| - Birdpaw woke up from the apprentices den and muttered to Rushpaw, "Wake up, training soon." Rushpaw yawned as Birdpaw padded out She saw her mentor and creeped slowly toward her, trying to practice her sneaking skills, but Dovewing heard her and mewed flatly "Don't try, I knew you were coming." Birdpaw stood up and licked her fur and asked "What are we doing today?" Dovewing looked up and down then mewed "We are going to collect moss for the elders and queens, isn't that exciting?" Birdpaw just nodded, almost horrified, and followed Dovewing into the forest.
| - Birdpaw woke up from the apprentices den and muttered to Rushpaw, "Wake up, training soon." Rushpaw yawned as Birdpaw padded out She saw her mentor and creeped slowly toward her, trying to practice her sneaking skills, but Dovewing heard her and mewed flatly "Don't try, I knew you were coming." Birdpaw stood up and licked her fur and asked "What are we doing today?" Dovewing looked up and down then mewed "We are going to collect moss for the elders and queens, isn't that exciting?" Birdpaw just nodded, almost horrified, and followed Dovewing into the forest. As Birdpaw followed Dovewing through the forest she smelled moss and headed toward the tree with the moss. She started to claw at it but Dovewing stopped her "Birdpaw, arch your paw and unsheathe your claws as far as they will go. That way you will only get moss, without the bark." Birdpaw did what Dovewing told her to do and got a lot of moss. She picked all the moss up and headed back to camp. Rushpaw was waiting for Birdpaw near the elders den and looked at the moss and mewed loudly "Lucky! I could not get the moss of the tree without dragging some roots behind." Birdpaw gave a tiny mew of amusement and mewed "Rushpaw, I arched my paw and unsheathed my claws. Try that!" Rushpaw mewws "Ok, but hurry with that moss because Mousefur is becoming really grumpy." Birdpaw rushed into the elders den and started cleaning the old moss and putting it in the dirtplace. She slowly nodded at her work and left for the apprentices den to wait for her mentor. A few minutes later Goldpaw came in very wet and he shook himself and Icepaw complained "Can you do that somewhere else? You are getting everyone wet!" Goldpaw glared at him and grunted "Well sorry, but I fell in the lake!" Treepaw gave a snort of amusement and laughed "It would be just like you, Goldpaw." Birdpaw looked to the stars and thought, I feel so alone in my clan. She heard nothing in reply, but she heard Rushpaw complain, "Ok, can we all sleep now? I'm pretty sure we are going to wake the warriors and queens. Then we will be in trouble!" Birdpaw flicked her ear and went to sleep beside Rushpaw after mewing, "Yeah, so be quiet mouse brains!" She snorted as she heard Ivypool complain to them through the wall "Be quiet. You do not want me in there!" They all quieted down, looking at each-other tensly Spikepaw said "Why is Ivypool like that? She's so mean. She made me search the elders ticks for messing with the kits." He looked at Rushpaw and mewed "My mentor Ashwhisker was unhappy about me. He expects me to be great." Birdpaw grunted "He probably wants you to be the best you can be. I'm pretty sure that all of our mentors want us to be great. That's what makes us warriors. We try our best" Everyone nodded and mewed "Let's be the best we can be!" Then Brambleclaw growled through the wall "Go to sleep!" the apprentices snort, then go to sleep but not before mewing in amusement.