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Grrah! You have disgraced me for the last time, Steel Samurai! The pale moon in the sky cries for your blood! The moon? No, it is you who should gaze upon the moon... For it will be the last moon you ever see! See you in hell, Evil Magistrate! Whoooooooaaaaaaa! Grrrrrraaaaaaaah! The warriors' swords gleam and strike in the moonlight! One has fallen... but who? Only the moon knows! Don't miss next week's exciting episode: "The Dark Messenger Returns!" October 14, 5:31 PMWright & Co. Law Offices Maya: That rocked! "See you in Hell, Evil Magistrate!!!" Phoenix: Whoa! Stop waving that broom around! ...

  • Turnabout Samurai - Transcript
  • Grrah! You have disgraced me for the last time, Steel Samurai! The pale moon in the sky cries for your blood! The moon? No, it is you who should gaze upon the moon... For it will be the last moon you ever see! See you in hell, Evil Magistrate! Whoooooooaaaaaaa! Grrrrrraaaaaaaah! The warriors' swords gleam and strike in the moonlight! One has fallen... but who? Only the moon knows! Don't miss next week's exciting episode: "The Dark Messenger Returns!" October 14, 5:31 PMWright & Co. Law Offices Maya: That rocked! "See you in Hell, Evil Magistrate!!!" Phoenix: Whoa! Stop waving that broom around! ...
  • Move
  • Object
  • Present
  • Talk
  • Press
  • Examine
  • Presenting wrong evidence during testimony
  • Too many penalties
  • I don't know
  • I don't have proof
  • Show evidence
  • Examine Hammer's body
  • Fingerprint the bottle
  • Give granny a break
  • Hammer was the victim
  • He couldn't watch it
  • He erased them by mistake
  • He was watching something else
  • I believe
  • I bet she could move it
  • I can tell you
  • I can’t tell you
  • I claim it, and claim it loud
  • I don’t know
  • I have proof
  • I think you could!
  • Listen again
  • Meeting the Steel Samurai
  • No filming is done there
  • No further questions, Vasquez!
  • No, it's impossible.
  • Of course I can prove it!
  • Of course I can’t prove it!
  • Of course he was
  • Of course he wasn’t
  • Picking on Sal Manella
  • Press further
  • Reveal evidence
  • She couldn’t deal with it
  • She had another way
  • She had no motive
  • Skip it
  • Steel Samurai was the victim
  • Test Powers's blood
  • Testify again, Vasquez!
  • The Steel Samurai didn't win
  • The assistant girl
  • The grade-school boy
  • The path was blocked
  • The photos were blurry
  • The security lady
  • The trailer is there
  • There was no victim
  • Wait and see what happens
  • You ate a boneless steak
  • You ate the bone, too
  • You couldn’t, could you
  • You did it, Vasquez!
  • You didn’t eat the steak
  • You heard Mr. Manella wrong
  • You saw Hammer limping
  • black
  • wheat
  • black
  • wheat
  • Grrah! You have disgraced me for the last time, Steel Samurai! The pale moon in the sky cries for your blood! The moon? No, it is you who should gaze upon the moon... For it will be the last moon you ever see! See you in hell, Evil Magistrate! Whoooooooaaaaaaa! Grrrrrraaaaaaaah! The warriors' swords gleam and strike in the moonlight! One has fallen... but who? Only the moon knows! Don't miss next week's exciting episode: "The Dark Messenger Returns!" October 14, 5:31 PMWright & Co. Law Offices Maya: That rocked! "See you in Hell, Evil Magistrate!!!" Phoenix: Whoa! Stop waving that broom around! Maya: Oh, Nick! I didn't know you were here! Phoenix: Of course I'm here! What was that surreal show you were watching? Maya: What!? Nick, you mean, you don't know the Steel Samurai!? He's only the most popular TV hero for young people! Phoenix: Young...? Like, how young? Maya: Umm... 10 years old? Phoenix: Then what the heck are YOU doing getting all excited!? Maya: Hey! I'm only 17! That's seven-"teen." See? I'm a teen! Not like you, Nick. Phoenix: Hey! Don't talk to me like I'm your grandpa or something. I'm only 24 myself. Maya: Then watch it with me! He's really cool! And... it's really popular! When they asked grade school kids what they wanted to be, "Steel Samurai" was no.1! Phoenix: I really worry about kids these days. Maya: Gramps! Well, the Steel Samurai's over. I guess it's time to close up the office. Phoenix: I guess... Wish we had some clients! Phoenix: A month has passed since my trial. Mia's murder was the talk of the town for some time... But no one paid any attention to the Wright & Co. Law Offices... How am I going to pay the rent this month? Maya: It'll be okay. I'm sure some big client is just around the corner! Phoenix: Hmph. October 16, 8:14 AMPhoenix Wright's Bedroom Cellular: Brrrrring... Brrrrring... *beep* Phoenix: H-hello? This is Phoenix. Maya: N-N-Nick!!! Phoenix: Maya? What? It's still early... Maya: I-it's the Steel Samurai! The Steel Samurai got arrested! Phoenix: Huh? You mean the guy on that show? Maya: Yes! They're saying that the Steel Samurai killed a villain! Phoenix: ... Umm... Isn't that what he's supposed to do? Maya: Yeah, on TV! Phoenix: Yeah, on TV. Maya: No! I mean, he actually did it! In real life! He skewered a villain with his Samurai Spear! Phoenix: I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Maya: Just come to the office, quick! Please, Nick! Cellular: *beep* October 16, 9:22 AMWright & Co. Law Offices Phoenix: (Maya's here... watching television.) TV: Now for the morning news. The actor Will Powers was arrested yesterday. Powers plays the lead role in the popular kid's show "The Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo." He was arrested on suspicion of murder. The victim was Jack Hammer, who plays the villain known as the "Evil Magistrate." His body was found still inside the Evil Magistrate costume. The "Samurai Spear" was also found stuck through the body. Police believe this was the murder weapon, and are investigating further. Phoenix: ... This has to be a joke. Maya: No, no, no! It's a nightmare! The Steel Samurai is over! The world is over! Cellular: Brrrrring... Brrrrring... *beep* Maya: Yes... Wright & Co. Law Offices. ... What!? Nick! I-it's the Steel Samurai! Phoenix: W-what!? Maya: Yes... yes, of course! We'll be right there! Cellular: *beep* Maya: Let's go, Nick! Phoenix: Go? Go where? Maya: They have the Steel Samurai down in detention! Phoenix: So what!? Maya: So, I've decided this will be our first case! October 16Detention CenterVisitor's Room Maya: ... Phoenix: What's wrong, Maya? It's him! In the flesh! Maya: Umm... Is that guy really him? Phoenix: Whaddya mean "that guy"? Of course it's him! Will Powers, our client! That's him. Maya: Um, maybe I shouldn't be saying this... But he definitely did it. Murder. At least once. Maybe twice. Phoenix: Whoa whoa whoa! What are you saying!? Will: Umm... Maya: Y-yes!? Will: Something wrong...? Maya: N-no! No! Phoenix: (This is getting off to a great start.) Will: I know, I know. You're disappointed, aren't you? Maya: D-disappointed!? Oh, no. Oh no. Will: No, it's okay. This is the real me. When I got the part of the Steel Samurai, with that mask... I decided I would never show my face in public until the job was over. It's the kids, you know. I didn't want to wreck their dreams. Maya: Oh... Will: I guess it didn't matter. So much for dreams. I wonder what they think of the Steel Samurai now. *sniff* Uwaaah! Maya: Nick! Phoenix: What? Maya: He's a good guy! I mean, he's good! Phoenix: Yeah. Maya: He didn't do it! Phoenix: ... (Wright & Co. Law Offices, after talking with Will Powers) October 16Global StudiosMain Gate Maya: Wow! So this is where they make the Steel Samurai show! Awesome! Aren't you excited!? Oldbag: Hey! You there! You want in, you gotta go through me! Maya: O-oh... s-sorry! W-we're, um, lawyers. Oldbag: Oh yeah? Well that's great. I'm security! And it's my job to make sure that gawkers like you stay OUT. Maya: G-gawkers? Oldbag: Gawkers! Sightseers! Tourists!!! I know the type. You heard about the incident and came to snoop around. Youths today! Something horrible happens and all you can think of is sightseeing. Wasting your time at a place like this. Don't you have jobs you should be doing? Or do lawyers not work like the rest of us? Maybe I should become a lawyer too. Sounds like a life of ease to me no work just loafing around all day as you please. Well when I was young things were a mite different, mind you we didn't prance around in strange hippie clothes. What are the youths coming to these days my own son hasn't called in... Maya: Umm... Nick? Will I grow up to be like her? Please say "no." Phoenix: I dunno! It's possible. Oldbag: Hey! Listen when you're being spoken to! Youths today! (Clearing all "Talk" options leads to:) Oldbag: Isn't it about time for you to be heading home? There's nothing to see here. Move along. Phoenix: Um, actually, we're here at Mr. Powers's request. Oldbag: Hmph! I thought you were suspicious lookin'! Show me a "letter of request." And maybe I'll just let you in. Maya: This lady here thinks she owns this place, obviously. (Detention Center, after talking with Wendy Oldbag) Will: Hello! How was the studio? They all think I did it, don't they? Maya: N-no, not at all! Isn't that right, Nick? Phoenix: Right, not at all. At worst, you're a suspect. Will: *sniff* (Wright & Co. Law Offices) (Studio - Main Gate) October 16Studio One Entrance Gumshoe: Hey! Aren't you that murderer from the other day! Maya: Aah! It's that confused detective! Gumshoe: Hey pal, you know Prosecutor Edgeworth is all upset, and it's your fault! I saw him sipping tea and staring gloomily out the window! Phoenix: Umm... so? Maya: Hey! If he's depressed, it's all your fault for doing sloppy detective work! Gumshoe: !!! ... ... ... Maya: Um, Detective? Phoenix: I think you hurt his feelings. Maya: Oh no! I... I'm sorry! Phoenix: Well, I think his feelings are easily hurt. Gumshoe: You're right, pal. It's all my fault. I can blame other people all I want, but I know the truth in my heart! Maya: Hey, hey! Don't take it so hard! There's always the next case! Gumshoe: Yeah, I suppose you're right. Hey! What exactly are you two doing here? Maya: Um, well... We're on this case too, pal! Gumshoe: Huh!? Hey! You can't just go saying "pal" like that! That's MY endearing character trait! Maya: I'd say he's a character alright... (Talking about "The investigation" and "Decisive evidence" leads to:) Gumshoe: What's wrong, pal? You seem down. Phoenix: Don't look so happy when you say that. Gumshoe: Oh hoh hoh hoh hoh! Maya: Umm... We'd like to ask the employees here some questions... Gumshoe: Sure thing, pal. Go wherever you like. Of course, you're not going to find any clues I haven't already found! Hah hah hah! Phoenix: (I'm glad someone around here seems to be enjoying themselves.) Maya: Nick, let's go! We've got a free pass to the place. Now's our chance to check things out! (Studio - Main Gate, after talking with Dick Gumshoe) Maya: Nick! Look! That security lady is in the guard station stuffing her face with donuts! I guess all cops like their donuts! Phoenix: Yeah, and they're soft enough she doesn't need teeth to chew them... Oldbag: Hey, you! Well? Are you satisfied Powers is guilty yet? Phoenix: (Urk! She had to make my life harder by giving that photo to Detective Gumshoe...) (Wright & Co. Law Offices, after talking with Dick Gumshoe) October 16Wright & Co. Law Offices Maya: What's going on, Nick!? Powers said he was sleeping in his dressing room! But now there's a photo of him going to the studio!? Phoenix: Don't look at me! How should I know? (Detention Center, after talking with Dick Gumshoe) October 16Detention CenterVisitor's Room Phoenix: ... Maya: Apparently they have Mr. Powers in questioning. Phoenix: Hmm... right. Gumshoe: Look pal, that camera takes a picture automatically whenever someone walks by. And it took a picture of Will Powers! Phoenix: I have to ask him about that photograph! Maya: Oh well. Let's try again later. October 16Global StudiosEmployee Area Maya: Nick! This is where they do all the behind-the-scenes stuff! Hey! Look! There's Powers's dressing room! No one's here this soon after the murder I guess. Let's take a look around! October 16Global StudiosDressing Room Phoenix: (Powers's dressing room... So this is where he was sleeping? Or at least, this is where he claims he was sleeping.) Maya: No one actually saw him taking a nap here, did they? Phoenix: Right, and there's a picture of him near the crime scene. (I hope he's telling the truth... for his sake!) (Wright & Co. Law Offices) (Studio - Main Gate) (Outside Studio One) October 16Studio One Maya: ... Phoenix: What is it? Maya: ... Phoenix: You're real quiet all of a sudden. Maya: Doesn't it give you the shivers, Nick? That white tape! It's so... so real! Phoenix: Well, the Evil Magistrate did die here. And the Steel Samurai killed him. The murder weapon was the Samurai Spear. Sounds pretty real to me... (Examing film camera leads to:) ???: Hey! You! No touching that! Phoenix: Ah, um, sorry, my partner is kind of, y'know... Maya: "Y'know"!? No I don't know! Phoenix: Umm... who are you? Penny: Who me? I'm an assistant here. I help with props and stuff. Moving them around, ordering new ones, et cetera. Maya: We're lawyers representing Mr. Will Powers. Penny: Oh, you're WP's people. Maya: "WP"...? Oh, Will Powers. W.P., I get it. Penny: I don't envy you guys one bit! But... do what you can for WP, okay? He'd never hurt a fly! He has to be innocent. Maya: Don't worry, leave it to us! (Clearing all "Talk" options leads to:) Maya: What do we do, Nick? We haven't found anything. If WP was the only one who came to the studio... Then he has to be the killer! They even have a photograph... Phoenix: Hmm... Penny: Umm... Sorry... I know you're busy. Phoenix: Not really. Penny: Actually, there's been something bothering me. Maya: Ah hah! That's what I'm talking about! A clue! A lead! Penny: Well, I don't know about