| - Tigraine Mantear è uno dei personaggi della saga fantasy La Ruota del Tempo dello scrittore statunitense Robert Jordan. Tigraine era l'erede al trono di Andor, viene descritta come una donna di bell'aspetto, alta, con occhi chiari e chioma biondo ramata. Ha avuto due figli.
- Tigraine war die Tochter-Erbin von Andor, bevor Morgase den Thron bestieg. Sie verschwand - entweder sie lief weg oder sie ist tot -, als es Zeit wurde, dass sie den Thron übernahm. Sie war verheiratet mit Taringail Damodred und hatte mit ihm einen Sohn, Galad Damodred. Ihr Bruder war Luc Mantear.
- She was the Daughter-Heir of Andor and married Taringail Damodred, whom she never loved, to help relations between Andor and Cairhien. Together they had a son, Galad. She was told by the Aes Sedai Gitara Moroso to become a Maiden of the Spear or the world would suffer. Tigraine and her brother Luc were sent to Tar Valon, in the usual tradition of the royalty of Andor. Tigraine vanished mysteriously from Tar Valon in 972 NE, never to be heard from again, causing the third Succession War. She traveled into the Aiel Waste, where she had become a Far Dareis Mai within a year, taking on the name of Shaiel, meaning "woman who is dedicated".
| - She was the Daughter-Heir of Andor and married Taringail Damodred, whom she never loved, to help relations between Andor and Cairhien. Together they had a son, Galad. She was told by the Aes Sedai Gitara Moroso to become a Maiden of the Spear or the world would suffer. Tigraine and her brother Luc were sent to Tar Valon, in the usual tradition of the royalty of Andor. Tigraine vanished mysteriously from Tar Valon in 972 NE, never to be heard from again, causing the third Succession War. She traveled into the Aiel Waste, where she had become a Far Dareis Mai within a year, taking on the name of Shaiel, meaning "woman who is dedicated". As she was adopted into the Chumai Sept of the Taardad Aiel she fell in love with the clan chief, Janduin. Together they traveled with the Taardad over the Dragonwall to execute King Laman Damodred, the Oathbreaker, for his crime against the Tree. In the third year of the Aiel War, she became pregnant by Janduin. She should have been sent home, but was not, and had her child on the side of Dragonmount on the third day of the Battle of the Shining Walls, the last day of Nesan, 978 NE and died moments later. This was a child of prophecy, Rand al'Thor.
- Tigraine Mantear è uno dei personaggi della saga fantasy La Ruota del Tempo dello scrittore statunitense Robert Jordan. Tigraine era l'erede al trono di Andor, viene descritta come una donna di bell'aspetto, alta, con occhi chiari e chioma biondo ramata. Ha avuto due figli.
- Tigraine war die Tochter-Erbin von Andor, bevor Morgase den Thron bestieg. Sie verschwand - entweder sie lief weg oder sie ist tot -, als es Zeit wurde, dass sie den Thron übernahm. Sie war verheiratet mit Taringail Damodred und hatte mit ihm einen Sohn, Galad Damodred. Ihr Bruder war Luc Mantear.