| - Piper is the middle sister. While Prue acts as the fearless lead witch and Phoebe is the eccentric and reckless spell-caster, Piper takes up the reins as the moral compass and voice of reason for the Charmed Ones. Initially, Piper exhibited a concern about whether witches are good or evil, after watching a television program about witches that said when a witch known as Mary Estee stepped into a church, she was struck down by lightning, Piper grew fearful of stepping into a church while providing the catering for a church event. She even went as far as asking a priest's opinion about the topic of witches. She was also terrified of her powers' significance because she didn't know where they come from but Phoebe manages to encourage her to believe the fact that she can choose to be good. She then finds the courage to step into a church and realizes she is good when nothing happens. She then steps out of the church and exclaims "I'm good!". Despite her wishes to be normal, she learns to face the fact that magic is a part of who she is; someone who can help other people like she always had, and begins to think of her powers as both a burden and a gift. On the day, she discovers her powers, she also lands a job as a chef at a restaurant named Quake, by unintentionally freezing the head chef on an interview and using the opportunity to add the missing ingredient. She is hired as a chef, but becomes a manager soonafter Chef Moore left Quake. Her boyfriend, Jeremy Burns, reveals the fact that he is a warlock who is after her and her sisters' powers, but had to wait for the moment they receive them because Phoebe was absent for six months. Piper and Phoebe become attracted to their handyman, Leo Wyatt, who is really their whitelighter. They decide to fight for his heart but agree to not let anger control them if one of them gets Leo. Piper eventually is the winner, and Phoebe encourages her to ask him out on a date. Soonafter they spent a night together, Leo tells her that he has to leave town because of his job. A while later, he returns and accidentally exposes his identity to Phoebe. Despite having come back, he has to leave again soon and tries to device a break-up explanation to Piper without hurting her feelings or telling her his true identity. Piper takes this very well and is not long before she starts dating a college professor named Josh. File:Piperattackbywendigo.gif Though she finds him attractive and likeable, she realizes that her heart is still with Leo and encourages him to move to Berkeley for a new job. Two weeks after the break-up, Leo appears in the attic of the Halliwell Manor in front of Piper, poisoned and injured by a darklighter arrow. She is initially very angry with him, but drops her anger when the arrow begins to kill him. She cast a spell to switch powers with Leo in attempt to heal him. By admitting her true feelings for him, she finally succeeds. Leo offers to become human again to build a family with her, but Piper declines because the world needs him more than she does. Additionally, she has also developed romantic feelings for a ghost named Mark Chao. Late one night, on the way to Quake to meet her sisters, Piper gets a flat tire and is attacked by a monstrous creature known as a Wendigo. The Wendigo scratched her arm and it becomes infected transforming her into a Wendigo as well. She and her sisters discover that the Wendigo who attacked her was posing as an inspector with the FBI, named Agent Fallon. After they melt the inspectors heart of ice, Piper reverts to her normal state. Piper is the first Charmed One to transform into another magical creature. 24 years ago, the warlock Nicholas made a deal with the sisters' mother, Patty, to bless his ring with immunity from the Charmed Ones' powers in exchange for fetus Phoebe's life. This prompted their Grams to bind their powers after Phoebe was born to protect them from Nicholas. 24 years later, he discovers their powers' return and attempts to kill them and steal their powers. Phoebe manages to locate a spell that sent them back in time to the day their mom made the pact with Nicholas. Though they fail to prevent this from happening, they manage to undo the ring's magic with their mother and grandmother and use the early Power of Three to send them back to their present where they vanquish Nicholas. To the sisters personally, this is a heartfelt opportunity to meet their mother again. At the end of season 1, a time-manipulating sorcerer teams up with the demon Rodriguez to kill the Charmed Ones. Every failure prompts Tempus to rewind time to help Rodriguez learn his mistakes. Phoebe, however, manages to retain her memories and convince her sisters that the day is repeating itself. The third time they face Rodriguez, Prue's ex-boyfriend Andy helps them fight him off and gets killed. By accelerating time, they banish Tempus back to the Underworld, and easily vanquish Rodriguez. Piper also decides to quit her job at Quake to pursue her own dreams.