that, but that day, just after noon, I sensed someone was here... Phoenix: You "sensed"? Penny: Yes, several times. Phoenix: Some other studio employees, maybe? Penny: No, I don't think so. The only thing we had scheduled was an action scene run-through. I was the only assistant here that day. I have a feeling it was someone from... outside. Phoenix: R-really!? Maya: But wait, if someone had come in here... Wouldn't that security lady have noticed them? Phoenix: Yeah, you're right. Penny: I'm sorry I don't have any better information than that. Maya: No, thanks! That helps us a lot. Anything helps. Let's go put that security lady on the spot! (Studio - Main Gate, after talking with Penny Nichols) October 16Global StudiosMain Gate Oldbag: What? You're still here? Really! You look as though you've seen a ghost! (Inside Studio One, after talking with Wendy Oldbag) October 16Studio One Maya: No one's here. I wonder if the security lady got mad at that assistant? Phoenix: Hmm. That's definitely a possibility. (Studio - Main Gate) (Getting Powers's(?) Photo leads to:) Maya: Hey, hey, Nick! Can't we use this photo as evidence for the trial? Phoenix: Yeah. Maya: We'll put that security lady in her place with this! Phoenix: Right, we'll put her in her place... Maya: Hey, that's what I said! Anyway... Let's show her this photo and see what she says! Phoenix: Wait. Let's not. Maya: Why not? Phoenix: It's never a good idea to reveal your hand to the enemy too soon. Maya: Nick! You're craftier than I gave you credit for. Why, you could be the next... Evil Magistrate! Phoenix: Hey! Why do I have to be the villain. Maya: Relax, it was just a joke! So, are we done for today? Phoenix: I think this photo is what we needed for the trial. Still, it'd be better if we had some idea who the real killer was! Maybe it really is that security lady...? To be continued. October 18, 10:00 AMDistrict CourtCourtroom No. 4 Judge: The court is now in session for the trial of Mr. Will Powers. Edgeworth: The prosecution is ready, Your Honor. Phoenix: The defense is ready, Your Honor. Judge: Very well. Mr. Edgeworth, your opening statement, please. Edgeworth: The prosecution will show the court that at 2:30 PM on October 15, the defendant, Mr. Will Powers, killed fellow actor Jack Hammer at Studio One of Global Studios. It is impossible for anyone else to have committed this heinous crime. The evidence presented during the trial will all point to this fact. Judge: Hmm. I see. Very well, I would like to move on to your testimony. Mr. Edgeworth, the prosecution may call its first witness. Edgeworth: First, I would like to call a familiar face, Detective Gumshoe, to the stand. Detective, if you would briefly describe this case to the court? Gumshoe: Yes sir! I'll explain with the guidemap here. To understand this case, it's important to grasp the layout of the studios, see? This here is the Employee Area. The actors did a run-through of their action scenes during the morning here. This is the main gate to the studios. The security lady that works at the studios was here at 1:00 PM on that day. Past the security station there is a gate, see? Past that are the studios. And here it is... Studio One. This is the scene of the murder, where the body was found! Now, on the day of the murder, October 15, there were only three people here. The victim, Jack Hammer, the defendant, Will Powers, and a young woman, the production assistant. All the production staff were in the Employee Area until noon. Then after lunch, the victim, Jack Hammer, went to Studio One. Right after that, at 1:00 PM, the security lady got to the guard station. Now, jump ahead to later that day... 5:00 PM. The production staff came to Studio One to perform a rehearsal. Needless to say, the rehearsal was cancelled... The time of death was 2:30 PM. The "Samurai Spear" found lodged in the victim's chest was the murder weapon. That's the case, in brief. Anyone like to hear that again? Phoenix: (Hmm... should I listen to that whole thing again...?) Phoenix: (I think I can probably remember that...) Judge: So the murder weapon was a "spear"? How... medieval! Edgeworth: Your Honor. This case is quite simple if you ask one question: And that question is: "What did the security lady at the guard station see?" Judge: Understood. Edgeworth: Let's call this security officer to the stand! Will the witness declare her name? Oldbag: ... Hmm? My, aren't you a handsome fellow! I'm afraid I'm a bit flustered! Edgeworth: Y-your name, please! Oldbag: Oh, dearie! No need for you to be embarrassed! Just call me "grandma." Edgeworth: YOUR NAME, PLEASE! Phoenix: (Seems Edgeworth has a bit of trouble getting his witnesses to say their names...) Oldbag: Wendy Oldbag, dearie. So just call me "grandma." It's practically my name! So even when I was young I was an Oldbag, but not really that was just my name dearie. Still how the other children would make fun of me and just because of my name can you believe it? But there was this boy, the captain of the chess club in junior high, and when he called me an old bag well I just cried and cried because I had a crush on him you see-- Edgeworth: File:Objection.gifO-objection! I... object to the witness's talkativeness. Judge: Objection sustained! The witness will refrain from rambling on the stand. Oldbag: I was just getting to the good part, dearie! Edgeworth: Perhaps we can get to the testimony? Judge: Now, the witness was stationed at the main gate on the day of the murder, correct? Oldbag: Yessey I was. Judge: And to get to the scene of the murder, someone would have to pass by you? Oldbag: You know your stuff, dearie! Judge: ... You may begin your testimony. Phoenix: (She sure is one hell of an Oldbag...) Witness Testimony - - Witness's Account - - Oldbag: On the day of the murder, I arrived at the guard station at 1:00 PM.Poor old Hammer and the rest had been doing a run-through there since the morning.I, well, I had some errands to run that morning.Anyway, it was 1:00 when I got to the guard station.I was at the main gate from then until 5:00!Now, the murder happened at 2:30 PM, right?Interesting to me, because a certain man walked right by me at 2:00 PM.It was Powers! That man right there, and he was heading toward the studio! Judge: You saw the defendant, then? Hmm... Very well. Let's begin the cross-examination. Mr. Wright? Phoenix: Yes, Your Honor. Cross Examination - - Witness's Account - - Oldbag: On the day of the murder, I arrived at the guard station at 1:00 PM. Oldbag: Poor old Hammer and the rest had been doing a run-through there since the morning. Oldbag: I, well, I had some errands to run that morning. Oldbag: Anyway, it was 1:00 when I got to the guard station. Oldbag: I was at the main gate from then until 5:00! Oldbag: Now, the murder happened at 2:30 PM, right? Oldbag: Interesting to me, because a certain man walked right by me at 2:00 PM. Oldbag: It was Powers! That man right there, and he was heading toward the studio! Maya: Nick... Doesn't she seem like she's enjoying this a little too much? Phoenix: Windbags love gossiping about other people's misfortunes. Maya: Ugh. Can't she get her kicks somewhere else? Phoenix: Let me get this straight, old bag! Er, Ms. Oldbag! You've been saying since yesterday that you "saw Mr. Powers," correct? But you're talking about the man in this photo, aren't you! Judge: J-just a moment, Mr. Wright. Let me see that photo! ... What is this, exactly? Phoenix: None other than the Steel Samurai, defender of Neo Olde Tokyo. Ms. Oldbag! Is this the "Mr. Powers" that you saw!? Oldbag: Of course! Didn't your momma teach you any sense, sonny? Anyone can plainly see that's Powers! Right? Edgeworth: Um, yeah. ... Umm... well. I wonder? Phoenix: True, Mr. Powers does play the role of the Steel Samurai! But that doesn't mean Mr. Powers IS the Steel Samurai! Oldbag: ...! I... I know that! I wasn't born yesterday! Judge: No one in this court is accusing you of that, Ms... er, witness. Phoenix: (He's having trouble calling her "Oldbag" apparently...) Judge: However, you do not have proof that the person in this photo is Mr. Will Powers, do you? Oldbag: Humph! Nosy old man! Of course I have proof! Phoenix: What!? Edgeworth: Huh!? Phoenix: (Even Edgeworth is surprised!?) Edgeworth: The prosecution would like to ask the old... the witness. Please make known all the information in your possession ahead of time! Oldbag: How was I to know everyone would be so nosy! You should be ashamed, all of you! Anyway, I showed that photo to the young detective. He told me "this isn't any good as evidence, pal." He didn't even give it a second look! Edgeworth: ... Phoenix: (Wow, old windbag has left even Edgeworth speechless. She's good!) Judge: Let's hear about your proof, then. Witness Testimony - - The Man in the Photo - - Oldbag: I never say anything I don't mean, mind you!That morning, during the run-through of the action scene...I saw Powers trip and fall!He broke one of the props, it was a big mess.Apparently, he sprained his ankle pretty bad.Now, look at that picture!You can see he's dragging his leg! See? Clear as day!That's how I knew it was Powers. Happy? Judge: Hmm. So he had sprained his ankle...? Very well. Mr. Wright, you may cross-examine the witness. Phoenix: (She's got to be hiding something... I'll press her until she squeals.) Cross Examination - - The Man in the Photo - - Oldbag: I never say anything I don't mean, mind you! Oldbag: That morning, during the run-through of the action scene... Oldbag: I saw Powers trip and fall! Oldbag: He broke one of the props, it was a big mess. Oldbag: Apparently, he sprained his ankle pretty bad. Oldbag: You can see he's dragging his leg! See? Clear as day! Oldbag: That's how I knew it was Powers. Happy? Maya: Well, Nick? Find any glaring contradictions? Phoenix: Well, she seems pretty sure that was Powers in that photo... I guess I'll just press her and see if I can shake her conviction... (Pressing second (or third) and fourth statements leads to:) Edgeworth: I think we've heard enough! Haven't we, Your Honor? Judge: Well, there is one thing that bothers me. Edgeworth: Which is? Judge: Where is this "Steel Samurai" costume now? Edgeworth: Umm... hmm. Actually, well... We couldn't find it. We're looking, though. Judge: Hmm... Edgeworth: Anyway, that's not important! The witness did see the Steel Samurai, yes. And it is clear that the person in the Steel Samurai suit was Mr. Will Powers! Judge: Hmm... I suppose that's right. Phoenix: (Are you sure you're sure, Your Honor?) Edgeworth: Will the witness continue her testimony, please? Oldbag: No need to ask twice! Witness Testimony - - Witness's Account, cont. - - Oldbag: The time of poor Hammer's death was 2:30 PM, true?The only person I saw go to the studio before then was Will Powers!No one else went there!If they had, I would have seen them! Judge: Hmm... So, if no one else went to the studio... Then it would have to be this "Steel Samurai" who did it. Mr. Wright, you may cross-examine the witness. Cross Examination - - Witness's Account, cont. - - Oldbag: The time of poor Hammer's death was 2:30 PM, true? Oldbag: The only person I saw go to the studio before then was Will Powers! Oldbag: No one else went there! Oldbag: If they had, I would have seen them! Maya: Old windbag sure has balls! Or... well, you know what I mean. Phoenix: Old windbags have a way of skipping over important details, after all... Or, for that matter, entirely forgetting them. Maya: How convenient. Phoenix: (Something for you to look forward to, perhaps?) Phoenix: Hold on! Look at this photograph one more time. This photo was taken by the camera at the gate for the studios, correct? Oldbag: Yesiree, sonny. Phoenix: So, whenever anyone passes by here, it automatically takes a picture? Oldbag: And here I thought you didn't know your head from a hole in the ground. Phoenix: Right... Anyway! It's also true that the computer in the guard station records all security cam data. Oldbag: Ooh! You know, if you wanted to work at the studio, we might have an opening. Phoenix: That very computer printed out this photo. Note that on the back of the photo are printed the words: [Oct 15, 2:00 PM, Photo #2] Oldbag: Even I know that means it was taken at 2:00 PM on October the 15th! Really, sonny! Phoenix: Actually, I knew that too. The issure here is the bit at the end where it says: "Photo #2"... Oldbag: "Photo #2"...? Phoenix: The computer only held data for one photo on that day. Don't you think that's odd? Shouldn't this photo be "Photo #1" if it really was the ONLY photo!? Judge: Order! Order! Please tell the court what you mean by this, Mr. Wright! Phoenix: Actually, that's what I want to ask the witness. This evidence shows that not one, but two people went to the studio that day. Yet there is only data for one of the photos! Who could have erased the data for the other photo? Only someone with access... the security lady herself! Oldbag: Eh!? You watch your mouth, whippersnapper! The only person I saw that day was Will Powers! Phoenix: But the camera on the gate fired twice! That means two people went by! Oldbag: Umm... well, yes... that's what it would seem to mean... Judge: Can the witness explain this to the court? Oldbag: Umm... ahem. I-I don't understand these new-fangled computer things... Umm... E-Edgey-boy! Help! Edgeworth: Huh!? B-believe me, I want to, but I don't know what this means either. Oldbag: Humph! Some help you are! You're a whippersnapper too! ... ... Whippersnapper...? Judge: Something the matter, Ms. Oldbag? Oldbag: Ah! That's right! I... I just remembered something! Judge: Let me guess... Someone else passed by the gate... someone other than the Steel Samurai? Oldbag: Er... well, yes, I suppose you could put it that way. Judge: *sigh* I see. Your testimony, please. Witness Testimony - - The Other Person - - Oldbag: Every day, after