| - Seela Dar, service number 3270-9854BE, was a Human female from Tatooine who joined the Republic Army at the outbreak of the Jedi Civil War. Born to parents who had originally settled on the desert planet as part of Czerka Corporation's initial colonization efforts, Dar spent much of her childhood either helping her parents run their vehicle repair shop, or else wandering the wastes in a patched-up landspeeder and hunting womp rats. By the time she came of age, the Sith Empire of Darths Revan and Malak had begun their assault on the Republic. With Czerka already scaling back on mining operations due to the poor ore and in the face of constant attacks by Sand People, the Dar family used the renewed fighting as an excuse to return to the Core Worlds while Seela herself joined the military.
| - Seela Dar, service number 3270-9854BE, was a Human female from Tatooine who joined the Republic Army at the outbreak of the Jedi Civil War. Born to parents who had originally settled on the desert planet as part of Czerka Corporation's initial colonization efforts, Dar spent much of her childhood either helping her parents run their vehicle repair shop, or else wandering the wastes in a patched-up landspeeder and hunting womp rats. By the time she came of age, the Sith Empire of Darths Revan and Malak had begun their assault on the Republic. With Czerka already scaling back on mining operations due to the poor ore and in the face of constant attacks by Sand People, the Dar family used the renewed fighting as an excuse to return to the Core Worlds while Seela herself joined the military. After completing her training, Dar was immediately put into a line unit where she took part in the Iridonia-Lannik Campaign. Serving under the command of Lieutenant Ibratu'na, she saw action at the Battle of Mon Gazza, earning a promotion to corporal for her part in helping to ward off a Sith counterattack. She was also a veteran of the fight for Lannik, fighting alongside Jedi Knight Georg Oakes. By 3,956 BBY her platoon had been brought aboard Vibrosword, the flagship of Vice Admiral Forn Dodonna, and tasked with helping the Jedi strike team led by Bastila Shan to achieve their objective of capturing Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Revan. In order to perform well in the battle to come, Dar and the rest of her platoon were put through a rigorous course of Marine training by Captain Laera Reyolé. During the course of the nine-day series of exercises, Dar demonstrated not only her shooting skills, but the ability to think quickly and adapt to new methods and tactics. As a result she was summarily promoted to sergeant by Captain Reyolé, as well as presented with a recommendation for transfer into the Republic Marines with the possibility of going through scout/sniper training. Dar took the offer immediately; after the successful conclusion of the battle over Ord Mantell, she and other surviving troopers from Ibratu'na's platoon left Vibrosword and began the nine-week retraining process. A year after the war ended, Dar took part in the Republic's expedition to Korriban, where she commanded one of the squads of Marines tasked with protecting the Jedi-led archeological team.