Predator: Blood on Two-Witch Mesa is a two-part comic book short story that was first published by Dark Horse Comics in the company's self-titled anthology series Dark Horse Comics #20-21, from April-May 1994. It was written by Terry LaBan, illustrated and inked by Howard Cobb, colored by Lea Hernandez, lettered by Vickie Williams and edited by John Weeks. Issue #20 of Dark Horse Comics also featured a Predator cover by Brom. The story features the return of Native-American US Army Corporal Enoch Nakai, the hero from Predator: Big Game, and tells the story of when his great-grandfather faced off against a Predator in the Old West.
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| - Predator: Blood on Two-Witch Mesa
| - Predator: Blood on Two-Witch Mesa is a two-part comic book short story that was first published by Dark Horse Comics in the company's self-titled anthology series Dark Horse Comics #20-21, from April-May 1994. It was written by Terry LaBan, illustrated and inked by Howard Cobb, colored by Lea Hernandez, lettered by Vickie Williams and edited by John Weeks. Issue #20 of Dark Horse Comics also featured a Predator cover by Brom. The story features the return of Native-American US Army Corporal Enoch Nakai, the hero from Predator: Big Game, and tells the story of when his great-grandfather faced off against a Predator in the Old West.
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Preceded By
| - Predator: The Hunted City
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| - Predator: Blood on Two-Witch Mesa
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Followed By
| - Predator: Invaders from the Fourth Dimension
| - Predator: Blood on Two-Witch Mesa is a two-part comic book short story that was first published by Dark Horse Comics in the company's self-titled anthology series Dark Horse Comics #20-21, from April-May 1994. It was written by Terry LaBan, illustrated and inked by Howard Cobb, colored by Lea Hernandez, lettered by Vickie Williams and edited by John Weeks. Issue #20 of Dark Horse Comics also featured a Predator cover by Brom. The story features the return of Native-American US Army Corporal Enoch Nakai, the hero from Predator: Big Game, and tells the story of when his great-grandfather faced off against a Predator in the Old West. In the Predator comics line, Predator: Blood on Two-Witch Mesa was preceded by Predator: The Hunted City, published concurrently with Predator: Bad Blood (series), and was followed by Predator: Invaders from the Fourth Dimension.