| - The Frostling evolves from the Zergling like the Baneling and some other unique strains from the special broods. Its sacs contain a cold Cyan harzadous fluid similar to liquid Nitrogen, which can freeze enemy forces in cold snap through its self-destruct attack. Frozen units are so fragile that even a Zergling can break them down in a single strike. (Red Alert 3: Cryo Legionnaire) Ground units with different sizes takes different amounts of Frostling explosions to be frozen. small units like Marines, Marauders, Zealots, Stalkers, Hydralisks and Zerglings can be frozen by a single explosion while medium-size units such as Hellions, Siege Tanks, Immortals amd Infestors can be frozen by two times of explosions. The massive arsenals, including Thors, Ultralisks and Colossi takes 3 explosions b
- During the Age of Magic, scholars theorized that man and his cousin races were composed of each of the 21 realms of creation. The interplay between fire and ice, hope and wisdom, spirit and body, and other conflicting forces gave them internal conflict but limitless possibilities. When a man chose to serve one god, one element of his person was strengthened by his divine connection.
| - During the Age of Magic, scholars theorized that man and his cousin races were composed of each of the 21 realms of creation. The interplay between fire and ice, hope and wisdom, spirit and body, and other conflicting forces gave them internal conflict but limitless possibilities. When a man chose to serve one god, one element of his person was strengthened by his divine connection. With Mulcarn’s presence on Erebus, the aspect of Ice was empowered all throughout this once balanced dimension. The weather is the most incontrovertible evidences of this, though perhaps the hopelessness of many peoples stems not from their subjugation, but from the silent, chilling force welling up inside them. Possibly the most sinister manifestation of the supremacy of Ice is the creation of the Frostlings. When a man, dwarf, elf, or orc dies in this age, there is always a chance that the Ice in him will exert itself, steal a part of his will, and arise as a Frostling. Primal, mindless creatures, they lurk in blizzards but will swarm upon human settlements if their numbers get high enough. Frostlings are armed with icicle clubs or just their chilling touch, and will leave a settlement looking like it was hit by an avalanche.
- The Frostling evolves from the Zergling like the Baneling and some other unique strains from the special broods. Its sacs contain a cold Cyan harzadous fluid similar to liquid Nitrogen, which can freeze enemy forces in cold snap through its self-destruct attack. Frozen units are so fragile that even a Zergling can break them down in a single strike. (Red Alert 3: Cryo Legionnaire) Ground units with different sizes takes different amounts of Frostling explosions to be frozen. small units like Marines, Marauders, Zealots, Stalkers, Hydralisks and Zerglings can be frozen by a single explosion while medium-size units such as Hellions, Siege Tanks, Immortals amd Infestors can be frozen by two times of explosions. The massive arsenals, including Thors, Ultralisks and Colossi takes 3 explosions before being frozen. The medium and massive units that still survive from the explosion and not frozen can move much slower than normal from the cold. For Structures, 2 explosions for supply and defensive structures, 3 explosions for production and Vespene Gas-providing Structures and 5 explosions for Command Center/Hatchery/Nexus. The liquid Nitrogen-like fluid also cools down water vapour around the frostling, which makes its surface moist and slippery while rolling like ordinary Banelings, making Frostlings one of the fastest Zerg strain the Swarm ever developed. Similar to the Radialisk, The Frostling was invented by the Queen of Blades during her settlement on Char.