Sonic X is a 2003 Japanese anime television series based on the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series. The first fifty-two episodes ran consecutively from April 2003 to March 2004 in Japan while the remaining where only available on DVD. In the United States, the first season ran from August 2003 to March 2004, the second ran from September 2004 to March 2005, and the third season ran from September 2005 to May 2006.
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| - Sonic X is a 2003 Japanese anime television series based on the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series. The first fifty-two episodes ran consecutively from April 2003 to March 2004 in Japan while the remaining where only available on DVD. In the United States, the first season ran from August 2003 to March 2004, the second ran from September 2004 to March 2005, and the third season ran from September 2005 to May 2006.
- The following is a list of episode summaries of Sonic X, an anime based on the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series. Its original run was on Sundays from 6 April 2003 to 28 March 2004 with 52 episodes in total which are collectively known as Japanese "Series 1". Episodes 53-78, which are collectively known as "Series 2", never aired on TV or released on DVD in Japan but were available through rental streaming services. These episodes were first broadcast on TV in some other countries before they aired on US/UK Television.
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| - 2003-08-23(xsd:date)
- 2003-09-13(xsd:date)
- 2003-09-20(xsd:date)
- 2003-09-27(xsd:date)
- 2003-10-04(xsd:date)
- 2003-10-11(xsd:date)
- 2003-10-18(xsd:date)
- 2003-10-25(xsd:date)
- 2003-11-01(xsd:date)
- 2003-11-08(xsd:date)
- 2003-11-15(xsd:date)
- 2003-11-22(xsd:date)
- 2003-11-29(xsd:date)
- 2003-12-06(xsd:date)
- 2003-12-13(xsd:date)
- 2004-01-17(xsd:date)
- 2004-01-24(xsd:date)
- 2004-01-31(xsd:date)
- 2004-02-07(xsd:date)
- 2004-02-14(xsd:date)
- 2004-02-21(xsd:date)
- 2004-02-28(xsd:date)
- 2004-03-06(xsd:date)
- 2004-03-13(xsd:date)
- 2004-03-20(xsd:date)
- 2004-03-27(xsd:date)
- 2004-09-18(xsd:date)
- 2004-09-25(xsd:date)
- 2004-10-02(xsd:date)
- 2004-10-09(xsd:date)
- 2004-10-16(xsd:date)
- 2004-10-23(xsd:date)
- 2004-10-30(xsd:date)
- 2004-11-06(xsd:date)
- 2004-11-13(xsd:date)
- 2004-11-20(xsd:date)
- 2004-11-27(xsd:date)
- 2004-12-04(xsd:date)
- 2004-12-11(xsd:date)
- 2004-12-18(xsd:date)
- 2005-01-22(xsd:date)
- 2005-01-29(xsd:date)
- 2005-02-05(xsd:date)
- 2005-02-12(xsd:date)
- 2005-02-19(xsd:date)
- 2005-02-26(xsd:date)
- 2005-03-05(xsd:date)
- 2005-03-12(xsd:date)
- 2005-03-19(xsd:date)
- 2005-03-26(xsd:date)
- 2005-09-10(xsd:date)
- 2005-09-17(xsd:date)
- 2005-09-24(xsd:date)
- 2005-10-01(xsd:date)
- 2005-10-08(xsd:date)
- 2005-10-15(xsd:date)
- 2005-10-22(xsd:date)
- 2005-10-29(xsd:date)
- 2005-11-05(xsd:date)
- 2005-11-12(xsd:date)
- 2005-11-19(xsd:date)
- 2005-11-26(xsd:date)
- 2005-12-03(xsd:date)
- 2006-02-04(xsd:date)
- 2006-02-11(xsd:date)
- 2006-02-18(xsd:date)
- 2006-02-25(xsd:date)
- 2006-03-04(xsd:date)
- 2006-03-11(xsd:date)
- 2006-03-18(xsd:date)
- 2006-04-01(xsd:date)
- 2006-04-08(xsd:date)
- 2006-04-15(xsd:date)
- 2006-04-22(xsd:date)
- 2006-04-29(xsd:date)
- 2006-05-06(xsd:date)
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| - The Day the Earth Stood Still
- A Messenger from a Meteor Shower
- A Threat From Outer Space
- Above a Destroyed Planet
- After the Attack on Eggman's Base
- Aim for it! The Sunken Ship in the Southern Seas
- Amy on the Beach
- Amy the Captive