| - The Medkit Improved Heal is a Specialization featured in the multiplayer of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 as well as its expansion, Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Vietnam and is exclusive to the Medic kit. This specialization increases the speed at which Medkits heal teammates by 100%, allowing faster healing. With this specialization, the Medkit heals 10 health per 0.5 seconds. Without it, it heals 10 health per second. Likewise, if a player were to acquire a medic's kit without having equipped this specialization at spawn, the specialization would not be in effect.
| - The Medkit Improved Heal is a Specialization featured in the multiplayer of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 as well as its expansion, Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Vietnam and is exclusive to the Medic kit. This specialization increases the speed at which Medkits heal teammates by 100%, allowing faster healing. With this specialization, the Medkit heals 10 health per 0.5 seconds. Without it, it heals 10 health per second. The Medic Kit Improved Heal specialization is partnered to the player, not their kit. So, if a medic who spawned with this specialization equipped were to acquire a new medic's kit, this specialization would still be in effect. Likewise, if a player were to acquire a medic's kit without having equipped this specialization at spawn, the specialization would not be in effect.