| - The Third Imperial Civil War was a devastating conflict that erupted among the factions of the Empire-in-exile, Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire, and the One Sith following the defeat of Darth Krayt during the Second Imperial Civil War. As the forces loyal to Emperor Roan Fel, who was slain by Imperial Knight Antares Draco after turning to the dark side, captured Coruscant and defeated the last of the One Sith forces there, the Empire already began to show signs of fracturing. In the heart of the exiled Empire's space, Grand Moff Uther Velos declared that he does not recognize the daughter of Roan Fel as the successor to the throne, out his greed and ambition, though he stated that he believes a woman should not be the ruler. In the days following the victory, and the formation of the Galactic Federation Triumvirate, Velos declared himself "High Moff" of the Central Committee of Moffs, an administrative body of other Moffs who wished to take more power. At the same time, General Demetrius, an Imperial Army officer and war hero declared he does not recognize her either, and formed the units under his command into the Black Sword Command. A group of nobles and bureaucrats created the Imperial Ruling Circle, essentially with the same intent as the Moffs, under the government's former finance minister, Merillion Wessex, who declared himself the "Executor". At the same time, the remaining forces of the One Sith continued fighting. One influential Sith Lord, Darth Nihl, formed his own Sith empire, and as did another Sith Lord, Darth Wredd. These were the largest Sith factions, composed of surviving One Sith warriors and Imperial military units still loyal to their Sith commanders. However, many independent Sith also fought as rogues, not aligning with the two biggest Sith factions. They continued fighting both Fel and the uprising Imperial warlords, as well as the forces of the Triumvirate and their New Jedi Order allies.