| - If the guitar is granite, this is just a great caption away from being a winner. I suggest something like "Symphona, the Greek goddess of rock (Opera in Roman mythology) was one of the lesser goddesses born to Tethys and Oceanus. She is said to bless those who truly appreciate "a killer riff" by turning herself into a sculpture made out of stone (it is assumed marble). She is considered a lesser goddess because this happened only once." Of course, you can do whatever you want with it, I'm just throwing this idea out there.-- 14:47, 1 March 2007 (UTC) Don't forget something about her male followers having mullets, and the females having really big hair. -- 16:54, 1 March 2007 (UTC)
* Okay guys. Today I uploaded two new versions. The first one made the guitar look more "rocky" using the patterns in Photoshop CS, while the other version (currently showing) was created using an actual picture of a rock. I'm not sure if it looks that much better, so please tell me how to improve it. Also, I love your caption Brad. -- 05:19, 3 March 2007 (UTC) This pic is better than the one w/the photoshop rock. It just needs a shadow where the hand is grasping the guitar neck and maybe swap out the thing in his right hand for a "granitized" bottle of Jack Daniels. It may be a bit late, but have you considered using a Flying V guitar instead of this one? The "V" is Greek for "rock".-- 05:32, 3 March 2007 (UTC) At this point I could still probably make it a flying V, although this is the only really high-res guitar picture I could get at this angle. So, if you can find me a source image, I'll make it happen. Also, I tried putting a guitar pick in the other hand, but since the thumb is missing, and I can't make a new one, I just left it. But, at this point, does the guitar look like stone? -- 06:00, 3 March 2007 (UTC) Also, I'm not sure where you want the shadow. You need to speak slowly and clearly Modus. -- 06:01, 3 March 2007 (UTC) Yes, it looks like stone. Since Symphona appears to be lit mostly from below, there needs to be a shadow above the hand on the neck of the guitar; maybe a smaller, not-so dark one below the hand also. This Flying V may work, if you want to change the guitar. There are also the wee details, if you are particularly obsessive, like airbrushing out the strings or lightening the whammy-bar/jack/etc (to make them appear to stick out a bit), but shit like that is up to you. If it was me, I'd do stuff like that...but then I did spent 10+ hours and at least four different versions to put a kitten on a pony.-- 06:12, 3 March 2007 (UTC) Okay, I'll do that when I have time (sometime this weekend I hope). I also spent like 5 minutes and one version to replace a Cuban revolutionary's face with the face of a zombie, and then like 10+ hours and 5 revisions to turn elephants pink. -- 06:20, 3 March 2007 (UTC) Kudos! Have you considered combining the two? -- 06:28, 3 March 2007 (UTC) If I knew how to make pink-zombie-elephants, trust me I would. -- 06:30, 3 March 2007 (UTC)
* Looks miles better with the stone effect but still there's something not quite right. Did you use a stone overlay from the statue itself? That could work. Still, a pretty good job - would go very well in an article. -- 19:47, 13 March 2007 (UTC)