| - Wild Bill, Maverick, and Crazylegs, along with Zarana, Monkeywrench and Thrasher, crash land a plane full of refugees in Sierra Gordo. Destro is playing both sides of the Sierra Gordo civil war.
- (1) Las fechas de emisión y rating/ranking corresponden a Estados Unidos
- 47; bio-mimetische gel; dilithium matrix; duotronische sonde; gagh; Kolaati; Nekrit expansie; pergium; type 2 faser; plasma injector; plasma storm; replicator; rhuludian kristal; spectrale analyse; Ubean; warp plasma; warp plasma deeltje.
- Neelix zostaje wplątany w ciemne interesy przez dawnego przyjaciela, który pragnie wykorzystać jego pozycję na U.S.S. Voyager, NCC-74656, a o którą to Talaxianin się obawia, wiedząc że im dalej Voyager leci, tym jego wiedza o Delta Kwadrant jest coraz mniejsza i użyteczna
- Producers receive a minimum set price for their goods, financial and technical support, healthy and safe working conditions, Economic development of their communities, and Educational opportunities for their children. Consumers receive excellent products plus the peace of mind that comes with knowing they are actively addressing poverty, preserving the environment, and promoting an end to child labor. The planet receives a chance at health and healing since Fair Trade actively promotes sustainable farming techniques, biodiversity, also Bird and Animal habitat preservation.
- Fair Trade is a quest. __TOC__
- Voyager reaches the Nekrit Expanse - and the furthest reaches of Neelix's knowledge of the Delta Quadrant. In order to reinforce his usefulness to the crew, the Talaxian allies himself with his old friend Wixiban in a criminal endeavor.
- Fair trade is an organized social movement and market-based approach to empowering developing country producers and promoting sustainability. The movement advocates the payment of a fair price as well as social and environmental standards in areas related to the production of a wide variety of goods. It focuses in particular on exports from developing countries to developed countries, most notably handicrafts, coffee, cocoa, sugar, tea, bananas, honey, cotton, wine, fresh fruit, and flowers.
- Fair trade coffee is one of many fair trade certified products available around the world. The purpose of fair trade is to promote healthier working conditions and greater economic incentive for producers. Coffee farmers producing fair trade certified coffee are required to be part of a coop with other local growers. The coops determine how the premiums from fair trade coffee will be spent. Growers are guaranteed a minimum price for the coffee, and if market prices exceed the minimum, they receive a per pound premium. Fair Trade coffee has become increasingly popular over the last 10 years, and is now offered at most places coffee is sold. In 2004, 24,222 metric tons (of 7,050,000 produced worldwide) were fair trade; in 2005, 33,991 metric tons out of 6,685,000 were fair trade, an increase
- thumb|500px|left File:Greensmiley2.jpg Tip: click the four arrow symbol, bottom right of each embedded video (where available) to view video full screen. Fair trade is an organized social movement which promotes standards for international labour, environmentalism, and social policy in areas related to production of Fairtrade labelled and unlabelled goods. The movement focuses in particular on exports from developing countries to developed countries.