| - The Grand Conspiracy is the Absolute Truth about the state of the world today. Everyone you have ever known, every country, every non-governmental and intergovernmental organization, every African or South American tribesman, every head of state, every famous person, and everything that you have ever seen is involved. Even you, yourself, are involved, yet you do not know about it!
| - The Grand Conspiracy is the Absolute Truth about the state of the world today. Everyone you have ever known, every country, every non-governmental and intergovernmental organization, every African or South American tribesman, every head of state, every famous person, and everything that you have ever seen is involved. Even you, yourself, are involved, yet you do not know about it! If you choose to ignore the threat of the conspiracy, you will be enslaved and eaten by spork-wielding squirrels wearing pickelhaubes! Therefore you must believe this theory. Skepticism is the path to destruction! What are YOU doing to protect YOUR family from spork-wielding squirrels wearing pickelhaubes? You should be careful not to trust the likes of H. G. Wells. His "predictions of the future" were only able to come true because of the evil Synarchist network he was involved with that took his dastardly plans as gospel to be enacted through front organizations such as the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, and the World Wildlife Fund. Lyndon LaRouche told me that, you know, and he is one of the most important political and economic commentators of the last century.