| - OpenArena contains various Special game options that were not included inside the original Quake III Arena game. Enabling them gives some new twists to gameplay, and you should try them. On the forums, 7 suggested a "Ketchup vampires" configuration: he tested a balance of the vampire mode, catch up and award pushing options values. Using vampire mode (gaining health when damaging an opponent) changes the balance of the game, making the players change their tactics. Catch up (players leading in frags cause less damage to trailing players than vice-versa) compensates a bit the advantage a player gains with vampire health. Awardpushing makes very nice to push other players into deadly pits with your weapons, because you can get much vampire health at once this way. 7 suggests using "open" and "floating" maps (like oa_shine, suspended, or wrackdm17), because "closed" maps (maps without wide open spaces) make for very defensive play in vampire mode, and without using "floating" maps (maps suspended in space) awardpushing mode doesn't make much sense. Important: currently (OpenArena 0.8.5), g_catchup works only with non-team-based matches. During team-based matches, its damage reduction does not occur. Using vampire mode can be very funny anyway! WARNING: Parts of the configuration have not been touched/covered in these examples, like server name or "friendly fire" option. You can play using simply the configurations you find here, but in order to have a complete server configuration, you should integrate them with the other commands you can find in Servers#Server config example.