Chaos orcs (a.k.a. fel orcs) are orcs that drank from Mannoroth's Chaos Well in Ashenvale Forest and became corrupted. They were orcs of the Warsong clan that followed Grom Hellscream's decision to drink from the well to gain power in order to defeat Cenarius and his forces (Shadowleaves, Moonhunters, and Nightblades). By drinking from the well, they were further corrupted with more of Mannoroth's blood, turning red and growing larger. Chaos orcs were capable of causing special damage known as chaos damage. Chaos orcs were units seen in the Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos orc campaign.
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| - Los Chaos orcs, u orcos del caos, son una clase de Fel orc que bebieron la sangre de Mannoroth. Son superiores a los orcos normales, ya que poseen una gran defensa y un letal ataque de caos. Pueden ser diferenciados de los normales por su color rojo, como los orcos fel sirvientes de Magtheridon, el señor de los esclavos que atacó Strahnbrad, o el líder del clan Blackrock (aunque estos dos no poseen daño tipo caos).
- Chaos orcs (a.k.a. fel orcs) are orcs that drank from Mannoroth's Chaos Well in Ashenvale Forest and became corrupted. They were orcs of the Warsong clan that followed Grom Hellscream's decision to drink from the well to gain power in order to defeat Cenarius and his forces (Shadowleaves, Moonhunters, and Nightblades). By drinking from the well, they were further corrupted with more of Mannoroth's blood, turning red and growing larger. Chaos orcs were capable of causing special damage known as chaos damage. Chaos orcs were units seen in the Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos orc campaign.
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| - Chaos orcs (a.k.a. fel orcs) are orcs that drank from Mannoroth's Chaos Well in Ashenvale Forest and became corrupted. They were orcs of the Warsong clan that followed Grom Hellscream's decision to drink from the well to gain power in order to defeat Cenarius and his forces (Shadowleaves, Moonhunters, and Nightblades). By drinking from the well, they were further corrupted with more of Mannoroth's blood, turning red and growing larger. Chaos orcs were capable of causing special damage known as chaos damage. Chaos orcs were units seen in the Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos orc campaign. Chaos orcs also fought under the banner of the Burning Blade during the First War. Some of the orcs who passed through the Dark Portal were driven mad, becoming chaos orcs and joining the Burning Blade.
- Los Chaos orcs, u orcos del caos, son una clase de Fel orc que bebieron la sangre de Mannoroth. Son superiores a los orcos normales, ya que poseen una gran defensa y un letal ataque de caos. Pueden ser diferenciados de los normales por su color rojo, como los orcos fel sirvientes de Magtheridon, el señor de los esclavos que atacó Strahnbrad, o el líder del clan Blackrock (aunque estos dos no poseen daño tipo caos).
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