**Collect 7 Rations in the Charred Forest
**Take Rations to Commander Harris
**Distribute the 6 Rations to the Rooks in the Hatchwood Wilds
**Return to Commander Harris
We had a problem with our supply drop today. Just as Captain Meelie was about to make the drop, a cloud of smoke picked up and clouded her visibility. The drop was off mark and landed in the Charred Forest. There should be 7 crates of Rations scattered throughout the Charred Forest. Retrieve the Rations and return to this location.
The crates are guarded by various extra Mimics, in particular Dewdrops, Firegrubs, Hellhoppers, Webdanglers, Wallworms, Jellywogs, Snapshells, Grabrats and Hookbills.