Outrider was a brave Autobot ultimately killed by Harbinger.
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| - Outrider
- Outrider
- Outrider
- Outrider
- Outrider
| - Outrider was a brave Autobot ultimately killed by Harbinger.
- « Outrider » [ˈaʊtraɪdər] est une mission confiée à Carl Johnson (le protagoniste) par les Triades de San Fierro dans Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, depuis le garage de Carl dans le quartier de Doherty à San Fierro dans l’État de San Andreas.
* Cette mission est débloquée à la réussite de la précédente, « Mike Toreno ».
* La mission suivante s’intitule « Snail Trail ».
- The Outriders are a brutal race of Shadow warriors, descending from the Skralls, and living in the Northern Steppes.
- Outrider es la última misión que hará CJ para el Loco Syndicate.
- The Outrider was a Thranta-class corvette used by the Galactic Republic during the Second Great Galactic War.
- Allesandra "Outrider" Castillo est une des Spécialistes présents dans le multijoueur de Call of Duty: Black Ops III. Elle est le 2ème spécialiste déblocable.
- Русское название: Выдаёт: Локация: Цель: Условия провала: Награда: Доступ к: Доступна после: Категория:МиссииКатегория:Миссии в GTA San Andreas[[Категория:Миссии (Джиззи)]] Outrider — миссия, выдаваемая Карлу Джонсону Локо Синдкатом в гараже Карла в Доэрти, Сан-Фиерро.
- Prefix Title earned by gaining +30,000 (Warmly) faction with the Tunarian Alliance in Elddar Grove.
- Outrider were a guide. scout or escort, especially one who rode in advance.
- An outrider is usually an armed, mounted scout.[citation needed] In World of Warcraft, there are a few mobs or NPCs with outrider ℜ ω τ α ⊂ in their name. Click one of the various symbols to search for "outrider" on various WoW DB sites:
- Outrider is the final mission in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas given to protagonist Carl Johnson by the Loco Syndicate from Carl's garage in the Doherty district of San Fierro, San Andreas.
- OUTRIDER is a Decepticon support unit whose job is making sure troops on the battlefield receive fuel, supplies and repairs to keep them fighting. Believes the Decepticons are the good guys fighting to stop the evil Autobots, and is eager to do whatever she can to help win the war. Thoroughly skilled as a medic but incompetent as a combatant - a danger to herself and others when holding a weapon. Transforms into a six-wheeled armored transport vehicle capable of hauling fuel and supplies across enemy lines, even over rough terrain. In robot mode, uses a gauss rifle to defend herself from enemy combatants while working.
- While you have a card equipped, you cannot perform primary weapon attacks and you may perform Cannon attacks against ships outside your firing arc.
- Outriders were a type of Kel-Morian Combine soldier during the Guild Wars. Not as heavily armored as rippers, outriders used a death's head logo and wore makeshift black armor. After the Guild Wars, outriders were used to chase Jim Raynor and Tychus Findlay when they robbed the Shale Express, but they could never keep up with Raynor on his vulture.
- Outriders are experienced fighting-men, employed to reconnoitre to the front and flanks of travelling parties and armies, keeping a lookout for possible attackers and other problems. Most base their skill on an intimate knowledge of the area through which they journey. They are expected to operate more or less independently of the party or army they serve and must be able to look after themselves and live off the land as they go. Occasionally they undertake long-range patrols along dangerous borders or troublesome areas, operating in the same way as a Scout and gathering information on potential hazards, troop movements, and other activity.
- miniatur|Der Van, das Bike und die Waffen Begib dich zur Xoomer-Tankstelle in Easter Basin, um T-Bone Mendez zu treffen. Nach der heftigen Zwischensequenz geht es zur Fabrik von Solarin Industries in Doherty, wo sich der Drogen-Rumpo und die Sanchez befinden. Steig auf letzteres auf, schnapp dir den Raketenwerfer und das Scharfschützengewehr und beweg dich sofort nach Downtown, wo die Da Nang Boys eine Straßensperre errichtet haben. Zerstöre sie mit allen Mitteln. Es sind drei bewaffnete Männer auszuschalten und drei Greenwoods zu zerstören. Die nächste Barrikade befindet sich nur ein paar Straßen weiter – exakt dieselbe Menge Schützen und Fahrzeuge. Zwei dieser Hindernisse werden folgen, aber dieses Mal werden sich in den leeren Fensterrahmen der abgerissenen Gebäude ebenfalls Gangster mi
| - *Rise of the Empire era
*Rebellion era
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| - Убрать все дорожные блоки
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- 70(xsd:integer)
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| - Смерть или арест Карла
- Смерть Ти-Боуна
- Смерть Торено
- Уничтожение Burrito
- Уничтожение Washington
| - Гараж Карла, Доэрти, Сан-Фиерро вселенной 3D
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shield gen
| - Equipped
- Power-boosted shield generators
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| - *Enhanced sensor countermeasure package
*Imperial sensor stealth coating
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| - Торено и Ти-Боун инструктируют CJ'я
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| - Carl Johnson répond à Jizzy B. sur son téléphone portable au début de la mission dans GTA San Andreas.