Risky Frizz: The Movie is a 2005 American animated superhero comedy-drama film directed, written, and produced by Ralf Hat, and based off the Kingson original television series Risky Frizz. The film consists the original television series' main cast including series writer, BaconMahBoi, as well as Seth Green, Jessica DiCicco, James Marsden, and Ralf Hat. In the film: anthropomorphic superhero bottle, Risky Dingo establishes a deal with a demon who later breaks it and takes over the entire world. Risky and his friends must retaliate against the forces of evil which have taken over.
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| - Risky Frizz: The Movie is a 2005 American animated superhero comedy-drama film directed, written, and produced by Ralf Hat, and based off the Kingson original television series Risky Frizz. The film consists the original television series' main cast including series writer, BaconMahBoi, as well as Seth Green, Jessica DiCicco, James Marsden, and Ralf Hat. In the film: anthropomorphic superhero bottle, Risky Dingo establishes a deal with a demon who later breaks it and takes over the entire world. Risky and his friends must retaliate against the forces of evil which have taken over.
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| - BaconMahBoi
- Seth Green
- Ralf Hat
- Jessica DiCicco
- James Marsden
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| - Risky Frizz: The Movie is a 2005 American animated superhero comedy-drama film directed, written, and produced by Ralf Hat, and based off the Kingson original television series Risky Frizz. The film consists the original television series' main cast including series writer, BaconMahBoi, as well as Seth Green, Jessica DiCicco, James Marsden, and Ralf Hat. In the film: anthropomorphic superhero bottle, Risky Dingo establishes a deal with a demon who later breaks it and takes over the entire world. Risky and his friends must retaliate against the forces of evil which have taken over. The film began production in late 2000, during the second season of Risky Frizz―as the show became a popular television series on Kingson.
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