| - The Manticore Platform, much like the Earthshaker Cannon and Hydra Flak Platforms, makes use of the common Phaeton Pattern Imperial weapons platform that is comprised of four stabiliser legs. These legs can fold up and motorised tracks can be attached so that the platform, and its mounted weapon, can be towed into place. These platforms are usually towed by larger Imperial support vehicles such as Trojans, as smaller support vehicles, such as the Centaur, are not powerful enough to tow the weight of the platform and its weapon. Each Manticore Platform is crewed by several specially trained Imperial Guard soldiers, usually a commander, a gunner, and several loaders. The crew will ride in the Trojan assigned to their platform when it is moved. Manticore Platforms must also be continuously te
| - The Manticore Platform, much like the Earthshaker Cannon and Hydra Flak Platforms, makes use of the common Phaeton Pattern Imperial weapons platform that is comprised of four stabiliser legs. These legs can fold up and motorised tracks can be attached so that the platform, and its mounted weapon, can be towed into place. These platforms are usually towed by larger Imperial support vehicles such as Trojans, as smaller support vehicles, such as the Centaur, are not powerful enough to tow the weight of the platform and its weapon. Each Manticore Platform is crewed by several specially trained Imperial Guard soldiers, usually a commander, a gunner, and several loaders. The crew will ride in the Trojan assigned to their platform when it is moved. Manticore Platforms must also be continuously tended to by a group of the artillery battery's attendant Tech-priests to ensure the Machine Spirit that governs the platform's temperamental weapons system is never offended, which can lead to its weapons veering off-target, failing to detonate, or even exploding before being fired. Las Plataformas Mantícora se despliegan por norma en grupos formados por tres plataformas, sus tripulaciones, y tres vehículos troyanos para remolcarlas. El proceso de recarga de la Plataforma Mantícora es un proceso que consume tiempo que implica a muchos Tecnosacerdotes concomitantes y otros equipos especializados. Después de que la plataforma dispara su andanada de misiles o cohetes debe ser protegida, mientras tiene lugar el proceso de recarga. No consta en los registros imperiales cómo llegan al campo los nuevos misiles y cohetes de la plataforma, aunque lo más probable es que involucre a uno de los muchos tipos de camiones imperiales pesados de suministro o de remolque sin nombre.