| - Mediterranean Sea Campaign became direct consequence of Alexandrian Peace Treaty violation from both sides. This violation has began by pagan pro-republican insurgency on Sicily. Hypatia of Alexandria, influential scientist and politician, convinced dictator Aveciana to send armed forces to Sicily, help pagan rebels. Dictator sent three rifle platoons (150 heavy armed troops) to help pagans and also food and medical supplies. However, when armed forces reached Sicily, they were ambushed by Roman Army. Whole pagan insurgency was fake trap created by Arbogast, to get control over republican firearms.
| - Mediterranean Sea Campaign became direct consequence of Alexandrian Peace Treaty violation from both sides. This violation has began by pagan pro-republican insurgency on Sicily. Hypatia of Alexandria, influential scientist and politician, convinced dictator Aveciana to send armed forces to Sicily, help pagan rebels. Dictator sent three rifle platoons (150 heavy armed troops) to help pagans and also food and medical supplies. However, when armed forces reached Sicily, they were ambushed by Roman Army. Whole pagan insurgency was fake trap created by Arbogast, to get control over republican firearms. Hypatia of Alexandria was also on ship with armed forces and also went to ambush. Everyone, expect commander of forces Abdul Nashiar and Hypatia, were killed by Roman Army troops. Nashiar and Hypatia was sent to guarded fortress prison in Alps, in Arbogast fort where he had elite loyal guard forces. After this incident, the dictator of the republic revokes peace treaty.