I finish my guard duties, I have one other important job to do.I go through the photos recorded on the security computer and check them.I throw out any photos that aren't suspicious lookin', you see.Come to think of it, now I remember throwing out one photo that day! Edgeworth: M-Ms. Oldbag! This is the first I've heard of this! Oldbag: Well, of course, sonny! I've only just remembered it. Judge: Right... anyway, Mr. Wright, please begin the cross-examination. Maya: Well, I'd say this was a turn for the unexpected, but I kind of expected this... Cross Examination - - The Other Person - - Oldbag: Every day, after I finish my guard duties, I have one other important job to do. Oldbag: I go through the photos recorded on the security computer and check them. Oldbag: I throw out any photos that aren't suspicious lookin', you see. Oldbag: Come to think of it, now I remember throwing out one photo that day! Maya: "Come to think of it"? Couldn't she think of that a little earlier!? Phoenix: Classic old windbag maneuver, Maya. Maya: Hmm... Might be a useful tactic to remember for use in my future career as a windbag. Phoenix: (Let's find out more about this "erased" photo.) (Pressing fourth statement leads to:) Phoenix: File:Objection.gifW-wait a second! Didn't you just say no one else could get in!? "I locked the main gate so no one could get in"... Those were your words! Oldbag: Well! If you must know, there's a drain that goes into the Employee Area. The grate has been loose for a while. It leads outside, and well, that's where they come in. Phoenix: They come in through the drain? Oldbag: I told you they were freaks. Oh, and... Phoenix: And...? Oldbag: They're kids. Children. Whippersnappers. Phoenix: K-kids!? So, on the photo that you erased...? Oldbag: It was a boy. Probably 2nd or 3rd grade. Phoenix: Whaaaaaaaaaaaat!? Judge: O-order! Order! Let me get this straight. You saw two people pass by the gate on their way to the studios that day? One was the Steel Samurai, dragging his leg. The other was a boy who looked to be in about 2nd or 3rd grade? Oldbag: Oh yes, well we see his type there every day. Can't stop 'em. Can't catch 'em. Edgeworth: A boy in 2nd or 3rd grade? Hmm... I assume it would be hard, if not impossible for a young boy to wield the Samurai Spear? Judge: Impossible, I'd think. It's quite heavy. Oldbag: Right! As I said, I didn't pay him much mind. That's why I erased the data. Maya: Um, Nick? What's going on? I mean, the boy was there, that makes him a suspect! Phoenix: Yeah, and they're already trying to "un-suspect" him. Judge: I'd like to take a five minute recess. I want the defense and the prosecution to consider this new information... And no forgetting vital information this time! October 18, 11:08 AMDistrict CourtDefendant Lobby No. 3 Phoenix: Mr. WP? Will: Y-yes? Phoenix: Tell me straight: were you really in your dressing room? You didn't go to the studio? Will: I-I didn't go to the studio! I was s-sleeping, honest. Maya: So who was the "Steel Samurai" in that security photo? Will: How should I know? The Steel Samurai costume was off in the corner of the dressing room. Anyone could have walked in and taken it, really. Maya: What!? You should take better care of that stuff! Will: I couldn't imagine anyone would want to steal a Steel Samurai costume! So... where does this leave me? Phoenix: It doesn't look good... Will: *sniff* Phoenix: You're the only likely suspect, right now. Maya: Nick! W-what are we going to do!? Phoenix: First, we play for more time. We'll start targeting someone else that could conceivably have done this! Maya: Right! And it'll take them so long to shoot us down that we can get another day! Phoenix: Right... but if we pick the wrong person, we might lose on the spot. Will: You... don't sound very optimistic. Phoenix: I'm not optimistic at all, actually. Maya: Hey, Nick. It's time. Phoenix: Okay. Let's go. *sigh* Will: What does that mean... Please don't sigh like that! *sniff* Judge: The court will now reconvene for the trial of Mr. Will Powers. Mr. Edgeworth, will you present the prosecution's thoughts on this matter? Edgeworth: The prosecution's thoughts are simple. Nothing has changed. The other person who went to the studios was a boy of roughly 10 years of age. The photo we do have may not be hard evidence... But there is still no one else that could have committed this crime! I call for a verdict of "guilty" for the defendant, Mr. Will Powers! Judge: Hmm... Very well. Mr. Wright, your thoughts? Phoenix: The defense disagrees with the prosecution's claim. There IS another person who could have committed this crime! Judge: Order! Interesting... Let us hear who you have in mind! However... Be aware that this court does not look kindly on accusing the innocent. If you accuse someone who is obviously innocent, you will be penalized. Phoenix: (Right. Great. As if the stakes weren't high enough.) Judge: So, who was this person other than Mr. Powers that could have committed murder? Phoenix: It was the security lady! Wendy Oldbag! Oldbag: W-who!? Phoenix: The Steel Samurai is dragging his leg in this picture. That means whoever was in the suit knew about that morning's injury. Maybe because... they had been watching the action scene run-through! There was only one person other than Powers and Hammer who knew about the injury. The security lady, Oldbag! Oldbag: W-what!? Whippersnapper! Judge: Order! Order! I-is this true, Oldbag!? Oldbag: Oldbag!? That's Ms. Oldbag to you! Phoenix: Ms. Oldbag was standing guard alone at the main gate. She was by herself... in other words, she has no alibi! She could have briefly left her post to steal the the Steel Samurai costume... Then slipped into Studio One, the scene of the murder! Judge: W-why would she go through the trouble of wearing the Steel Samurai costume!? Phoenix: Simple, Your Honor. She knew the camera at the gate would take her picture. If she was in his costume, she could point the finger at Mr. Powers! Judge: I see! Excellent deductive reasoning, Mr. Wright. Phoenix: (Ohhh yeah, right here! Sherlock Holmes II, baby!) ...? (That's odd. Isn't this the part where Edgeworth pounces...? Doesn't he usually jump up with an objection and some new damning evidence...?) Judge: Well, Mr. Edgeworth? Does the prosecution have an opinion on this matter? Edgeworth: ... The prosecution has no meaningful objections at this time. Oldbag: W-w-what!? What's that supposed to mean!? Oh, so you all think I did it? Is that it!? Edgey-boy! Don't just sit there, do something! Phoenix: (What's my move? Maybe now's my chance to take this the whole way?) Phoenix: The very same reasoning that makes Mr. Powers a suspect in this case... can be used to cast doubt on Ms. Oldbag's actions on that day! Oldbag: B-but why would I do something so horrible to poor Hammer!? Phoenix: You forget that Mr. Powers lacks a clear motive, too. Judge: Hmm... Indeed. Phoenix: (That did it. Now windbag is one of the suspects. No hard feelings... I hope.) Oldbag: Wait just a minute! What about the other person who went to the studio!? The boy! The one whose photo I erased! Judge: He's only a grade schooler though, as you said. 2nd or 3rd grade, was it? Oldbag: Th-that doesn't matter! When I was that age, I could pin my old man in 10 seconds, tops! Judge: Hmm... Your thoughts, Mr. Wright? Phoenix: That boy is not the killer. Oldbag: What!? How can you be so sure! Oh, or is it be nice to the kids and mean to your elders day? Whippersnapper! Phoenix: I have proof. Oldbag: P-proof!? Judge: Indeed? Then let's see this proof, Mr. Wright. You have proof that shows the boy could not have committed this murder? Judge: I see! Well, would the witness care to comment on this? Oldbag: Mrph. Phoenix: (The windbag... speechless. This has got to be a first.) Judge: Very well! This court will suspend proceedings on the current trial for today. Mr. Edgeworth, please find out more about your witness, Ms. Windy... what was her name? Edgeworth: Something "Oldbag," Your Honor. Judge: Then the prosecution will look further into this Oldbag before we continue! That is all. The court is adjourned! Oldbag: W-wait a second! I'm not going to just sit here while you run off barking up the wrong tree... me! I'm talking! Maya: Oh, great, stop the presses! The windbag wants to talk! Judge: Ms. Oldbag! What is this all about? Have you omitted something from your testimony? Oldbag: Actually, if you must know, there's something I was told not to talk about. Phoenix: N-not to talk about? Edgeworth: By whom!? Phoenix: (Huh? You mean it wasn't Edgeworth who told her not to talk...?) Judge: W-well, testify! Witness Testimony - - My Lips Were Sealed - - Oldbag: Global Studios wanted me to keep quiet about something.There were... some other people at the studios on the day of the murder.They said they had "nothing to do with it," see?So they told me to just pretend they "hadn't been at the studios that day."But if you're going to go accusing me, I'm not letting them get away scot free! Judge: M-Ms. Oldbag! This is crucial information! Why did you keep this from the court until now!? Oldbag: Ain't you been listening? They told me to shut my trap, and I always do what I'm told. Judge: ... Phoenix: (No, this isn't a bad dream, Your Honor. Witness the power of the Oldbag...) Judge: Mr. Wright... Your cross-examination. Cross Examination - - My Lips Were Sealed - - Oldbag: Global Studios wanted me to keep quiet about something. Oldbag: There were... some other people at the studios on the day of the murder. Oldbag: They said they had "nothing to do with it," see? Oldbag: So they told me to just pretend they "hadn't been at the studios that day." Oldbag: But if you're going to go accusing me, I'm not letting them get away scot free! Maya: Nick! I guess pressing her was the right thing to do! For an old windbag, she sure likes keeping secrets... Let's get as much information as we can! Phoenix: Your Honor. We have learned there were others at Global Studios on the day in question. The director and the producer and, er, some bigwigs, were all present. Yet, as we stand here, they have not been questioned! I hold that it is impossible to declare a verdict on the defendant, Mr. Powers! Judge: Hmm... The court acknowledges the defense's point. The prosecution will gather more information about the witness, Ms. Oldbag... and more information about these other people we have just been told of! Edgeworth: ... I understand, Your Honor. Judge: This ends the day's proceedings in the trial of Mr. Will Powers. That is all. The court is adjourned! October 18, 1:04 PMDistrict CourtDefendant Lobby No. 3 Will: Th-thank you so much, Mr. Wright. I was right to ask you to defend me. Maya: Aww, really, it's nothing. *grin* Oh, or should I... *sniff* Phoenix: We'll be going down to the studios to do some more investigation. We have to find out more about this director and producer. They'll be turning up in the next trial as witnesses for certain. So now's my chance to get material for the cross-examination! Maya: So, Nick... Have we figured out just who it was in that Steel Samurai costume? Could it really have been old windbag? Phoenix: What do you think, Mr. Powers? Will: I don't think it was her, really. Maya: Neither do I, Nick. Phoenix: Y-yeah, I know! Look, I was just buying time back there. Someone had to be the bad guy for a bit to take the pressure off Mr. Powers. Maya: Poor old windbag... I feel kinda sorry for her. Phoenix: Well, she wasn't winning any points in there, with or without my accusation. Okay, let's get down to the studios. Maya: Right! We'll be back to visit you soon... Will: Th-thanks. Thanks, guys. *sniff* To be continued. October 18Wright & Co. Law Offices Phoenix: Whew, what a day. Maya: This is no time for relaxing, Nick! Say, you think WP's got a chance? Phoenix: I guess that really depends on the people we found out about in today's trial. Maya: The director and producer...? Phoenix: Yeah, them. Maya: Well, what are we doing here then!? Let's get to the studios! October 18Detention CenterVisitor's Room Will: Oh, Mr. Wright! Thank you for earlier. Phoenix: Not at all. We got lucky, to tell the truth. Maya: You can say that again! Phoenix: Let's not. Maya: So, WP! Do you have any leads that might get us going in the right direction? Will: Hmm... S-sorry, but no. Maya: Be sure to tell us anything that comes to mind, no matter how small. Phoenix: We can't rely on getting lucky again tomorrow. Will: Y-yes... *sniff* October 18, 2:16 PMGlobal StudiosMain Gate Maya: No one's here. Phoenix: Right, now that they have Ms. Oldbag in custody. I guess they don't have anyone else to replace her... Maya: H-hey! In the guard station! Look! She left her donuts! ... ... What? I wasn't going to eat them! October 18Studio One Entrance Maya: Hey, Nick. It looks like Detective Gumshoe isn't here today. Phoenix: You're right. He's probably up to his neck in paperwork after the commotion at today's trial. Maya: So, Nick... Remember that "Studio Two" we heard about at the trial today? It was down that path with the fallen tree, right? Phoenix: Yeah, I think that's what they said. Maya: Maybe the director and the rest of them are there today? Now's our chance, Nick! Let's check it out! October 18Studio One Maya: I... don't really want to be in here. Phoenix: Yeah... It is a murder scene. Maya: I want to go someplace else. Nick? Phoenix: (*sigh*...) October 18Studio Two Entrance Maya: This... is Studio Two? Phoenix: I thought so... Maya: It doesn't really look much like a "studio," does it? Phoenix: No, that it does not. Maya: Hey... There's a trailer over there. Phoenix: It looks pretty sturdy for a movie set trailer. Maya: Are we sure this is a studio? October 18Global StudiosEmployee Area Maya: Look, it's that assistant girl. Hey! Penny: Hi... WP's lawyers, right? I heard about the trial! Great