| - If Hot Feet spot player-characters they will come hopping and start attack (except for worlds set to "peaceful") with hits and quite often also with burning-attacks that last for ca. 2 seconds and do heavy damage. However since Hot Feet usually hit again rather fast and can inflict fire damage again quickly, they can be quite dangerous. Additional to that the Lava layer itself can also inflict fire damage when the heat-scale has fully turned red. Blazing Pie and Blazing Sandwich (both made with liquid Lava) will "inverse fire damage" for 15 minutes. This will help a lot when exploring the Lava layer or hunting Hot Feet, because as soon as your character starts to burn, the health bar will go down at first, but will then be healed again by the "blazing" buff potentially. Fire Resistance Potion on the other hand will make the environment-temperature-scale go away for 10 minutes, but does not help against the fire-damage. If Hot Feet are killed or dismissed, they can drop Gunpowder, Coal, (blocks of) Hardened Lava, Stun Bombs, Red Pigment and/or (blocks of) Red Wood Wall, very rarely Explosive Bombs and/or TNT too. Tamed Hot Feet as Pets might prefer to eat Sandwiches, Chizzard Noodle Soup or even simple raw Chizzard Eggs from tamed Chizzards or Night Chizzards. Making a pool of water and standing in it to tame Hot Feet is highly recommended. You can harvest the same materials and things from Pet Hot Feet like they would drop if killed, but usually more in numbers and sometimes better quality or rarer additions, like Explosive Bombs or TNT.
- Beim Hot Foot handelt es sich um eine Flamme, die einem Lava Blub ähnelt, aber auf einer Kerze brennt.