| - Continued from last issue... In the secret base of the Jackal, this mysterious foe revels over the fact that after two long years of waiting, he'll finally get revenge against Spider-Man for murder. Meanwhile, Peter Parker walks the seemingly resurrected Gwen back to her apartment, however when she asks Peter if he still loves her, he's at a loss for an answer. He leaves, and decides to mull over his feelings towards Gwen and Mary Jane by web-slinging as Spider-Man.
Elsewhere the suburb of Monticello, New York, the Scorpion breaks into the home of crime boss Santonio. There he boasts that he killed Spider-Man and intends to take control of Santonio's turf. However, Santonio shows the Scorpion news footage showing that Spider-Man is very much alive. Furious, Scorpion leaves to get back at the wall-crawler. On his way out, he's attacked by the Jackal. The Jackal offers the Scorpion what he's been looking for: A chance at getting at Spider-Man once and for all.
Meanwhile, the wall-crawler himself has tracked down Mac Gargan's current address and snoops around. Inside he finds all the loot he's recently stolen and reports it to the police. He then returns to the hospital and changes back to Peter Parker to visit his Aunt May. There they are startled by the Scorpion who arrives coming to look for Spider-Man.
Peter is knocked aside, and Aunt May faints from shock. Frustrated the Scorpion goes on a rampage through the hospital. Peter changes into Spider-Man and confronts the Scorpion. Their battle takes them outside of the hospital and onto the roof tops. There Spider-Man manages to knock the Scorpion off a building. In order to save himself from a fall, he grabs onto a statue out-croping on the building and demands that Spider-Man him, and that he'd do anything. Sure enough, Spider-Man does, under the condition that before being taken away from the police, that he apologize for frightening Aunt May. When he does so, she scolds the Scorpion for having no manners.