job, guys! Phoenix: Oh? Oh hoh hoh. Don't mention it. Penny: Is it true they caught the security lady!? Phoenix: Oh! Oh... oh hoh hoh! Penny: Actually, she just called me. She told me to cover up that drain... Phoenix: You mean that one? (Wow, what a mess...) Penny: I... I know... I'm not so good with handiwork. Some assistant, right? Maya: Yeah, but you do work on the props, and the backdrops, right? Penny: R-right. Just... lots of times they end up looking worse than they did before I fixed them. Maya: Oh? Oh! Well, I'm sure these things happen. Nothing to worry yourself about! Penny: You're right! I won't! Phoenix: (Personally, I think she should worry at least a little bit more...) Penny: Um, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to the guard station. I'm supposed to fill in for Ms. Oldbag. Maya: Right! See you later, then! Penny: Good luck with your investigation. October 18Global StudiosDressing Room Maya: This is where the Steel Samurai costume was, on the day of the murder. Phoenix: That's what Mr. Powers says, at least. I guess they snuck in and took it while he was sleeping. Maya: But Nick, what if Mr. Powers hadn't been sleeping? I wonder what the killer was planning on doing then? Phoenix: Huh... (She's got a point!) (Studio - Main Gate, after reopening drain in Employee Area) Penny: Oh... hello. Maya: Ho hoh! You look a little out of place. Penny: It's the clothes, isn't it? I thought my camo vest might do the trick... Kind of an "alternative guard fashion" thing. (Dressing Room, after talking with Penny Nichols) ???: WTF? Who are j00 d00dz!? LMAO! Maya: H-huh!? W-we... Wait, you first! Who are you!? You look pretty suspicious to me! Manella: Whatever, l4m3rs! How can j00 not know the great Sal Manella!? I make teh L33T SH0WZ! The Steel Samurai? Mine! RTFC! (Read The Film Credits!) Maya: R-really!? You're THE Sal Manella!? I'm so sorry! I, just, you looked so... Sorry! Manella: No no, quite alright. Really. It's fine. ROFL! ... Maya: W-what is it? Manella: You know, on closer inspection... Mmm... Yeah... Hot! Hot! Hot! *slobber* Hey, do j00 do a lot of "cosplay," coz that costume r0x0rz!... *drool* Maya: Rocksores!? Wh-wh-what... Hey! You're drooling! Manella: Huh? Mmph! LOL! Buffer overrun! *pant* You've triggered my CR34T1V3 P0W3RZ! Yes... yes, it's coming to me! "Pink Princess"! The sequel to the Steel Samurai... "Pink Princess: Warrior of Little Olde Tokyo!" ROFL... LMAO! Phoenix: P-"Pink Princess"...? Maya: Why's it gotta be "Little" Olde Tokyo!? Why can't it have a cool name, like "Neo Olde Tokyo"!? Phoenix: Maya, we really need to talk about "cool"... (Outside Studio Two, after talking with Penny Nichols) October 18Studio Two Entrance Phoenix: (This place is deserted...) *crash!* Maya: Eek! N-N-Nick! W-w-what was that noise!? It sounded like it came from inside the trailer... Phoenix: Someone must be inside... Maya: H-Hello? ... Phoenix: No answer. Maya: Pretty suspicious, if you ask me, Nick! Let's go in! Phoenix: I'm not sure we should be barging in... ...Huh. It's locked. Maya: What? Don't we have a key? Phoenix: No. But there's probably one in the guard station at the main gate. Then what are we waiting for? Let's borrow it! Phoenix: (If they'll let us...) (Studio - Main Gate, after talking with Sal Manella and hearing crash inside Studio Two trailer) Oldbag: Ah hah! You again! Maya: Eeeek! Oldbag: How rude, acting like you've seen a ghost! Phoenix: You... certainly got back to your post quickly. Oldbag: Oh the police took me away, they did. They pulled out a spare Steel Samurai costume! Told me to "put it on." Can you imagine? How could I, a sweet little old lady, wear a giant suit like that? Phoenix: Mr. Powers is pretty tall... Oldbag: As soon as they saw there was no way I could wear it, they let me go. Phoenix: (I guess that would rule out her being the murderer.) Oldbag: Anyway! Know this, whippersnapper! This old lady NEVER forgets a slight or insult! And you won't get any information out of me! My lips are sealed! Maya: You sure are talking a lot for someone with sealed lips. Oldbag: Starting now! One, two, three, mmmph! Phoenix: (This lady's too much...) (Employee Area, after Wendy Oldbag returns to Studio - Main Gate) Maya: Hey! H-hey! Wait! Phoenix: (I'll bet he came in right through that drain...) Maya: Hey, um, kiddy-o! What's yer name, sport? ???: I'm not a kid, so don't talk to me like that! Maya: H-huh!? But you... You are a kid! What a rude little brat. That's no way to talk to an adult! ???: I don't see no adults here! Hippie fashion chick! Maya: H-hippie fashion...? Nick... I think I'm being mocked. Phoenix: (You got to hand it to Maya, she's pretty sharp. And pretty mad...) Cody: I'm Cody! Cody Hackins. Call me "kiddy-o" again and I'll cut you down where you stand, evildoer! (Studio - Main Gate, after talking with Cody Hackins) Maya: Huh? Where's that old windbag? Phoenix: Odd of her to leave her post... Oldbag: (H-hey!!!) Maya: Nick! That was her! Oldbag: (S-stop! Whippersnapper!) Phoenix: Y-yeah. Sounds like she's chasing after that boy. Oldbag: Natch! Maya: Uh oh, she tripped! Phoenix: (Maya sure looks happy...) (Outside Studio Two) October 18Studio Two Trailer ???: ... Maya: Eek! S-someone's in here! ???: Names. Maya: O-our n-names? Um, w-we're WP's lawyers, and, um... ???: I see. ... Maya: A-and who might you...? Vasquez: Dee Vasquez. The producer. Phoenix: (Dee Vasquez... She's quite beautiful.) (Clearing all "Talk" options leads to:) Maya: Nick, let's get out of here. Isn't there someplace else we have to check? Phoenix: Y-yeah. Vasquez: Wait. Phoenix: Y-yes? Vasquez: If you see Manella, give him this. Maya: W-why do we have to do your errands...! Vasquez: ... Maya: ... Vasquez: ... Maya: I... I don't think I like her. *sniff* Phoenix: Don't cry. She'll take it as a sign of weakness. Alright. We'll give it to him if we see him. (Dressing Room) (Inside Studio One, after presenting Vasquez's Memo to Sal Manella) Maya: We're back at the scene of the crime. Let's find what we need and get out of here quick, Nick. (Dressing Room) (Trailer) (Outside Studio One) Vasquez: ... That's "Mr. Monkey." When it wasn't broken, it announced the time... in "ooks." One "ook" per hour. Ook ook ook ook. Always with the ooking. Phoenix: (It IS a monkey, after all.) Vasquez: Check its head. The clock inside stopped when it broke. Maya: ...! Nick, it's stopped at 2:15. Phoenix: 2:15...? Vasquez: That's right. This path was blocked from 2:15 till after 4:00. Therefore, we're innocent. Phoenix: Mr. Hammer died in Studio One at 2:30... Vasquez: See? Good bye. Maya: What do we do, Nick? There isn't anyone besides WP who could have killed Hammer! It's over... We're finished! Phoenix: (It sure doesn't look good. Guess we should head back to the office and plan our strategy...) (Wright & Co. Law Offices, after talking with Dee Vasquez) October 18Wright & Co. Law Offices Phoenix: Now what... We're fresh out of clues. Everyone's alibi is water-tight. We don't even have any promising leads. Things are looking pretty grim. ???: It's a little early for giving up, don't you think? Phoenix: Huh? ???: You've got one lead... Phoenix: M-Mia! It's you! What took you so long!? Mia: Sorry, Phoenix. Maya has trouble calling me unless she's really in trouble. Phoenix: Right! Oh, wait. I guess that means we're really in trouble. Mia: I'd say so. Phoenix: What did you mean, we have one lead...? Mia: The boy, of course. Cody: Yeah, I saw 'em. I saw everything! Maya: What!? Cody: But...but no way am I telling you losers! Phoenix: I dunno. He didn't sound like he was going to help us at all. Mia: I'm sure you can find some way of bringing him over to your side. Either way, we should get back to the studios. That boy is our last hope, Phoenix. Phoenix: (Thanks, now I'm more worried than I was before...) (Detention Center, after Maya channels Mia Fey) October 18Detention CenterVisitor's Room Phoenix: I guess Mr. Powers is in questioning... Mia: Oh well. Let's try again another day, Phoenix. October 18Global StudiosMain Gate Oldbag: Huff... puff... huff... puff... huff... puff... huff... Huff... puff... huff... puff... huff... puff... huff... Phoenix: W-what's wrong? Oldbag: Huff... puff... huff... puff... whih... whippersnapper! Phoenix: (She's been chasing that boy this whole time.) Oldbag: Huff... puff... when... when I ca... catch him... I... huff Phoenix: (Sounds like she hasn't had any luck catching him.) Oldbag: Huff... puff... I... I got a hostage now, whippersnapper! Phoenix: (A "hostage"...!?) (Outside Studio One, after Maya channels Mia Fey) (Inside Studio One, after Maya channels Mia Fey and before giving Cardkey to Wendy Oldbag) (Outside Studio Two, after Maya channels Mia Fey) (Employee Area, after Maya channels Mia Fey) October 18Global StudiosEmployee Area Phoenix: Hey! Hey, you! W-wait a sec! Mia: ... Phoenix... Was that the boy? Phoenix: Yeah. His name's "Cody Hackins." Mia: I think he ran into the dressing room. (Dressing Room, after Maya channels Mia Fey) October 18Global StudiosDressing Room Phoenix: He's sure to be in here somewhere... Found you! Cody: ...! Phoenix: Dammit! He's getting away! Mia: Come back! ... There. He's back. Phoenix: (How did she...!?) Cody: ... Mia: Hey there. Would you mind helping us out? Please? Cody: ... I-I'm Cody. Mia: Hello, Cody. I'm Mia. Mia Fey. Nice to meet you. Cody: Yo. Phoenix: And I'm Phoenix Wright! Cody: Who asked? Mia: Phoenix, you can take it from here. Phoenix: (I'm not so sure I'm qualified...) (Trailer, after talking with Cody Hackins) October 18Studio Two Trailer Penny: Oh, hi. Phoenix: Hello. What brings you here? Penny: Oh, well, I had to arrange some stuff... Umm... Phoenix: Yes? Penny: The, um, girl with you. Doesn't she seem a little different? Like, is she even the same person as before? Phoenix: Um, nope! She's the same as always. Mia: Same as always. Penny: Okay... whatever you say... (Dressing Room, after talking with Penny Nichols) (Talking about "What you saw" leads to:) Gumshoe: Not so fast, pal! I heard everything! This boy here's a key witness! And he's under police protection, starting now! C'mon, son. You've got a rendezvous with me down at the precinct! Cody: No! I ain't going! Waah! Mia: ... That didn't go so well. We're back to zero leads. And now we have a serious handicap in court. Phoenix: W-what're we going to do, Mia! Mia: Well, hmm... I... really need to be going. Don't worry, Phoenix. I'm sure you'll be fine! Phoenix: Whoa whoa whoa! C-come to the trial tomorrow, please! I need you there! Mia: Phoenix, can I ask you something? Do you really believe that Mr. Powers is innocent? Phoenix: Great! Thanks, Mia! Mia: See you soon. To be continued. October 19, 9:42 AMDistrict CourtDefendant Lobby No. 1 Will: ... ... Umm... Mr. Wright? Phoenix: Yes? Will: Why do you look so... unhappy? Phoenix: O-oh! Oh, nothing! Eh heh heh. Really, it's nothing. Right, Mia? (Uh oh. She looks even unhappier...) Mia: Phoenix. Your client is now practically a dead man walking... Perhaps that's why I feel particularly close to him. Phoenix: This is no time for dead-people jokes, please. Mia: You know we're going into this trial utterly defenseless. Yet, if Mr. Powers is truly innocent... We should be able to find something overlooked in the evidence to prove it. Phoenix: Something "overlooked"...? Mia: We have to find something, Phoenix, today. It's that, or lose the trial. Phoenix: (This isn't going to be easy.) October 19, 10:00 AMDistrict CourtCourtroom No. 4 Judge: The court is now in session for the trial of Mr. Will Powers. Edgeworth: The prosecution is ready, Your Honor. Phoenix: The defense is ready, Your Honor. Judge: Very well. Mr. Edgeworth, your opening statement, please. Edgeworth: An unexpected fact has come to the attention of the court. Yesterday, we learned that there were other people present at the studios! Today, I would like to show evidence proving they had nothing to do with the murder. Judge: Very well. You may call your first witness, Mr. Edgeworth. Phoenix: (I wonder if that producer is going to come out...) Edgeworth: The prosecution calls Mr. Sal Manella to the stand. Phoenix: (... or that director.) Edgeworth: Will the witness state his name and profession? Manella: ... How r00d can j00 get! J00 don't know ME!? I'm the director! I make the Steel Samurai, n00b! ROFL! Edgeworth: ... Manella: S... Sal Manella. I'm a director. Television. Judge: Were you at Global Studios on the day of the murder? Manella: Y-yes, Your Honor. Judge: Hmm... Very well. Please testify to the court about the events of that day. Mia: Phoenix. Let's start by picking this testimony apart. If Powers is innocent, you know what that means. Someone in the trailer on that day did it! Phoenix: R-right. (She doesn't waste any time putting on the pressure!) Witness Testimony - - The Day of the Murder - - Manella: I was at the studios from around 9:00 that morning.During the morning, I was doing... umm... an action scene run-through.It took a lot more time than I thought it would.I hear that everyone else ate lunch in the Employee Area...But I had a meeting in the Studio Two trailer, so I ended up skipping lunch.We were in the meeting until around 4:00...During the meeting, well, I'm pretty sure no one left their chairs. Manella: That's about it. Judge: Hmm... The time of Mr. Hammer's death was 2:30 PM. And according to your testimony, you were in a meeting at that time. Mr. Wright, you may begin your cross-examination. Phoenix: Yes, Your Honor. Cross Examination - - The Day of the Murder - - Manella: I was at the studios from around 9:00 that morning. Manella: During the morning, I was doing... umm... an action scene run-through. Manella: It took a lot more time than I thought it would. Manella: I hear that everyone else ate lunch in the Employee Area... Manella: But I had a meeting in the Studio Two trailer, so I ended up skipping lunch. Manella: We were in the meeting until around 4:00... Manella: During the meeting, well, I'm pretty sure no one left their chairs. Mia: Phoenix. If his alibi holds, Powers is finished. Press him as hard as you can and find out where he's lying! Phoenix: R-right! Phoenix: Wait a second! Mr. Manella, you've just contradicted yourself! Didn't you just tell the court that you ate that t-bone steak during a break? Manella: Oops! ROFL! Phoenix: Well? Manella: Umm... Judge: Mr. Manella, what's this all about? Manella: W-well, yeah, I guess we did take a little break. Mia: Phoenix! Great job! If they took a break, one of them could have gone to the studio during that time! Phoenix: Your Honor! I call on the witness to testify to the court about this break! Judge: Very well. Mr. Manella, your testimony, please. Manella: Urk! Edgeworth: Heh heh heh... Phoenix: (Uh oh. Edgeworth is laughing...) Witness Testimony - - The Break - - Manella: Yeah, FWIW, we took a break... ROFL!But it was only 15 minutes! 15! That's only 13 in Base 12!Not enough time for someone to, say, commit murder in Studio One! LOL!That's only just enough time to eat a t-bone steak, if you ask me! *steams* Judge: Hmm... I don't think it would even be enough time for that, but that's just me. Very well. You may begin the cross-examination. Cross Examination - - The Break - - Manella: Yeah, FWIW, we took a break... ROFL! Manella: But it was only 15 minutes! 15! That's only 13 in Base 12! Manella: Not enough time for someone to, say, commit murder in Studio One! LOL! Manella: That's only just enough time to eat a t-bone steak, if you ask me! *steams* Mia: Well, Phoenix? Phoenix: That testimony was too short to wring any kind of useful information out of! Mia: All you have to do is prove that he was able to go to Studio One in that time! Phoenix: (Oh, great. Is that all...) Edgeworth: File:Objection.gifHaven't we had enough of this pointless line of questioning? Your Honor! The testimony to this point has made one certain fact painfully clear: The people in the trailer had nothing to do with this murder! It was impossible for any of them to go to Studio One! Phoenix: What!? Edgeworth: Something wrong, Mr. Wright? Surely you aren't suggesting one of the people in the trailer went to Studio One! Judge: Hmm... Well, Mr. Wright? Mia: Phoenix, this is critical! Think about it before you give your answer! Judge: Do you claim someone from the trailer went to Studio One? Edgeworth: I believe we have seen enough evidence. I would like to relieve Mr. Manella from the stand. Phoenix: (Wh-what? It's over?) Judge: Very well. The court's opinion on this case is as follows: We have found that there were several other people in Studio 2 on the day of the murder. However, it is also clear that none of these people could have gone to Studio One. They therefore have no relation to this case. Furthermore, with regards to the photo of the Steel Samurai... Given the size of the costume, no one other than Mr. Powers could have worn it that day. All that is lacking is decisive evidence that he is the one who did it. If we had that, I'm afraid I would have to find Mr. Powers guilty. Edgeworth: Your Honor. The prosecution is pleased to announce that we indeed have decisive evidence: a witness. Judge: Who is this witness, Mr. Edgeworth? Edgeworth: My witness saw the very moment when the Steel Samurai skewered the victim! Judge: Order! I will have order! I see. The court will take a 10 minute recess, after which we will hear your witness. Court is adjourned for recess! October 19, 11:04 AMDistrict CourtDefendant Lobby No. 1 Mia: ... Phoenix: What do we do now, Mia? If everyone in that trailer has an alibi... Mia: ... I'm sorry, Phoenix. I guess I was wrong. Phoenix: M-Mia! Don't tell me you're giving up! If you give up, what hope do I have...? Mia: ... Don't get me wrong. I've never given up on a trial before, not while there was a chance. Only one thing became clear in your cross-examination. The people in the trailer could not have gone to Studio One. I thought there was more to it than that... But I was wrong. That's all there is. Will: Umm... Er... What's going to happen to me? It kinda seems like everyone in that courtroom thinks I did it... They think I'm a murderer! Mia: Don't worry, Mr. Powers. If you are innocent, we will prove it. I guarantee it. Leave it to us, and... be yourself. Be strong. You are the Steel Samurai, hero to children everywhere, after all. Will: I... You... Thanks. *sniff* Mia: Okay, Phoenix. This one's for the kids! Let's do it! October 19, 11:15 AMDistrict CourtCourtroom No. 4 Judge: Court is back in session for the trial of Mr. Will Powers. Edgeworth: The prosecution has a concern. As our witness is a grade schooler of tender years, and this is a murder case... We worry that the defense might cause unnecessary trauma with his cruel questioning! Phoenix: (Nice to see Edgeworth taking the moral high ground...) Edgeworth: However, we have no choice. The prosecution calls Cody Hackins to the stand. Your Honor. Perhaps you could arrange a box for him to stand on? Judge: Oh, r-right. Guard, please bring him a box. One of those donut crates should do. Edgeworth: Will the witness state his name and grade in school. Cody: ... Edgeworth: Witness! Cody: What!? Just 'cause you're all grown-up don't mean you can push me around! Edgeworth: Mrph... Mia: Cody? Answer his question, okay? Cody: H-hey, it's you! The nice lady! I'm Cody Hackins. I'm in 2nd grade! Phoenix: (I get the feeling this is going to be a long, long day...) Judge: Mr. Edgeworth. Please remember that you're speaking to a child. Try to be gentle. Edgeworth: M-mrrrrph! Witness! Er, I mean, Cody. Phoenix: (He's having trouble with this "gentle" thing.) Edgeworth: You were present, er, you were at Global Studios on the day of the, er, incident? Cody: You got a problem with that!? Edgeworth: Please tell us what you saw that day. Cody: What, pops? You want me to tell you and gramps with the beard over there? Edgeworth: Just.. Mr. Edgeworth will be fine. Judge: I prefer "bearded gentleman" myself. Phoenix: (A very long day...) Judge: Incidentally, photographic equipment is strictly forbidden in this courtroom. Edgeworth: M-mpht! M-my apologies, Your Honor. He said he wouldn't testify if he couldn't bring it... I'd like special permission, if that's possible. Phoenix: Wait, so you're saying you had to bargain terms with a kid... and you LOST? Cody: Hey! I just got this new camera! Don't really know how to use it all that good yet! But I bring it with me wherever I go! Mia: Phoenix. I wonder if he had that camera on the day of the murder... You'd better make a note of it in the Court Record. Judge: Very well, Cody. Please testify to the court about what you saw the day of the incident. Witness Testimony - - Witness's Account - - Cody: I wanted to see a Steel Samurai rehearsal, just once.I found a map on the Internet, and went to the studios that day.I went through the woods off the path, so that old lady wouldn't catch me.I was going for the studio.I got kinda lost on the way, though. For about 30 minutes.When I came out by the studio, there was the Steel Samurai!It totally rocked! Right before my eyes, out came the bad guy!Of course, the Steel Samurai took him down! Pow!If I had my camera with me, that woulda been the time for a shot, I tell you. Cody: Anyway, I couldn't get into the studio, so I went home. Judge: Hmm... Very well. The defense may begin its cross-examination. And, be gentle. Remember you're talking to a child. Cody: ... Phoenix: (This kid is tougher than most adults we see in here, honestly...) Cross Examination - - Witness's Account - - Cody: I wanted to see a Steel Samurai rehearsal, just once. Cody: I found a map on the Internet, and went to the studios that day. Cody: I went through the woods, off the path, so that old lady wouldn't catch me. Cody: I was going for the studio. Cody: I got kinda lost on the way, though. For about 30 minutes. Cody: When I came out by the studio, there was the Steel Samurai! Cody: It totally rocked! Right before my eyes, out came the bad guy! Cody: Of course, the Steel Samurai took him down! Pow! Cody: If I had my camera with me, that woulda been the time for a shot, I tell you. Phoenix: (I guess seeing the killing freaked him out and he went home...) Mia: Phoenix. Remember, he's a child. Use gentle words... but be firm. Phoenix: (Easy for you to say...) Phoenix: Cody, what you just said seems, well, a little strange. Didn't you say before that you always bring your digital camera wherever you go? You were quite clear about that. Cody: Huh!? Phoenix: Cody, you shouldn't lie here. You understand that, right? Judge: Mr. Wright! A word with you... Phoenix: (Uh oh... was I putting the pressure on too much?) Judge: What is this "digital" camera contraption you're talking about? Phoenix: It's umm... a digital camera, Your Honor. It's kind of a new sort of camera. (How do I explain that!?) Judge: I see. Phoenix: Anyway, Cody... I can't believe you wouldn't bring your camera on a trip to the studios! You did bring it, didn't you? Cody: Umm... Edgeworth: File:Objection.gifMr. Wright! How cruel you are, to terrorize a poor child so! Phoenix: I don't care if he's a child or a prosecuting attorney! No one should lie in court! Edgeworth: What do you mean "or a prosecuting attorney"!? Phoenix: Well, Cody? Cody: Wh-what! Yeah, so I had my camera. So what!? You got a problem with that!? Judge: So, you did have a camera? And did you use this camera? Cody: W-why would I use it? I... I was too busy watching. Judge: Hmm... Very well. Please testify to the court about what you were so busy watching. Witness Testimony - - What I saw - - Cody: Y-yeah, I had my camera with me.But I was glued to the action! I couldn't take my eyes off it!The Steel Samurai, he goes for the bad guy... wham!Then... then the bad guy stopped moving!He's so strong! The Steel Samurai rules! Judge: Hmm... Ah? Is that all? Well, that was brief. Mr. Wright, your cross-examination. Cross Examination - - What I saw - - Cody: Y-yeah, I had my camera with me. Cody: But I was glued to the action! I couldn't take my eyes off it! Cody: The Steel Samurai, he goes for the bad guy... wham! Cody: Then... then the bad guy stopped moving! Cody: He's so strong! The Steel Samurai rules! Phoenix: (Something about his account doesn't seem right...) Mia: Phoenix. It doesn't seem right because he's being deliberately vague! Press him on the facts, Phoenix! Find out what he saw! Phoenix: Cody. Cody: Wh-what!? Phoenix: Something's bothering me. Before you said that you "couldn't take your eyes off" the action. Cody: Y-yeah? So what? Phoenix: Yet you missed the most important part! Edgeworth: File:Objection.gifWhat is the meaning of this? The witness has stated what he saw quite clearly... Phoenix: File:Objection.gifYou know as well as I do that he's being vague! Tell me, what kind of murderer uses a "Samurai Slap"!? Edgeworth: M-mmph! Phoenix: My point is this: Cody, you may have seen some of the Steel Samurai's fight... But you missed the most important part: the killing blow! Judge: Order! Order! Mr. Wright! How could this be? Can you explain how he might have missed something so vital? Phoenix: Um, well... er, that's the thing... Mia: Phoenix! I believe you're on the right track with this! Think: why didn't Cody see the climax of the fight? I know you! You can figure this out! Judge: Mr. Wright, your answer! We have ascertained that this young boy is a great fan of the Steel Samurai... Why wouldn't he watch the climax of the fight? Phoenix: Here's my proof! Judge: What's that? The camera...? Phoenix: The witness stated that he recently received this camera. Judge: Yes, I'm aware of that. Phoenix: He wasn't entirely familiar with its operation. Judge: I'm aware of that, too. Ah! Phoenix: Correct! Why would Cody be looking somewhere else at the critical moment? Because he was looking at his camera! He was trying to take a picture! Cody: Hey! Phoenix: Bullseye! Cody: W-what's your problem, pops! You got a thing for picking on little kids!? Phoenix: (Pressing, not picking...) Mia: Good job, Phoenix! Cody was lying, clearly. Smart of you to realize there was no way he could just stand there, watching his hero... and not take a picture! Phoenix: Right! Cody? There was only one reason why you would have looked away from the fight. And that was because you wanted to take a picture. But having just received your camera, you weren't used to using it yet! So, you missed the climax of the fight. Correct? Cody: ... ... ... Yeah. Mia: Well, Phoenix. I'll bet you anything he's hiding more than that. Have him testify again! Phoenix: R-right. (Mia means business!) Your Honor. The defense would like to request that Cody Hackins testify once more. Judge: V-very well. Cody? Could you please tell us about your camera... And about why you didn't take a picture of the fight? Cody: Umm... Phoenix: (Welcome to the real world, kid!) Witness Testimony - - No Photo? - - Cody: Yeah, you're right, pops.The Steel Samurai had just escaped from the clutches of the villain.So I held up my camera to take a picture!But the lens wouldn't open in time, so I missed it.Th-that's all that happened. Yup. Judge: Hmm... Anything strange in that testimony, Mr. Wright? Phoenix: I'm not sure... But I'd like to proceed with the cross-examination anyway. Cross Examination - - No Photo? - - Cody: Yeah, you're right, pops. Cody: The Steel Samurai had just escaped from the clutches of the villain. Cody: So I held up my camera to take a picture! Cody: But the lens wouldn't open in time, so I missed it. Cody: Th-that's all that happened. Yup. Phoenix: (How can I pick holes in such a short testimony?) Mia: There has to be something. Dig up the dirt, Phoenix! Find out what this kid's all about! Cody: I took a few shots, but it was too late, so I erased 'em. Phoenix: Cody! Cody: Wh-wh-what!? Man, every time you say "Cody" you follow it with something bad. Phoenix: I just wanted to thank you for giving me this the other day. Cody: Huh? O-oh... right. Phoenix: What was it you told me then? Cody: I go to every live performance! I always take a picture when the Steel Samurai lands the final blow! Whizzam! I got 'em all! I never missed one! A perfect collection! Phoenix: Cody. Did you really get a picture of the Steel Samurai standing victorious over his foe? If you did, I find it hard to believe that you would just erase it! Wouldn't you keep it for your album? Cody: Ah! Judge: Mr. Wright... What exactly is this album? Phoenix: It's called "Path to Glory." It's a collection of pictures of the Steel Samurai, all taken by Cody Hackins. He claims it's a perfect collection of every battle the Steel Samurai has won! Judge: I... I see. Phoenix: Don't you find this very odd, Your Honor? Among all his pictures of the Steel Samurai, none were taken that day! Judge: Order! Mr. Wright. Have you an explanation? If the Steel Samurai had just defeated his adversary... I certainly would expect to see a picture of it in this album... Phoenix: Exactly my point, Your Honor! ... ... .........! (No... wait... no way!) Mia: Phoenix? I think we've finally discovered the truth. And what a truth it is! Phoenix: M-Mia... are we sure about this? Did he actually...? Mia: Yes. I'm pretty sure what you're thinking is right. Tell them, Phoenix. Tell them what the truth is. Judge: Mr. Wright! Please explain to the court what is going on here! Why was there no picture in the album from the day of the murder? Why would the boy have erased the photos he took? Phoenix: I can think of only one reason, your honor. The Steel Samurai didn't win! That's why Cody deleted those photos. Judge: You mean the Steel Samurai... lost? Phoenix: Well, Cody? I'm right, aren't I? Tell the truth. The bad guy defeated the Steel Samurai! Cody: N-n-n-no way! No! I-it's impossible! Th-the Steel Samurai never loses! He never loses to anyone! Ever! Phoenix: Your Honor... The witness has revealed everything with his words. There was a reason why he lied and told us he didn't take a picture. The same reason he erased his precious photos! For Cody, it was inconceivable that the Steel Samurai could be defeated. However, Cody witnessed the impossible! He saw the Steel Samurai lose! Yet to admit what he saw would destroy everything he believed in! That's why he lied and said the Steel Samurai won. He couldn't handle the truth! Judge: O-Order! I will have order! W-witness! I mean, Cody! Is this true!? W-what did you see? Tell the court what you saw! Cody: I...... Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! Phoenix: Cody... That day, you saw the Steel Samurai lose a fight. Right? Cody: Waaaaaaaaaaaaah! Okay okay! Y-you're right! Th-the Steel Samurai f-fell down... Th-then he didn't m-move... Waaaaaaaaah! Judge: Order! Order! Order! Edgeworth: What kind of stunt are you trying to pull, Wright!? The Steel Samurai was the murderer, not the victim! Phoenix: Yet according to your witness's testimony, the Steel Samurai was the one who fell! Judge: Mr. Wright! What's going on? Phoenix: Apparently, we have all made a serious error. Edgeworth: An... error? What's this all about!? Phoenix: If you understand what really happened, it's actually quite simple. At the end of the fight, the Steel Samurai fell to the ground, and lay still. In other words, the Steel Samurai was not the killer, he was the victim! Don't you see? Jack Hammer was the Steel Samurai! Judge: Order! Order! Order! So, the Steel Samurai in this photograph... You're saying the man in this costume was the victim, Mr. Jack Hammer? Phoenix: That's what I'm saying, Your Honor. Jack Hammer was present at the action scene run-through that morning. Thus, he obviously knew about Will Powers's foot injury. Judge: B-but wait! Hadn't Mr. Hammer gone to Studio One already? Phoenix: That's what everyone thought! But remember what Ms. Oldbag said in her testimony? Oldbag: On the day of the murder, I arrived at the guard station at 1:00 PM. Did I see poor old Hammer? Nope. He'd already gone to the studio before I got back to the guard station. Phoenix: Mr. Jack Hammer left the Employee Area after lunch. However, no one saw him going to Studio One. Nor was there a picture of him. He waited for Mr. Powers to take a nap in his dressing room. Then he snuck into the dressing room and stole the Steel Samurai costume. Judge: ... Edgeworth: ... Judge: But why would the victim do such a thing? Phoenix: I... don't know. Cody: ... I get it! Phoenix: ? Cody: I thought that the Steel Samurai was moving strange. So it was a different person inside the suit! Pops! Phoenix: Huh, me? What? Cody: Actually, there was one piece of data I saved. Phoenix: Data? Cody: Yeah, a photo on my digital camera! Phoenix: ! W-what!? Edgeworth: Show us, quick! Cody: No way man, not if you're gonna look at me like that! Judge: Now! Cody: *sniff* Here... This is it. Judge: ... Well, looking at this it's still a little hard to say. I'm afraid that it could be anyone in that costume. Your opinion, Mr. Wright? Phoenix: I agree, Your Honor. This isn't decisive evidence. Judge: I'm sorry, this doesn't look like it's the proof we need. I'll give it back. Mia: Wait, Phoenix! Phoenix: Mia? What? Mia: Look at that photo once more! That's it Phoenix! That photo is all the evidence you need to win this trial! Phoenix: Wh-what!? Y-Your Honor! May I see that photo once more please? Judge: C-certainly. I don't see why not. Mia: Phoenix! Show him! There's a glaring, decisive inconsistency with the facts as we know them in that photo! Phoenix: (Find the inconsistency in the photo!) Phoenix: Your Honor! Look at this! Judge: I see... a gate? Phoenix: Might I draw your attention to the number on that gate? Judge: The number? Ah yes. Well, it's hard to see, but it looks like a "2." Phoenix: Clearly not a "1," Your Honor, correct? Edgeworth: Aaaaaah! Phoenix: I believe Mr. Edgeworth sees what I'm getting at. Edgeworth: B-but... Th-that's impossible! Judge: Hmm? Eh? What's this all about? Please explain so that I might be shocked along with the rest of the court. Phoenix: I'll use the studio guidemap. The body was found here, in Studio One. However, what do we see in this photo taken at the time of the murder? It does NOT say "1" on that gate in the photo. Your Honor! Here is the true scene of the crime! (Show the judge where the murder took place!) Phoenix: Here, at Studio Two. Judge: I see! That would explain the "2" on the gate in the photo. Phoenix: Your Honor, I find it very significant that the murder took place in Studio Two! Judge: O-order! Order! Phoenix: The defense makes the following claims: The scene of the crime was Studio Two! The person that the security guard, Ms. Oldbag saw was the victim, Mr. Jack Hammer! Mr. Hammer, for some reason, stole a Steel Samurai costume. Then he went to Studio Two! Edgeworth: File:Objection.gifThis is madness! Jack Hammer is the victim! The victim! Why would he steal a Steel Samurai costume!? Are you suggesting he did so to cover up the details of his own murder!? Phoenix: W-well, no, of course not... Judge: Hmm... Edgeworth: Or do you have proof!? Give me proof that the victim, Jack Hammer, stole the costume! Phoenix: Here's my proof that Jack Hammer stole the costume! Phoenix: This is it. Judge: An empty... medicine bottle? Phoenix: I found this on the table in the Employee Area. The same table where Mr. Hammer and Mr. Powers ate. The label reads "sleeping pills." Judge: "Sleeping pills"...? Phoenix: The defendant, Mr. Powers, spent that entire afternoon sleeping. He was drugged... by Mr. Hammer! Judge: Wait a moment... That bottle does raise some suspicions, yes. But there is no proof that Mr. Hammer used it. Phoenix: Your Honor, I have an idea. Judge: An... idea? Very well, let's hear it. Phoenix: I want to check this bottle for fingerprints! If my claim is true, Mr. Hammer's fingerprints should show up on this bottle! Edgeworth: Hmm... Judge: I suppose you're right. Very well. The court will take possession of the bottle. Judge: This court will suspend proceedings on the current trial for today. Cody Hackin's [sic] testimony has revealed new possibilities in this case. In fact, things may have happened very differently than we previously thought. The Steel Samurai seen by Ms. Oldbag may have been the victim, Jack Hammer. The scene of the crime was not Studio One, but Studio Two. And those in the trailer did have time to commit murder. Mr. Wright? Phoenix: Yes, Your Honor? Judge: Your homework is to find the answer to the following question: Why would Mr. Hammer steal the Steel Samurai costume? Also, who killed him, and why? Find the answers for me by tomorrow. Phoenix: (That's a lot of homework!) Judge: Mr. Edgeworth. Edgeworth: Mm? Judge: You will need to reconsider your stance in this case. Above all, you will need to reconsider your suspicion of Mr. Will Powers. Edgeworth: As you say, Your Honor. Judge: This trial will be extended until tomorrow. This is the last extension! Very well... Court is adjourned! October 19, 2:47 PMDistrict CourtDefendant Lobby No. 1 Phoenix: Whew! That was a close one! Mia: We were saved by a hair, but that's all that counts. I thought seriously about going home about three times during the trial. Phoenix: M-me too! Will: Really? You both seemed so... so confident! Phoenix: Hah! Maybe I should take up a career in acting? I was ready to pronounce you dead about three times back there. Mia: Me too! Will: D-dead!? Mia: Hoh hoh. Of course, we're kidding. Will: Are you sure? Phoenix: (I wasn't kidding...) Now, Mr. Powers. We have to go make our final investigation. But I promise you, we'll find the true killer by tomorrow's trial! Will: R-right! Thanks! *sniff* To be continued. October 19, 3:27 PMWright & Co. Law Offices Phoenix: That was a close one, huh, Mia? Maya: Really? Too bad, I'm sorry I missed it. Phoenix: ? M-Maya! Maya: So, what happened? Phoenix: Well, I think I've got a pretty good idea who did it. Now all I need is a motive... and proof. Maya: Wow! Good going, Nick! Phoenix: Under the "initial trial" system, tomorrow is the last day we have. Maya: "Initial trial"...? What's that? Phoenix: That's the new court system they introduced two or three years ago. They had so many cases in the system, they decided to speed the whole process up. Maya: So, under that system, trials have to end in three days? Phoenix: Yeah, pretty much. Well, we've no time to waste! October 19Detention CenterVisitor's Room Will: Mr. Wright! You did very well again today... thank you! Phoenix: Oh... thanks. Um, could you not look like you're about to burst into tears...? Maya: Wow, Nick! You must have really wowed 'em in there. Phoenix: You could stop looking so... vulnerable, too. Maya: Hey, WP! Only one day left! Let's make it count! Will: Yes... Though there's not really anything I can do to help. Maya: Hah hah hah! I'm not really sure what I can do, either. Phoenix: Please... this is no laughing matter. October 19Global StudiosMain Gate Oldbag: ... ... ... Maya: The old windbag sure is quiet today. Oldbag: ... Maya: You know, this place is really... peaceful, like this. Oldbag: ... Maya: Nick? I think her guard's down... Phoenix: Y-yeah? Maya: I bet we could even eat those donuts in the guard station... if we wanted. Oldbag: ... You eat, you die. Maya: Whew! She's alive! October 19Studio One Entrance Maya: Think back, Nick, to the day of the murder... Mr. Hammer put on the Steel Samurai costume. Then he left from here to go to Studio Two...? Phoenix: Right. Maya: But why? I wonder if someone called him...? Like the director, or the producer...? October 19Studio Two Entrance Maya: Hey, Nick... It's Ms. Vasquez! Hello? Vasquez: ... Maya: H-E-L-L-O! Vasquez: ... Maya: H! E! L! L! O! Phoenix: M-Maya! You should at least try to be polite... Vasquez: ... I'm watching the clouds. ... Phoenix: (That's all she had to say, apparently...) October 19Studio Two Trailer Maya: ... Wasn't the assistant cleaning up yesterday? Funny, it still seems pretty messy in here. Phoenix: I guess she was still on a high from getting that rare card she needed. October 19Global StudiosEmployee Area Maya: I guess they're not filming today, either. I did want to see them filming... just one time. Phoenix: This trial will be over and done by tomorrow. You can come see them film later. Maya: I guess... This is where you found that bottle of sleeping pills, right? Phoenix: Uh huh. Maya: I wonder if there're any other clues lying around. Gumshoe: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarh! No no no! No touchin'! Maya: Eeek! Gumshoe: Oh, sorry, pal. Didn't mean to frighten you. Maya: D-didn't mean...? I almost had a heart attack! Gumshoe: Heh heh. I guess I can be a little dramatique at times... I suppose it's the actor in me... Phoenix: ("Dramatique" indeed...) Gumshoe: Ahem. Anyway, I'm here to examine the plate on that table. Phoenix: Wait, are you looking for sleeping pills? Gumshoe: Yeah, pal. Traces thereof. (Dressing Room) Penny: Oh! Hello! Maya: What are you doing here? Penny: Oh... I was just cleaning up the dressing room. I guess WP won't be using it anymore, so... Maya: Wha!? What!? Why!? But WP's innocent! Penny: Yes, and I'm really grateful for all you've done. But... This week is the last episode of the Steel Samurai... Maya: What!? Nooooooooooooooooo! (Studio - Main Gate, after talking with Penny Nichols) Oldbag: What, you're still slinking around? If you like the place so much, why don't you take over for me? Maya: The old windbag doesn't look so good... Oldbag: E-everybody's doing their darnedest to forget Hammer. Who do they think made Global Studios what it is today? Hammer! It's all due to Hammer! Maya: She's starting to froth at the