| - Mozilla Firefox is considered to be the liberal web browser. It's open source and it is currently at version 3.0, you can download it from Mozilla
- Mozilla Firefox (amerikanisch-englische Aussprache [moʊˈzɪlə ˈfaɪɹfɑks]) ist ein freier Webbrowser des Mozilla-Projekts. Der seit Mitte 2002 entwickelte Open-Source-Webbrowser zeichnet sich besonders durch seine vielfältigen Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten aus. Firefox ist nach dem Windows Internet Explorer der zweithäufigst genutzte Webbrowser.
- Mozilla Firefox Developer CenterMozilla Firefox is a free web browser for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, in which the latest stable version is 3.5.7. A beta was released for the new upcoming version 3.6.
- Opera è un altro nemico di Firefocs che, come la volpe infuocata, punta alla detronizzazione del malefico IE per instaurare una dittatura nazionalsocialista all'interno del web, facendo chiudere tutti i siti illuminati dal rosso porpora e, tutti quelli creati dal popolo senza terra, cosa che ogni brava volpe bolscevica deve aborrire, come la libertà di parola, pensiero e stampa.
- Mozilla Firefox is one of the most popular open source web browsers, included by default in most Linux distributions. It's main draws are its power and flexibility, both through altering its userChrome.css and by changing its about:config options., as well as by making an unrivalled number of extensions available to install.
- Firefox is an Internet Browser made by Mozilla, an Internet company In which creates many open source projects. One major part of Firefox In which people drift to Firefox for, is the hundreds of add-ons In which people like you have created.
- Mozilla Firefox (모질라 파이어폭스)는 Mozilla 프로젝트에서 떨어져나온, Gecko 엔진 基盤의 작고 가벼운 自由소프트웨어 웹 브라우저이다. 大韓民國 네티즌들 사이에서는 愛稱으로 불여우라 부르는 境遇도 있다.
- Mozilla Firefox thumb|Палёная лиса FireFox — напалмовая лиса или палёная Патрикеевна. Также известна под именами Лиса-пожарник, Братец Лис, Большой FF, Гигантская лиса-поджигатель, Безногий лис-инвалид, Рыжая комета, Котохвост, Огненный брат, Большой глаз, Славный лётчик ЛисиЦын, Лиса Тормозилла.
- Mozilla Firefox是一個網頁瀏覽器,由 Mozilla基金會 ( Firebird」,之後又改為這個名字。 Firefox是 Mozilla基金會要開發一個輕便、快速、簡單與高擴充性的瀏覽器(與 Mozilla Suite區分)。Firefox已經是Mozilla開發的主要焦點,並將成為Mozilla基金會的官方瀏覽器,並可能成為Mozilla Suite的一部份(與 Mozilla Thunderbird電子郵件客戶端共同組成)。 Firefox專案一開始是Dave Hyatt與Blake Ross由 Mozilla 瀏覽器專案分支出來的一個實驗專案。他們認為 Mozilla 瀏覽器專案受到網景通訊公司贊助的商業需求所拖累,並且有過度開發者導向的功能蔓延。目前專案開發由Ben Goodger主持。
- Záměrem původního tvůrce, Mozilla Foundation, bylo vytvořit malý, rychlý, jednoduchý a vysoce rozšiřitelný webový prohlížeč vedle stávajícího velkého balíku internetového softwaru Mozilla Suite. Firefox je nyní společně s e-mailovým klientem Mozilla Thunderbird nejdůležitějším projektem Mozilla Corporation.
- Firefox is a web browser project that came from the open sourcing of the Netscape Navigator. During the development of Mozilla it was decided to make a stripped down web browser that would be small fast loading and extendible.
- Firefox is an open source web browser designed by the Mozilla Corporation. It is the second-most used web browser, and it is known for the extensive list of third-party add-ons, such as ChatZilla. The browser includes many default features such as tabbed browsing and a built-in spell checker. This article is a stub and needs expanding. Please expand it!
- Mozilla Firefox (dawniej Mozilla Firebird, Phoenix) – popularna przeglądarka internetowa oparta na silniku Gecko. Dostępna na licencji Open Source.
- Mozilla Firefox es un navegador de Internet libre y de código abierto descendiente de Mozilla Application Suite, desarrollado por la Corporación Mozilla, la Fundación Mozilla y un gran número de voluntarios externos. Cuenta con el 20.78% del mercado de navegadores web a partir de noviembre de 2008, por lo que es el segundo navegador más popular en todo el mundo, después de Internet Explorer.
- O Mozilla Firefox é um navegador livre e multi-plataforma desenvolvida pela Mozilla Foundation (em Português: Fundação Mozilla) com ajuda de centenas de colaboradores. A intenção da fundação é desenvolver um navegador livre, seguro, intuitivo e altamente extensível. Baseado no componente de navegação da Mozilla Suite (continuada pela comunidade Seamonkey), o Firefox tornou-se o objetivo principal da Mozilla Foundation. O atual projeto Firefox da Mozilla Fundation, passou pôr algumas mudanças em seu nome oficial, o primeiro fora Mozilla Phoenix, mas já estava registrado para a empresa Phoenix Tecnologies - da versão 0.1 até 0.5 fora desenvolvido com essa nomenclação, quando passou a usar o nome oficial de Mozilla Firebird, mas houve conflito com a marca registrada do banco de dados Firebird
- Mozilla Firefox is a free, cross-platform web-browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and many other volunteers. Its more popular features include tabbed browsing, pop-up blocking, themes and extensions, live bookmarks, web-standards support, and higher security than many other browsers (such as Internet Explorer). Firefox uses Gecko as it's web browser engine. Firefox is open-source.
- Mozilla Firefox is a free. popular web browser for Windows, Mac and Linux. It has very good standards support and a plethora of features. Originally Netscape Navigator, today Firefox is one of the most respected browsers. Firefox runs the Gecko rendering engine, and is one of the few browsers that does not use Webkit. Mozilla is a non profit organization. Firefox is completely open source, the only open source browser out of the top five. On Linux, Firefox is the most popular browser, and comes with most distros. Firefox is available at mozilla.org/firefox.
- thumb|Логотип браузера Mozilla Firefox — свободный браузер, входящий в набор программ Mozilla Application Suite, разработкой и распространением которого занимается Mozilla Corporation. Третий по популярности браузер в мире и первый среди свободного ПО — в мае 2013 года его рыночная доля составила 19,77 %. Браузер имеет особенный успех в некоторых странах, в частности, в Германии и Польше это самый популярный браузер с долей 47 % и 43 % соответственно. В России Firefox занимает второе место по популярности среди десктопных браузеров с долей 22,41 % пользователей на май 2013 года.
- Mozilla Firefox is a famous magical girl of the 21st century, seen by many Europeans (even though she's technically a United Statesian) as the Western answer to Japan's infamous "Project Sailor Moon". She is a direct descendant of the legendary Maozilla and a daughter of now-deceased Mozilla Suite. Mozilla is therefore a last name, but is written first to make fun of the Japanese.
- Mozilla Firefox (was Mozilla Firebird) (was Phoenix) Company: Mozilla.org Author: -- (Freeware) (open source) Windows OS: Windows Other OS: MAC OS X; Linux; Unix Languages: English and many other languages download page v 2.0 (2006-10-23) [ Firefox Setup 2.0.exe (5763 KB) Windows (English-US)] Buzzy's review: