Conflits Chancelier Chef Empereur Événements [Source] Les événements suivants prennent place au cours de l'année , aussi connue comme AL dans le Calendrier de Lothal.
The following events happened in 2 ABY. This year was known as Year 37 after the Great ReSynchronization.
The following events occurred exclusively in the Exodus galaxy during 2 ABY.
2 ABY - drugi rok po bitwie o Yavin.
2 ABYに起きたできごと。
The following events took place in 2 ABY. The year was known as Year 37 after the Great Resynchronization.
Tämä tunnettiin myös vuotena 37 Suuren ReSynkronisaation jälkeen.
2 ABY to drugi rok po bitwie o Yavin, a drugi przed bitwą o Endor.
The following events took place in 2 ABY This year was known as Year 37 after the Great ReSynchronization.
The following events took place in the year 2 ABY, also known as 3279 LY according to the Lothal Calendar.