mouth, Nick... Maybe we should keep a safe distance? (Talking about "Five years ago" leads to:) Oldbag: ...! ... ... I see. Poor, poor Hammer. You did wrong, Hammer, rest your soul. Maya: Ms. Oldbag...? Oldbag: Okay. You win. I'll talk. I'm tired, see... Tired of holding it all in. Phoenix: Ms. Oldbag... Oldbag: You're right. Five years ago there was an accident... a fatal accident. What's worse, a paparazzi took a photo of it. That photo, well, it caused quite a stir. And guess who made it all better? Vasquez! She has ties to the mafia... She silenced that paparazzi. That was the beginning. After that, she became a force to be reckoned with here at the studio. Maya: I see...! Oldbag: But, you have to understand... Poor old Hammer never meant any harm to anyone! Maya: Ms. Oldbag... Oldbag: Hold on a minute. Maya: Poor Ms. Oldbag... Oldbag: Here, take this. Phoenix: ...? A photograph? W-wait a second! Oldbag: This is the picture. Phoenix: Is... this the trailer in Studio Two? Oldbag: Hammer was supposed to fight with a bad guy on the top of those stairs, there. He pushed the other actor, and the man fell onto the flowerbox fence. Phoenix: B-but how did you get this? Oldbag: It... was a long time ago. I don't feel much like talking about it. Phoenix: I understand... (Employee Area, after talking with Wendy Oldbag) Maya: Detective Gumshoe must have left by now. Phoenix: He's probably thinking about what to do in tomorrow's trial. Maya: I bet Edgeworth is pretty angry with him. (Employee Area, after talking with Wendy Oldbag) Maya: The assistant must have gone off somewhere. That stuff about Mr. Hammer must have come as a shock to her. (Outside Studio Two, presenting Five-Year-Old Photo leads to:) Vasquez: ... Phoenix: (She's not even looking.) Vasquez: Where. Phoenix: Wh-what? Vasquez: Where did you get that? Phoenix: I, well... Vasquez: Oldbag. Phoenix: O-Old...? Maya: She means the security lady, Ms. Oldbag, Nick. Phoenix: Right... anyway... Ms. Vasquez. You hid this incident from the press, didn't you? And you used it to control Mr. Hammer! Vasquez: ... The wind. Phoenix: The... huh? Vasquez: It's gotten stronger, don't you think? The wind. ... Your conversation interests me. Let's talk about it more inside the trailer. Maya: Nick. She went inside the trailer. (Trailer, after presenting Five-Year-Old Photo to Dee Vasquez) Vasquez: Hmph. You came. Well then, what was that you were talking about? Phoenix: (...! Why is she so eager to talk all of a sudden?) Ms. Vasquez. You were using that accident! You were blackmailing Mr. Hammer so you could control him, weren't you? That's why he was doing kids' shows for petty change! Vasquez: Hmph... So I'm a blackmailer now? Maya: Well, that's what it was, wasn't it! I mean, sure, it was an accident... But you used it to drag Mr. Hammer down from his rightful place as a star! Vasquez: Oh...? I haven't pulled anyone down from anywhere. Mr. Hammer's career went sour of its own accord. Maya: B-but! You were the cause! You pressured him... And to think it was just an accident...! Vasquez: Excuse me! What is this all about? You keep saying "accident," "accident"... How are you so sure? Phoenix: What do you mean? Vasquez: Must I spell everything out for you? Think: what would it be if it wasn't an accident? Phoenix: ...! No... No way! You mean Mr. Hammer did it... on purpose? Vasquez: That is what I mean. Phoenix: Wh-where's your proof! Can you prove it!? Vasquez: Hmph! Just think! Would he have let me run his life for five years... over a mere accident? And I ran him hard, believe you me! Maya: B-but, the security lady said it was an accident! Vasquez: Oh. Well, she was a big fan of Hammer's, you see. She jumped on the reporter who brought that photo into the studio. She wrenched it out of his hands, she did. Gave him a few bruises, too. Phoenix: (... So that's why she had the photo...) Vasquez: She's an old fool. Of course, all the reporter would need is the negatives. He could have made a copy. But he didn't. The only copy of that photo is the one you hold. Give it to me. Now. Maya: W-what? This is valuable evidence! Vasquez: Boys! Phoenix: ... U-umm... Who are they...? Vasquez: Professionals. They're good at erasing... various things. What do you think...? Would you like to be erased? Phoenix: Wh-what!? Vasquez: The trial ends tomorrow? How unfortunate. It's a shame you'll have to miss it! Phoenix: ... Tell me why. Why do you want this photograph so badly? This is Mr. Hammer's "dirt"... no? Why should Dee Vasquez care about it at all? Vasquez: ... I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to think about that where you're going. So long, friends. Boys, erase away. Maya: Nooooooooooooo! Gumshoe: Hold it right there! I heard everything, pal! Dee Vasquez! You're coming down to the precinct with me, now! Vasquez: ... Hmph. Not bad. ... Very well. It appears this contest will be decided tomorrow then. In court. I'll be looking forward to it. Gumshoe: H-hey, you okay, pal? Sorry I was a little late with my entrance. I don't get many chances to practice that sorta thing. Maya: Detective Gumshoe... Thank you thank you thank you! I was really scared... Gumshoe: Huh? Don't mention it, pal. Just doing my job. ... ... Maya: Detective Gumshoe? Gumshoe: Sorry, it's just... I've wanted to say that line ever since I became a detective. ... Okay. I've got one more job to do today. I'm sure we'll run into each other again soon! Maya: Well, Nick. It looks like we're getting close to the bottom of this. Phoenix: (And who's at the bottom...? Dee Vasquez!) To be continued. October 20, 10:00 AMDistrict CourtCourtroom No. 4 Judge: Court is now in session for the trial of Mr. Will Powers. Edgeworth: The prosecution is ready, Your Honor. Phoenix: The defense is ready, Your Honor. Judge: Today will be the final day of this trial. I hope both the prosecution and the defense will be able to present decisive evidence. Very well, Mr. Edgeworth. Your opening statement. Edgeworth: In yesterday’s session, the defense presented us with a new theory for this case. He claims that the scene of the crime was, in fact, Studio Two. Today, I will call on people present in the Studio Two trailer that day. From their testimonies, the truth will become clear. Judge: Hmm... very well! Phoenix: (Edgeworth seems a bit on edge today...) Judge: You may call your first witness, Mr. Edgeworth. Edgeworth: The prosecution calls Ms. Dee Vasquez to the stand. Ms. Dee Vasquez is a producer who was present in the Studio Two trailer that day. Will the witness state her name and occupation? Vasquez: ... Dee Vasquez. I am a producer for Global Studios. Edgeworth: On the day of the murder, you were in the trailer in Studio Two... Vasquez: As everyone here knows, yes? Edgeworth: ...? Vasquez: I dislike needless banter. If you must pontificate, do it when I’m not here. Edgeworth: Mrrph! Judge: V-very well, Ms. Vasquez. Please give the court your testimony concerning the day of the murder. Maya: Nick! I know she did it! Make her pay! Phoenix: R-right! (If she’s guilty, I’ll catch her with her pants down... So to speak.) Witness Testimony - - The Day of the Murder - - Vasquez: I entered the trailer, oh, a little before noon.The meeting began at 12:00 sharp. It ended at 4:00.There was to be a rehearsal afterwards, so we went to Studio One...I was fatigued, so I had Sal take me.At 2:30, we took a 15-minute break in the meeting.Sal and I ate t-bone steaks on the table in front of the trailer.We found Hammer’s body later, when we all went to Studio One.That’s all. Judge: Hmm... I have a question about one part of your testimony. You were “fatigued” so you had Sal “take” you...? Vasquez: The van. Judge: Hmm? Vasquez: There’s a van at Studio Two. I had him take me in that. I thought it might be risky to walk, what with that monkey’s head toppling over. Van added to the Court Record. Judge: I... I see! Very well. Mr. Wright, your cross-examination. Maya: This is the final battle, Nick! Let’s do it! Cross Examination - - The Day of the Murder - - Vasquez: I entered the trailer, oh, a little before noon. Vasquez: The meeting began at 12:00 sharp. It ended at 4:00.. Vasquez: There was to be a rehearsal afterwards, so we went to Studio One. Vasquez: I was fatigued, so I had Sal take me. Vasquez: At 2:30, we took a 15-minute break in the meeting. Vasquez: Sal and I ate t-bone steaks on the table in front of the trailer. Maya: Well, Nick? Find anything? Phoenix: I kind of wish she’d said a little more... Maya: It’s hard. I think she’s pretty used to being the boss. But I’m sure you’ll find some contradiction in what she said... somewhere! Phoenix: Hah! As I thought! Vasquez: ... Phoenix: You claim you ate a t-bone steak! But I say you did not! Judge: W-what’s this, now, Mr. Wright? Phoenix: Look at this. Judge: It’s... a plate? Phoenix: This plate was on the table in the employee room. As you can see, a large bone has been left behind. Edgeworth: Mr. Wright. Need I remind you it was a T-BONE STEAK!? Phoenix: Exactly my point! Remember if you will... Ms. Vasquez and Mr. Manella ate at a table outside the trailer. Yet there were no bones left on the plates! The plates were bare! Vasquez: ! Phoenix: Ms. Vasquez? Tell me, how can a person eat a t-bone steak... and not leave the bone? I think I know how! Phoenix: You didn’t eat any steak during that break! You took your steak and threw it somewhere... like that incinerator! Vasquez: ! ... Judge: I... I see! Then what was Ms. Vasquez doing during her break? Phoenix: Isn’t it obvious, Your Honor? Phoenix: She was meeting with the Steel Samurai! Judge: Order! A-are you saying...!? Phoenix: Yes, Your Honor! As Ms. Vasquez left the trailer to eat her steak... She ran into the Steel Samurai! And then you did it. You killed him with your own hands! Vasquez: !!! Judge: M-Mr. Wright! I-isn’t that a little presumptuous!? Edgeworth: File:Objection.gifWhat kind of stunt are you trying to pull, Wright!? Vasquez: Let him claim what he wants.... You say I did it? Phoenix: Yes. Vasquez: Fascinating! And here I was worrying that today would be as boring as all the rest. ... Very well. Let us have a battle of wits, you and I. Phoenix: (Any day, Vasquez!) Maya: Good luck, Nick! Vasquez: Let’s see... What was that murder weapon again? Oh yes, the “Samurai Spear.” Phoenix: Yes...? Vasquez: I am, as you can see, a woman of petite stature. How could I possibly use that heavy spear as a weapon? Phoenix: However, that has no bearing on this case! Vasquez: ... Meaning? Phoenix: The Samurai Spear was not the murder weapon! Vasquez: What!? Judge: What is the meaning of this!? The spear was found lying next to the victim’s body! Phoenix: I have proof, Your Honor. I can prove that the Samurai Spear was not used as the murder weapon! Phoenix: I present my proof: the so-called “murder weapon”! Edgeworth: B-but, that IS the murder weapon! Phoenix: Not so fast. Remember that this spear broke during the morning action scene run-through? But, someone fixed the spear. It was the security lady! She fixed it with duct tape! Now tell me, how is it possible... for someone to stab a man who is wearing a thick costume with this!? Through the chest! Judge: O-order! Order! Edgeworth: Mr. Wright! What are you driving at!? Think about what you’re-- Vasquez: Silence! I’m the one testifying here and I will be heard! Edgeworth: Mmmph...! Vasquez: Are you quite sane? Are you even aware of what you’re saying? If the Samurai Spear was not the murder weapon, then pray tell what was!? How was Hammer killed? Judge: Well, Mr. Wright? Can you tell us what weapon was used to kill Mr. Hammer? Phoenix: Would I make a claim like that if I couldn’t tell you what the weapon was? Judge: I’m afraid your confidence can sometimes be unfounded, Mr. Wright... Very well, let’s see this murder weapon, then. Phoenix: Look at this photo. Judge: W-what is this? Why, that’s Jack Hammer standing at the top of the stairs! O-order! Order! If I cannot have order this trial will be suspended! Mr. Wright! What is this all about!? Phoenix: This photograph is from five years ago. There was an unfortunate accident at Global Studios. This is a photo of that very accident. Not a word of this was leaked to the outside. It was a close-kept secret at the studios. Edgeworth: What does this have to do with the current case!? Phoenix: Mr. Edgeworth... You still can’t see it? See the fallen man in this photo? See how the fencepost pierced him through the chest? Edgeworth: Wh... what!? Are you saying...!? Phoenix: Yes. What happened five years ago... has happened again! Vasquez: !!! Judge: Mr. Wright! Continue! Phoenix: It’s 2:30 PM on the day of the murder! Ms. Dee Vasquez meets Jack Hammer outside the Studio Two trailer! Then she did it! She pushed Mr. Hammer off the stairs onto the fence! Just like Mr. Hammer had himself done five years ago! Though whether she did it on purpose or by accident, I cannot say. Vasquez: ...! Edgeworth: I-in other words... th-the victim, Mr. Hammer... He died in the same way that he caused another man to die... five years ago! Phoenix: Precisely. Ironic, isn’t it? Vasquez: ... Hoh hoh. Very creative, Mr. Wright. I could use a man like you on my script writing staff. Phoenix: You deny that what I say is true? Vasquez: ... Mr. Wright. Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that Hammer died at the trailer as you say. Yet the body was found at Studio One, was it not? And in the Evil Magistrate’s costume, no less. Are you then claiming that I carried the body to Studio One... And returned to the trailer all in the space of a 15 minute break? How could I have disposed of the body!? Phoenix: ... Edgeworth: The break in the meeting at the trailer lasted 15 minutes, from 2:30 to 2:45. Could Jack Hammer have been pushed off the stairs to his death... then carried to Studio One and placed inside his costume? There wasn’t enough time! Judge: Hmm... indeed. Well, Mr. Wright? How could she have dealt with the body? Phoenix: What if she had another way to carry the body, other than with her own hands? Vasquez: For instance? Phoenix: Actually, for that matter, there was no need for her to do the deed in 15 minutes! And there was a way for you to carry that body. Vasquez: !!! I-interesting! Let’s hear it then. Judge: Mr. Wright? Please show us how she carried the body. Phoenix: Ms. Vasquez. You carried the body to Studio One. And you used the studio van to do it! Vasquez: !!! Phoenix: Recall your testimony... Vasquez: There was to be a rehearsal afterwards, so we went to Studio One. I was fatigued, so I had Sal take me. There was a van there, right? I had Sal drive me. Phoenix: You used the van to carry the body to Studio One! Then, before everyone else got there, you put the body into the Magistrate costume! Vasquez: ...! Edgeworth: File:Objection.gifHold on, Wright! Don’t forget, it was Sal Manella that drove the van! Are you suggesting that Mr. Manella was a conspirator? Phoenix: Of course, Sal Manella has to have been a conspirator! The body had to be placed in the van, and put into the costume. There’s no way Ms. Vasquez could have done that alone! Also, don’t forget that they had to dispose of the Steel Samurai costume. They had to... because it was covered in Mr. Hammer’s blood! They probably burned it in that small incinerator. Well, Ms. Vasquez! Shall I continue? Vasquez: ... No need. You’re smarter than you look, Mr. Wright. Hmph. I lose. You win. It... was fun. Phoenix: (I... win!?) ... Edgeworth: ... Judge: ... ... Phoenix: Umm... So... what happens next? Vasquez: ? Phoenix: Don’t “?” me! Don’t you have anything to say!? Vasquez: What would you like me to say? Phoenix: Huh? “I lost”? Something like that! Vasquez: I just said that. Phoenix: W-wait, so you mean... Dee Vasquez! So, it was you? You killed Jack Hammer! ... Edgeworth: ... Judge: ... ... Vasquez: Who can say? Phoenix: Huh? Vasquez: Are you sure I did? Mr. Wright... We just engaged in a battle of wits. And the result of that battle? You proved the possibility that I murdered Hammer. Phoenix: R-right! Vasquez: But... that is only a possibility. Proof is another thing altogether. You lack decisive proof, Mr. Wright. Phoenix: Wha... wha... wha... wha... WHAAAAAAAAAT!? Judge: Order! Mr. Edgeworth, your thoughts? Edgeworth: Umm... uhh... mmmph. O-of course, it’s as the witness says! ... Certainly, it does seem very likely she did it... but, uh, there’s no proof! Phoenix: (...! Edgeworth isn’t sure!) Vasquez: ... Well? I came here as a witness today. If you’ve no more questions, I’ll be leaving. Phoenix: (Urk! What do I do now!?) Phoenix: (Damn... damn! To come so far, only to fail...) Judge: As it seems there are no further questions... I would like to end the cross-examination of the witness, Ms. Vasquez. Edgeworth: File:Objection.gif... Judge: Yes, Mr. Edgeworth? Phoenix: I was hoping I’d come up with a question while I was objecting, Your Honor... I didn’t. Judge: I see... Very well. Edgeworth: File:Objection.gifYour Honor! I request that the witness testify again! Vasquez: You are the prosecutor, are you not? Why are you badgering me? I’m your witness! Edgeworth: I... I just want to hear your testimony again. Vasquez: Does this make any sense to you, Your Honor? I don’t see that we have anything to gain by repeating the last several minutes. Judge: Mr. Edgeworth... I, too, see little point in making Ms. Vasquez repeat herself. What exactly did you want her to testify about? Edgeworth: Mmmph! Well, yes, um... ... Indeed! Verily, I say... Ergo! I want to hear about what happened... after they found the body! Judge: After they found the body...? Very well. The witness will testify to the court concerning this matter. Vasquez: Hmph. Maya: Nick! Why did Edgeworth...? Phoenix: Who knows? He probably realized she did it, too. Maya: But... but! Wasn’t he the one that said he always gets a guilty verdict...? After all that... Phoenix: (Edgeworth...) Witness Testimony - - After Finding the Body - - Vasquez: I was with Sal and Oldbag, the security lady, when we found the body.The assistant was there, too. Only Powers was absent.I immediately called the police. Then Powers showed up.The security lady, Oldbag, was quite agitated. Pointing at Powers, saying “he did it!”I asked to be left out of the proceedings.I went back to the trailer to get my script and direction notes.Then I went home. Judge: Hmm... I see no issues raised by this testimony... Mr. Wright, your cross-examination. Maya: Okay, Nick, we’re close, real close! She may be acting tough now... But if you put her on the spot she’s sure to falter! Find the key you need and twist the truth out of her, Nick! Phoenix: Right! Cross Examination - - After Finding the Body - - Vasquez: I was with Sal and Oldbag, the security lady, when we found the body. Vasquez: The assistant was there, too. Only Powers was absent. Vasquez: I immediately called the police. Then Powers showed up. Vasquez: The security lady, Oldbag, was quite agitated. Pointing at Powers, saying “he did it!” Vasquez: I asked to be left out of the proceedings. Vasquez: I went back to the trailer to get my script and direction notes. Vasquez: Then I went home. Vasquez: I knew that Hammer was injured and couldn’t do any action scenes, so I left them behind. Maya: You have to find something to peg this on her here... Or everything we’ve done till now will have been wasted! I believe in you, Nick! Go get ’em! Phoenix: You “knew that Hammer was injured”...? Don’t you think that’s a little funny? I mean, it was the Steel Samurai who was injured! It was Will Powers! Vasquez: Wh... what!? Judge: Mr. Wright! Explain yourself! Phoenix: Yes, Mr. Hammer is dragging his leg in this photo. But that’s because he was pretending to be Mr. Powers! Vasquez: P-pretending...? Phoenix: One person was inured in the run-through that morning. That person was Mr. Powers, not Mr. Hammer! Now, why did you think it was Mr. Hammer who was injured? Vasquez: ...! I-I already said it was Sal who told me! Th-that’s right! He must have gotten it wrong. Phoenix: I think not. Mr. Manella was at the run-through that morning. He would have known it was Mr. Powers who was injured. He saw it happen! Why would he tell you the wrong person? Ms. Vasquez! Phoenix: Actually, you didn’t hear anything from Mr. Manella. You saw Mr. Hammer limping with your own eyes! Judge: Yes, but... Wasn’t it Mr. Powers who was injured...? Phoenix: Yes, but remember! Mr. Hammer was dragging his leg, too! He was pretending to be Mr. Powers! Judge: Aah! Phoenix: And when was he doing this...? Edgeworth: Well... It would have been after he put on the Steel Samurai costume... and went to Studio Two. Where he was murdered! Phoenix: Exactly! Ms. Vasquez! You met him, didn’t you? You saw the Steel Samurai limping! And Mr. Hammer was in that Steel Samurai suit! That’s why you were confused! That’s why you thought it was Mr. Hammer who had been injured that morning! Vasquez: ...!!! Judge: Order! Order! I will have order! Edgeworth: Witness! Can you refute this claim? Vasquez: Hrrmmmm... hmph! ... ... Phoenix: (Yeah, let’s see you sneak out of this one, Vasquez!) Vasquez: ... Very well! I have a question for you! Phoenix: (Urk... Why are the real killers always so... persistent?) Vasquez: Why in the world would I want Mr. Hammer dead? Yes, he’d fallen on hard times, but he was a star! I had nothing to gain from his death! Nothing! Judge: Hmm... Yes, you would need a motive. Why would she have killed the victim? If there is a reason, it is unclear to this court. Does the defense have anything to say on the matter? In other words, can you prove she had a motive? Phoenix: Okay. I have proof, and I’ll show it to you! I present to the court evidence as to Ms. Vasquez’s motive in this murder. Phoenix: This is my proof! Judge: This is... the photo from before? Phoenix: This photo reveals the motive in this murder! Vasquez: ...! Phoenix: I’m right, aren’t I, Ms. Vasquez? Vasquez: Hrrrrrrm... hmph! Phoenix: Five years ago, Mr. Hammer was at the height of his fame. With Dee Vasquez’s help, a terrible accident was swept under the carpet... Ladies and gentlemen, the case currently up for trial... It began on that day, five years ago! Vasquez: ... Phoenix: Ironically enough, that accident precipitated Mr. Hammer’s fall... His fall from stardom! Edgeworth: His guilt weighed him down, no doubt. Phoenix: However! You, Dee Vasquez, used Mr. Hammer. You made him work for you for petty change! Vasquez: Hmph! Edgeworth: Bringing us to the present day... and Mr. Hammer’s last role as the Evil Magistrate! Phoenix: Yes! Undoubtedly, it was a constant source of shame for the ex-star... Edgeworth: Hmm... Judge: One moment, Mr. Wright. We are talking about motives, here... yet you have only talked about Mr. Hammer. It almost seems as if... As if it was Mr. Hammer who had killed Dee Vasquez, not the other way around! What motive would Ms. Vasquez have? Vasquez: Y-yes, that’s right. According to what you say... I would have no reason to kill Hammer. He was a good source of income for me! And I never get rid of useful men. It’s a policy of mine. Judge: Mr. Wright? Please explain Ms. Vasquez’s motive for murder. Phoenix: She had no motive, Your Honor. Judge: What’s that now!? Phoenix: It was Mr. Hammer who was out for blood! All Ms. Vasquez did was push him off the stairs... in self defense! Edgeworth: What’s that now!? Phoenix: It’s simple! Mr. Hammer was intending to kill Ms. Vasquez! Edgeworth: Wha-!? WHAT!? Phoenix: Your Honor! Jack Hammer drugged Mr. Powers with sleeping pills! Jack Hammer snuck into the dressing room and stole the Steel Samurai costume! Jack Hammer wore the costume to fool the security lady into thinking he was Powers! Then Jack Hammer made his way to the trailer! And for what purpose, you ask? To kill Dee Vasquez, who had so cruelly taken advantage of him all those years! So, you did do it, didn’t you? Vasquez: ... Yes. I am guilty. It was me... “Someone call an ambulance!” “Th-there’s blood everywhere! We’re too late!” “Aah! Ms. Vasquez!” “What...? What happened here!?” “Manuel fell from the trailer stairs...!” “Manuel! Manuel!” “Ms. Vasquez, please, try to remain calm...” “No...! No! How could this...?” “It was an accident...” “Mr. Hammer was doing an action scene and...” “No! Manuel! Manuel!!!” “D-don’t touch him! Ms. Vasquez!” “Nooooooooooooo!” “Please... please don’t die.” “Please...“ Vasquez: Congratulations, Mr. Wright. I lose... again. Judge: Mr. Edgeworth... Where’s Dee Vasquez? Edgeworth: In the waiting lobby, Your Honor. As calm and collected as ever... Judge: I see... Mr. Wright. Phoenix: Yes, Your Honor? Judge: It appears you have brought about yet another miracle. Phoenix: I... thank you, Your Honor. Edgeworth: I think not, Your Honor. Will Powers was innocent. That he should be found so is only natural... not a miracle. Judge: ... Yes. Yes, you’re right. Very well. This court finds the defendant, Mr. Will Powers... Not Guilty Judge: That is all. The court is adjourned! October 20, 1:12 PMDistrict CourtDefendant Lobby No. 3 Will: I... I don’t know what to say! Thank you so much! Phoenix: I’m just glad you’re okay. Will: Yes... but... it’s sad. I know now that Mr. Hammer stole my costume. It’s bad enough that he wanted to kill Ms. Vasquez... But to think that he tried to frame me for the murder! It makes me sad... Tell me why, Mr. Wright! Phoenix: H-huh? Will: Tell me! Why did Mr. Hammer want to blame me...? Maya: Congratulations, WP! Will: Oh? Oh! Heh heh. Thanks to you, I’ll be able to don the Steel Samurai outfit once more! I can’t wait to get back into that sweaty costume and... ...? Is... something wrong? Maya: N-no! O-of course not... Aah! N-Nick! Edgeworth! Edgeworth: ... Phoenix: ... Edgeworth: ... Say something, Wright. I’m not good at small talk. Phoenix: Huh? What? ... Umm... that was too bad, Edgeworth! Edgeworth: You don’t waste any time gloating, do you? Phoenix: No... I really wanted to thank you. Vasquez would have gotten away if you hadn’t stepped in. Will: Ah, uh, pleased to meet you. I’m Powers. *sniff* Edgeworth: Ah, er, Edgeworth. I’m a big fan of your work, Mr. Powers. Phoenix: (Liar!) Edgeworth: ... Wright. I must say, I hadn’t expected to meet you again after all these years. Maya: Meet “again”...? Edgeworth: However. In retrospect, it would have been better had we not met. Thanks to you, I am saddled with unnecessary... feelings. Phoenix: Unnecessary feelings? Edgeworth: Yes. Unease... and uncertainty. Phoenix: Aren’t those kind of necessary? Edgeworth: They only serve to get in my way. You listen to me, Phoenix Wright. Don’t ever show your face in front of me again. That’s what I came here to tell you. Will: Umm... Mr. Wright? Is... this guy your friend? Maya: What? Friends? As if! They’re rivals! Rivals! Right, Nick? Phoenix: For now we are... I guess. Maya: Huh!? Why do I get the feeling I’m missing something? C’mon, Nick! Tell me! What’s the deal with you and Edgeworth? Phoenix: And so the curtain closes on another trial... I caused quite a stir by revealing that accident from five years ago. It was the talk of the town. Thankfully, Global Studios rethought its programming change. They went back to making kids’ shows again. Maya: Nick! This is it! The new show starts today! You’re going to watch it with me, right? Phoenix: (I’ll admit, I was kind of surprised... I didn’t think they’d seriously go through with it...) Maya: You have to buy trading cards too, okay! We have to trade with Cody and that assistant! Phoenix: Fine, fine. I’ll do it. Maya: Isn’t it great that WP gets to play the lead again? I wonder if they’ll show his real face this time... Phoenix: I dunno... I don’t think the world is ready for the real Will Powers... THE END
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