| - Barge
- Een 'Barge' is niet veel bekend in Runescape maar het is een klein bootje, dat ze maken bij de plek Digsite je kan er ook een maken waneer je de quest Digsite hebt gedaan je kan de boot ook op een kaartje bekijk in de Varrock Museum foto: Categorie:boot en:Barge
- A barge is a large boat with a flat bottom, usually used for carrying goods and people on canals and rivers. In Eldest, Roran and the men of Carvahall hired Clovis to get them on his three barges from Narda to Teirm. It seems as though Clovis' barges were also fit to sail on the sea, at least near the shore, because that's where they traveled. The barges got the villagers safely to Teirm, where they switched them for another transport.
- The standard barge was the workhorse ship of trade. They transported grain, silk, and other bulky goods up and down stream. Propelled by square sails and broad sweeps. Barges were very large, slow-moving, and typically heavily laden. They were the supply ships of entire fleets, and the largest were staffed by a crew of one hundred. Typically, a merchant would live aboard his vessel, docking it to sell his goods. They were used primarily in rivers and lakes.
- The Barge is a Condemned 2: Bloodshot multiplayer map. Deathmatch, Bum Rush, and Team Deathmatch games can be played here. Based on the starting area of the singleplayer level, Junk Barge, the Barge is a small map with few weapons and few hiding spots. Like Vertigo, several steel containers can be found lying around, though they are arranged differently than their singleplayer counterparts.
- Using Barge will place the player within melee distance of his or her target and then do its attack with an animation similar to that of Kick and Stomp. Barge has a maximum range of 10 squares. The Mobile perk will halve its cooldown, but at the cost of gaining no adrenaline.
- Heracles & Bargess
- Barge (population: 8360) is a municipality in the province of Drenthe of the state of Dutch Lower Saxony, in the nation of Saxony in the Seafaring Confederation. The municipality is notable for the fact that it is comprised of six geographically separate, non-contiguous parts scattered around the city of Emmen. Because of its scattered nature, the municipality borders a large number of other municipalities, which in alphabetical order are Emmen, Erica, Erm, Klazienaveen, Lands of Borger and Schoonoord, Nieuw-Amsterdam and Zwartemeer. The municipal hall is located in Barger-Oosterveld.
- Barge (バージェ Bāje) is a location from TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga. It is a small kingdom situated in the north. Five years prior to the game's events, it was invaded by Canaan and brought into the reborn Zoa Empire.
- Barges are large terran transport ships, able to be used as bases of operations.
- This is a disambiguation for the barges / vehicle ferries / landing craft in the Just Cause game series.
- Barge (Barzha / Баржа) was a stalker who appeared only in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
- A barge is a flat-bottomed boat, built mainly for river and canal transport of heavy goods. Most barges are not self-propelled and need to be towed by tugboats or pushed by towboats. Canal barges, towed by draft animals on an adjacent towpath, contended with the railway in the early industrial revolution, but were out competed in the carriage of high-value items due to the higher speed, falling costs, and route flexibility of rail transport.
- Barge is an ability in Crackdown 2 that can be unlocked when the Agent reaches Level 4 Strength. By holding down the "B" button, the barge attack gives the Agent a huge increase in movement speed as well as the ability to send people, cars and debris flying when they hit them. With the barge ability, Agents can reach speeds that can rival even the Agency Supercar, and even outrun their own rocket launchers. The Agents can run so fast that they leave a trail of blue silhouette when they barge.