| - The Imperial Academy (帝國学術院(ていこくがくじゅついん)) is a research and educational facility located in Heimdallr, Erebonia.
- Imperial Academies were training institutions of the Galactic Empire for teaching cadets to serve in different Imperial Armed Forces branches.
- The Imperial Academy is an education curriculum put in place by the Galactic Empire during the creation of Emperor Palpatine's New Order. It utilized several prestigious schools on several worlds, chief among them Raithal and Carida. Each branch or campus would have the same base doctrine, with additional courses focused on various disciplines and specialties. Branches of the Imperial Academy System were located on:
* Carida — site of the Academy of Carida, specializing in Administration, Physical Sciences, and Army and Stormtrooper Training.
* Raithal — site of the Raithal Academy
* Corulag —
* O'paal — site of the O'paali Guardian Center, offering a more focused and secure location to train Army, Navy, and Stormtrooper personnel.
* Coruscant — site of the Coruscani Pilot Institute, a premier school for speeder and small craft piloting.
* Prefsbelt IV — site of the Prefsbelt IV Naval Academy, devoted to producing the most proficient Naval officers, technicians, and pilots in the Imperial ranks.
* Arkanis — site of the Vensenor Flight Academy, serving as an alternative flight school teaching advanced, outside-the-box tactics.
- The Imperial Academy is a Nilfgaardian university and the main academic rival for the University of Oxenfurt. Located in Castel Graupian, it was known mainly for its departments of humanities and science. It also produced many linguists and translators. The academy did not have a department of military science; for that, there was a separate military academy in the city of the Nilfgaard.
- The Imperial Academy is an education curriculum put in place by the Galactic Empire during the creation of Emperor Palpatine's New Order. It utilized several prestigious schools on several worlds, chief among them Raithal and Carida. Each branch or campus would have the same base doctrine, with additional courses focused on various disciplines and specialties. Branches of the Imperial Academy System were located on:
* Carida — site of the Academy of Carida, specializing in Administration, Physical Sciences, and Army and Stormtrooper Training.
* Raithal — site of the Raithal Academy
* Corulag —
* Todell — site of the Todell Guardian Center, offering a more focused and secure location to train Army, Navy, and Stormtrooper personnel.
* Coruscant — site of the Coruscani Pilot Institute, a premier school for speeder and small craft piloting.
* Prefsbelt IV — site of the Prefsbelt IV Naval Academy, devoted to producing the most proficient Naval officers, technicians, and pilots in the Imperial ranks.
* Arkanis — site of the Vensenor Flight Academy, serving as an alternative flight school teaching advanced, outside-the-box tactics. From SW1ki, a Wikia wiki.