Raiser Emperor, also known as The Matchless Warrior: Raiser Emperor, is the entity of insurmountable power and destructive capacity that is born when Podium Virtue, Fortuna Huntsman, Union Illusive, Superion Breaker, and Raiser Omega all perform the advanced Gattai process in order to merge their powers and bodies into a single combined, enormous, ultra powerful Jaeger. Raiser Emperor is considered the absolute pinnacle of Mara Kraff's work, and the original being in which she set out to design in order to crush the precursors and their kaiju.
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| - Raiser Emperor, also known as The Matchless Warrior: Raiser Emperor, is the entity of insurmountable power and destructive capacity that is born when Podium Virtue, Fortuna Huntsman, Union Illusive, Superion Breaker, and Raiser Omega all perform the advanced Gattai process in order to merge their powers and bodies into a single combined, enormous, ultra powerful Jaeger. Raiser Emperor is considered the absolute pinnacle of Mara Kraff's work, and the original being in which she set out to design in order to crush the precursors and their kaiju.
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| - Raiser Emperor, also known as The Matchless Warrior: Raiser Emperor, is the entity of insurmountable power and destructive capacity that is born when Podium Virtue, Fortuna Huntsman, Union Illusive, Superion Breaker, and Raiser Omega all perform the advanced Gattai process in order to merge their powers and bodies into a single combined, enormous, ultra powerful Jaeger. Raiser Emperor is considered the absolute pinnacle of Mara Kraff's work, and the original being in which she set out to design in order to crush the precursors and their kaiju.