| - Sancerre(VRRF116) was born between October 29-31 2008 in the Rascals Mob. Her mother was Blondie, the dominant female of the group and her father most likely was VRRM108, VRRM109 or VRRM110. The three wild males had joined the Rascals only a few months before Sancerre was born. Her litter-mates were VRRP117, Rioja(VRRF118), VRRP119 and Grigio(VRRM120). VRRP119 was killed in October 2008 and only one month later, in November, VRRP117 was killed. The wild males, including Sancerre's father, left the group. Sancerre, Rioja and Gringio survivied to adulthood unlike thier litter-mates. Then, two more wild males joined in the Rascals after the three former wild males, who had been in the Rascals, left. Grus became the dominant male beside Sancerre's mother. Blondie then gave birth to Crux, Vela,
| - Sancerre(VRRF116) was born between October 29-31 2008 in the Rascals Mob. Her mother was Blondie, the dominant female of the group and her father most likely was VRRM108, VRRM109 or VRRM110. The three wild males had joined the Rascals only a few months before Sancerre was born. Her litter-mates were VRRP117, Rioja(VRRF118), VRRP119 and Grigio(VRRM120). VRRP119 was killed in October 2008 and only one month later, in November, VRRP117 was killed. The wild males, including Sancerre's father, left the group. Sancerre, Rioja and Gringio survivied to adulthood unlike thier litter-mates. Then, two more wild males joined in the Rascals after the three former wild males, who had been in the Rascals, left. Grus became the dominant male beside Sancerre's mother. Blondie then gave birth to Crux, Vela, Izar, Ara, Lyra and VRRM127 on March 15, 2009. Shortly after their birth, Sancerre's mother Blondie simply dissapeared. Sancerre was a young meerkat at this time so she allowed Islay, who was older, to become the dominant female without much of a fight. However, Islay didn't lead the Rascals for very long. She also dissapeared only a few weeks before her own birthday. Sancerre, who was just eleven months old, took female dominance of the Rascals making her one of the young females to become a dominant meerkat. Since she wasn't related to Grus, he accepted her as his new mate and stayed in the group. Sancerre led a small group of eleven meerkats for a while. Sadly VRRM127 disapeared along with with wild male VRRM121. Then, Sancerre became pregnant with her very first litter, fathered by Grus shortly after she became the dominant female. However, her sister Rioja was also pregnant and although Sancerre was the dominant female and due to her lack of experience she allowed her pregnant sister to stay in the group. Sancerre and gave birth first but Rioja killed her litter and gave birth to three pups. Sancerre became pregnant again in February 2010, but she didn't evicted anyone from the group. Again her sister Rioja became pregnant and Sancerre lost her litter. Rioja also lost her litter to an unknown cause. Sancerre aborted her next litter in July 2010 as well as her sister Rioja. Then, her cousin Tigi left the group to form the Colombians Mob, and he later joined Grigio and formed the Ewoks Mob. Sancerre and her sister were the only litter-mates left in their group. Sancerre lost her next litter to a wild group. Then, Sancerre became pregnant again in December and evicted all the adult females within the group, including Rioja. Finally in January, 2011 Sancerre gave birth to Potjie, Edna May, VRRP178 and Dizzie. However her pups came at a coast, Rioja, Vela, Lyrda and VRRF129 left the group bringing the Rascals' numbers down to just fourteen. Sadly, VRRP138 was predated the next month. Sancerre aborted her second litter in March 2011 while Ara was pregnant. Ara gave birth to for pups the next month. Roja's son, King left to rove and never returned to the group. In August 2010 Sancerre, Coccyx and Mushy were all pregnant, but Sancerre only evicted Ara and Coccyx. Sancerre and Coccyx gave birth to Randy, Lenore, Thurman Merman, Mary Doll and VRRF148 in September 2011. The mixed litter survived the first month but sadly the following month VRRF148 was predated. On Febaury 2012, Sancerre gave birth to Mojito, Bellini, Lorna and Daquari. At this time the Rascals were 22 members strong, the largest they had been in over 5 years. The next month, the Rascals had their first group encounter in over 3 years, with a wild mob. Crux brought a wild pup back to the Rascals with him, but the wild group returned and took the pup back. After this, things got quiet at the Rascals for a while. Then, after the Rascals started having encounters with Kung Fu and Ewoks, most of the natal males took an interest in roving. Sancerre became pregnant in August and gave birth to five pups VRRM154, Hush(VRRM155), Mouth, VRRF157 and Brangy in September 2012. In October 2012 Grus died of an unknown cause, possibly old age. Sancerre's younger brother Crux became the dominant male. Sancerre started showing signs of being pregnent again shortly after Grus' death. She could have been carrying his last litter but sadly Sancrerre aborted in November 2012. In December 2012 Crux left the group at the end of the month leaving the dominant male position undecided until Gooch, Sancerre's nephew, became the new dominant male. On September 17, 2013 Sancrerre went missing from her mob while she was still pregnant and was sadly Last Seen. She had been the Rascals' dominant female for five years. Her daughter, Edna May became the dominant female after her.