- Aleph is a point or state where an infinite amount of information is stored and processed.
- Aleph' is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Written .
- Home of Ouranos' random group projects. When it was first opened to the Ouranos folks, several large plans were put in place to develop a city, and within that city, a meta-game of sorts (similar to the Nexus Prime and Gibson projects). A large tower was proposed in the center of the sim, with smaller buildings surrounding it. After several months of start-and-stop development, the Sim was wiped in favor of a new plan. Since then, it's been a sort of sandbox for Ouranos projects and ideas.
- Aleph is a Third Age prototype golem based on the designs of the ancient Alentian Empire. It was originally built in the Magestar but was later transferred to the city of Alent after Master Sydelius defected to the Magicracy of Alent and took the golem with him. Since then Aleph has been used as the template for producing Bets, or Golem 2.0 versions. Aleph has also been secretly used by the Totenkopfs and their Master Kamen Grimgaze for a much more sinister purpose after they managed to activate it.
- Aleph se puede referir a:
* Caza estelar clase Aleph, un caza estelar de Sienar Fleet Systems usado durante la Segunda Guerra Civil Galáctica.
* Bunker Aleph-Uno, una base en Storinal desde donde el Escuadrón Wraith robó dos cazas estelares TIE/ln y destruyó otros dos.
* Bunker Veintidós Aleph, un lugar donde se reaprovisionaban los transportes de la nave Hawkbat.
* Destacamento Aleph, un elemento del Quinto Grupo de Batalla de la Nueva República.
- Aleph is the main protagonist of Shin Megami Tensei II. An amnesiac Gladiator with no knowledge of his past or identity, he is in fact humanity's Messiah. Thus he is responsible for determining whether they side with the gods, demons, or to side with neither and carve their own path.
- ALEPH is the organization for Jewish Renewal, one of the denominations of Judaism. The quarterly (?) newsletter is Kol Aleph (קול אלף). There is an biennial, international Kallah. (June 29-July 5, 2009, the Kallah is being held at Ohio Wesleyan University in Columbus, Ohio.) Mission (quoted from Web site) ALEPH supports and grows the worldwide movement for Jewish renewal by organizing and nurturing communities, developing leadership, creating liturgical and scholarly resources, and working for social and environmental justice.
- Egli lavora solo quando le Guardie lo controllano ed è sempre pronto a fornire informazioni in cambio di pezzi di metallo:
* per 10 pezzi avverte che in uno dei condotti laterali c'è una vecchia schiacciatrice, con delle pozioni e alcuni Scavaragno
* per 10 pezzi avverte che ci sono vari forzieri chiusi nella miniera e che Glen vende dei Grimaldelli
* per un po' di pezzi (dipende se lo avete tradito avvertendo le guardie) dà la chiave dello scrigno del magazzino dopo che Ulbert ve ne ha accennato.
- Aleph is believed by some, though not by orthodox Tehlins, to be the creator of Temerant.
- Aleph is a village in southern Koridan, sitting on the shores of the Apenic Sea near the Aldemir border. The road northeast leads to the town of Aquinas.
- Aleph – postać, występująca w Gothic. Jest to kopacz, pracujący w Starej Kopalni.
- The Aleph was a device invented by Professor Omen in 2268 to rid the galaxy of war. He described it as a "weapon of peace". The Aleph was based on the concept of transfinite numbers, which were denoted by the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and named after a literary construct in a story by Jorge Luis Borges. Omen's device was a single point in space in which was contained all parts of the universe, possibly all universes. It appeared as a large spinning diamond, although the spinning was actually an illusion caused by the multiple images moving across its surface. Any object which came into contact with the Aleph was instantly transported to another universe at random. Anyone who looked into the Aleph would see everything in the universe simultaneously without confusion or overlappin
- The original Aleph first contacted Cobra Commander atop the ruins of the Cobra Consulate building in New York City. He offered the services of the Night-Creepers to Cobra as spies and assassins. The group led by Aleph attacked Storm Shadow and Stalker at Storm Shadow's sanctuary in New York. The next mission where his presence was confirmed was the capture of Dr. Biggles-Jones and the Rail Gun prototype. During the G.I. Joe team's attack on Cobra's town of Millville, Snake-Eyes fought and defeated a ninja referring to himself as the Night-Creeper Leader. This was Aleph.
- Aleph is the default name of the protagonist of Shin Megami Tensei II. He is also known under the alias of Hawk. At the beginning of the game, he is presented to the player as a Gladiator without any recollection of his past, or even who he actually is; only learning much later of his predetermined role as humanity's Messiah, and of his right to make the fatidical choice between welcoming this lawful destiny, become an agent of the demons, or take neither path, choosing his own future by himself.
- As Aleph grew up on Dromund Kaas, his mind often wandered as he thought and wondered about many things. Always he heard of the dreaded Jedi and their Republic, as well as stories and reports of the conquests of many different worlds for the Empire. Hearing such things inspired his passion to become Sith, to see the galaxy, to conquer, all in the pursuit of a single, simple goal: to make a difference.
- Aleph first contacted Cobra Commander atop the ruins of the Cobra Consulate building in New York City. He offered the services of the Night-Creepers to Cobra as spies and assassins. The group led by Aleph attacked Storm Shadow and Stalker at Storm Shadow's sanctuary in New York (#107). The Night Creepers worked for Cobra over the next few years in operations including the Battle of Benzheen - in which they fought the G.I. Joe team's ninjas (#112) - and the search for Destro after Cobra put out a reward for his capture (#116-118). In many of these operations it is uncertain whether or not Aleph was involved.