| - Steen Bolter was a fellow caravan guard of Hansevor Remy's. Steen was with Hanse and Dale in Corus when the Bread Riot broke out. Together with Hanse, Steen protected the Jack and Pasty to provide shelter for the innocents. That's where Rebakah Cooper first met Steen. They stayed in front of the Jack and Pasty together for some time and Beka soon learned that he was quite adept at defending himself and skilled at least at handling a club. Like his friend Hanse, he was also a member of the Court of the Rogue in Port Caynn. On Pearl's orders he once tried to purchase brass from Durant Elkes, who refused him because Steen wouldn't pay enough. In revenge for this Elkes got a red purse full of false coins smuggled into his possession. Steen was killed by Zolaika, Pearl Skinner's personal assassin, in order to keep him from betraying Pearl when he was arrested for smuggling silver, which Pearl used for producing false coins. He had a girlfriend, perhaps even wife, who was pregnant with his child when he was killed. Steen's ghost, along with Hanse Remy's, stayed for some time in the mortal realms before answering the Black God's call and crossing over to the Peaceful Realms, trying to convince Hanse to come with him. He had close-cropped dark hair and dark eyes and had a very thin beard, which circled around his mouth. Some days he let it grow longer, allowing it to become a mustache. Steen was of stocky built, resembling a badger's, with a wide head and wide shoulders as well as thick arms. He had a broad and slumped nose, looking as though someone had hit him on it. He only appears in Bloodhound.