italian judging by her arm hair. The graphics for the countdown and Therapist Joe were provided by actual crew of Blind Date who shared building space with Family Guy at the time of production according to the DVD commentary.
- Both Matthew and Soo are searching the personal columns for a special friend. When Matthew arranges to meet someone, Soo is upset because she hasn't got anyone special, so Matthew organises a surprise for her. Meanwhile, Matthew's blind date turns up - it is Mo. She is furious when Matthew spurns her. Matthew's surprise for Soo is a Cilla Black lookalike and their own version of Blind Date. Soo chooses Butch as her date. It does not go well, but it makes her see that Sooty is the one she really loves.
- Blind Date is the blind date that Weebl arranges for Bob to cheer him up in date. Bob doesn't realize that his blind date IS literally a blind date, who is also dyslexic, until he actually sees the date. He is one of the few characters who opens his mouth when speaking.
- Blind Date is an episode in The Sleepover Club. It follows The Sleepover Club as they discover that Matthew is busy and no one knows why. Secretly he is helping his cousin Sam teach salsa lessons for the upcoming rugby fund-raising dance.
- Ein Blind Date ist eine Verabredung, bei der die sich treffenden Personen sich noch nie zuvor gesehen haben, sondern ihr Treffen entweder von einem Dritten oder von den beiden nicht durch direkte Absprache arrangiert worden ist. Als die Enterprise (NX-01) 2151 den Erstkontakt zwischen Menschen und Xyrillianern herstellt sind ihre Einrichtungen für die visuelle Schiff-zu-Schiff-Kommunikation defekt, so dass man die Xyrillianer nicht sehen kann. Commander Tucker fühlt sich deswegen wie bei einem Blind Date als er an Bord des Schiffs der Xyrillianer geht. (ENT: )
- "Blind Date" is a parody of The Killers' "Somebody Told Me".
- Blind Date is a movie created by Matt Houchin and Ross McNamara.
- In this episode of Misadventures of Alex, Alex tries to set up Brandie and Carl on a blind date!! Brandie belongs to Brandie~carlfan16.
- At one point in my life, I was a serial killer. I claimed eighteen victims in my spree around the New York City metropolitan area. My method was simple, arrange meetings with women from dating websites like EHarmony and Match.com under a false name, eventually lure them to my home or a secluded place, then hold them down and carefully dissect them. I love separating the organs from one another, removing the heart first so that there wasn't much struggling through the process. It was quite a joy, one that I would be continuing if it weren't for my meeting Stephanie Denatti.
- "Blind Date" is the twenty-first episode of the first season of Angel and the twenty-first episode overall. Written by Jeannine Renshaw and directed by Thomas J. Wright, it was originally broadcast on May 16, 2000 on the WB network.
- After assisting the Sanro Kai in taking back their respecting districts in Tokyo, Scott Monroe heads to Otori's Dojo where Otori gives Scott a new, heavier sword. Otori holds the Katana Giri at the Dojo while Scott trains with Mariko and later continues his journey.
- The speech Jack gives to Kenneth at the cast/crew poker game is a parody of Anthony Hopkins' (as Hannibal Lector) speech to Jodie Foster (as Clarice Starling) about her humble beginning in the 1991 film Silence of the Lambs. Silence of the Lambs: 30 Rock:
- En un momento en mi vida, yo era un asesino en serie. Reclamé dieciocho víctimas en mi juerga alrededor del área metropolitana de la ciudad de Nueva York. Mi método era simple: organizar reuniones con mujeres de sitios web de citas como eHarmony y Match.com con un nombre falso, con el tiempo atraerlas a mi casa o a un lugar apartado, a continuación, mantenerme calmado, usar mí "jugada" y cuidadosamente diseccionarlas.