The Bisento was essentially a wooden shaft with a heavy-bladed sword at its tip. Although it might appear awkward and top-heavy, the leverage provided by the shaft allowed it to be wielded effectively. The bisento was an unusual weapon, and was most commonly seen among militant orders of monks in the Mantis Isles. The more militant orders of the Brotherhood of Shinsei as the Spider monks, also favored this weapon.
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- Bisento
- Bisento
- Bisento
| - Das Bisento ist eine Hieb- und Stichwaffe, das einem Naginata ähnelt, aber bei dem eine breitere Klinge auf dem Griffstab montiert wurde. Einige Einheiten der auf Enies Lobby stationierten Wachen setzten gegen Luffy Bisentos, Schwerter und Speere ein. Shirohige verwendet ein solches Bisento in einer für seine Statur passenden Größe.
- Bisento es un arma que utiliza Kenshi solamente en Mortal Kombat X.
- The Bisento was essentially a wooden shaft with a heavy-bladed sword at its tip. Although it might appear awkward and top-heavy, the leverage provided by the shaft allowed it to be wielded effectively. The bisento was an unusual weapon, and was most commonly seen among militant orders of monks in the Mantis Isles. The more militant orders of the Brotherhood of Shinsei as the Spider monks, also favored this weapon.
- The Bisento is a Normal polearm in Diablo III. It requires character level 42 to be used.
- Una bisen-to es un tipo de arma de asta japonesa derivada de los sables enastados "dao" procedentes de China, y consiste en una hoja de hierro tipo dao ancha y curva colacada en un asta como si fuese la continuación de la empuñadura. Es la precursora de la Nagitana japonesa y más pesada que esta.
- A was a pole weapon used in feudal Japan. The bisentō has various descriptions, "a double-edged long sword with a thick truncated blade", "a spear-like weapon with a blade at the end that resembles a scimitar", "a polearm resembling a glaive, with a long, heavy half and a heavy, curved blade". The bisentō is said to have been used by ninja and peasants.
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| - Das Bisento ist eine Hieb- und Stichwaffe, das einem Naginata ähnelt, aber bei dem eine breitere Klinge auf dem Griffstab montiert wurde. Einige Einheiten der auf Enies Lobby stationierten Wachen setzten gegen Luffy Bisentos, Schwerter und Speere ein. Shirohige verwendet ein solches Bisento in einer für seine Statur passenden Größe.
- Bisento es un arma que utiliza Kenshi solamente en Mortal Kombat X.
- The Bisento was essentially a wooden shaft with a heavy-bladed sword at its tip. Although it might appear awkward and top-heavy, the leverage provided by the shaft allowed it to be wielded effectively. The bisento was an unusual weapon, and was most commonly seen among militant orders of monks in the Mantis Isles. The more militant orders of the Brotherhood of Shinsei as the Spider monks, also favored this weapon.
- The Bisento is a Normal polearm in Diablo III. It requires character level 42 to be used.
- Una bisen-to es un tipo de arma de asta japonesa derivada de los sables enastados "dao" procedentes de China, y consiste en una hoja de hierro tipo dao ancha y curva colacada en un asta como si fuese la continuación de la empuñadura. Es la precursora de la Nagitana japonesa y más pesada que esta.
- A was a pole weapon used in feudal Japan. The bisentō has various descriptions, "a double-edged long sword with a thick truncated blade", "a spear-like weapon with a blade at the end that resembles a scimitar", "a polearm resembling a glaive, with a long, heavy half and a heavy, curved blade". The bisentō is said to have been used by ninja and peasants.
is Arma
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