The Horrible entity known to the Elves of Cuivienen as The Rider or The Hunter was an evil Maia and the greatest of the Hunters of Morgoth. Morgoth personally entrusted him to capture many elves in hopes to twist them into the unfathomable abominations that they would eventually become. So powerful and terrible was this horseman, that many speculated that the horseman was actually Morgoth himself, others however believed it was Sauron, Fankil or Tredeinos, one of Morgoths demonic Chieftains.
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| - The Horrible entity known to the Elves of Cuivienen as The Rider or The Hunter was an evil Maia and the greatest of the Hunters of Morgoth. Morgoth personally entrusted him to capture many elves in hopes to twist them into the unfathomable abominations that they would eventually become. So powerful and terrible was this horseman, that many speculated that the horseman was actually Morgoth himself, others however believed it was Sauron, Fankil or Tredeinos, one of Morgoths demonic Chieftains.
- Dark Hunter (ダークハンター) is an adventure game that is the second entry of Shibusawa Kou's "English Dream" series -following the three-part entry, Emit. The purpose behind both projects is to teach Japanese people the English language with the help of a thrilling narrative. Each game has English consultants with a dual language and subtitle option for players. While the English Dream series has been largely forgotten, both titles appeared on Koei's 2003 Winter Thanks Rare Campaign with cheap and forgiving prices.
- The dark hunter is a being that resides in Ezra's wood. It fights continuously with Ezra. Ezra tells Kylar that it is his 'hubris'. In the beginning of Beyond the Shadows, Kylar leads a group of 5000 Lae'knaught into the woods and uses the hunter to kill them all. Ezra uses the Dark Hunter to protect the artifacts of power that Kylar and Durzo threw into the woods. It imprints a mark on the items which allows it to track them for miles. The only thing able to conceal them is the Black Ka'kari. The dark hunter is a near invincible killing machine. In the last part it is drawn to Black Barrow by Curoch. It seems to be incredibly fast. As soon as it touches the sword the hordes of Krull, Demons, bone lords and the titan all die and are replaced by red flowers and a lush green land. It then re
- "Their long whips are useful in weakening their foes. Proper use of a Dark Hunter greatly expands your options in battle." —Dark Hunter description, Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight The Dark Hunter (ダークハンター Dark Hunter in the Japanese version) is a specialized whip and sword-wielding class, with the capabilities to debilitate their enemies with skillful strikes. With their high-speed, their debilitation can push the difference between loss and victory. Whether it's a dangerous F.O.E. or a local monster, the Dark Hunter has an arsenal capable of taking them all down to the party's size. Unlike their brother the Hexer, the Dark Hunter is best suited for the front line, though not as suited for close-quarter combat as their brother the Landsknecht. However, utilizing their baiting
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es lore
| - El efecto de esta carta cambia según el número de monstruos de OSCURIDAD en tu Cementerio.● 1 o menos: Esta carta pierde 400 ATK.● 2 a 4: Esta carta gana 400 ATK.● 5 o más: Puedes mandar esta carta al Cementerio para destruir todos los monstruos boca abajo que controle tu adversario.
ygo sets
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el name
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Romaji Name
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ja lore
| - 自分の墓地に存在する闇属性モンスターの数によって、このカードは以下の効果を得る。●1枚以下:このカードの攻撃力は400ポイントダウンする。●2~4枚:このカードの攻撃力は400ポイントアップする。●5枚以上:このカードを墓地に送る事で、相手フィールド上に裏側表示で存在するモンスターを全て破壊する。
it lore
| - L'effetto di questa carta cambia a seconda del numero di mostri OSCURITÀ nel tuo Cimitero.● 1 o meno: Questa carta perde 400 ATK.● da 2 a 4: Questa carta guadagna 400 ATK.● 5 o più: Puoi mandare questa carta al Cimitero per distruggere tutti i mostri coperti controllati dal tuo avversario.
| - This card's effect changes depending on the number of DARK monsters in your Graveyard. ● 1 or fewer: This card loses 400 ATK. ● 2 to 4: This card gains 400 ATK. ● 5 or more: You can send this card to the Graveyard to destroy all face-down monsters your opponent controls.
pt lore
| - O efeito desta carta é alterado dependendo do número de monstros DARK no seu Cemitério: ● 1 ou menos: Esta carta perde 400 pontos de ATK. ● 2 a 4: Esta carta ganha 400 pontos de ATK. ● 5 ou mais: Você pode enviar esta carta ao Cemitério para destruir todos os monstros virados para baixo que o seu oponente controla.
it name
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stat change
| - * This card gains ATK
* This card loses ATK
trans name
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| - Destroys your opponent's face-down Monster Cards
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ko lore
| - 자신의 묘지에 존재하는 어둠 속성 몬스터의 수에 의해서, 이 카드는 이하의 효과를 얻는다. ● 1매 이하:이 카드의 공격력은 400포인트 내린다. ● 2~4매:이 카드의 공격력은 400포인트 올라간다. ● 5매 이상:이 카드를 묘지에 보내는 일로, 상대 필드 위에 뒷면 표시로 존재하는 몬스터를 모두 파괴한다.
de lore
| - Der Effekt dieser Karte ändert sich in Abhängigkeit von der Anzahl der FINSTERNIS Monster in deinem Friedhof.
●1 oder weniger: Diese Karte verliert 400 ATK.● 2 bis 4: Diese Karte erhält 400 ATK.● 5 oder mehr: Du kannst diese Karte auf den Friedhof legen, um alle verdeckten Monster zu zerstören, die dein Gegner kontrolliert.
ko name
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de name
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es name
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fr lore
| - L'effet de cette carte change selon le nombre de monstres TÉNÈBRES dans votre Cimetière.
●1 ou moins : Cette carte perd 400 points d'ATK. ● 2 à 4 : Cette carte gagne 400 points d'ATK. ● 5 ou plus : Vous pouvez envoyer cette carte au Cimetière pour détruire tous les monstres face verso contrôlés par votre adversaire.
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effect types
| - Condition, Continuous, Continuous, Ignition
database id
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| - Windows '95, Mac, Sega Saturn, PlayStation
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ar name
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| - 1997-04-11(xsd:date)
- 1997-04-25(xsd:date)
- --05-30
- --04-04
Ja Name
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| - Sends itself from field to Graveyard for cost
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| - The dark hunter is a being that resides in Ezra's wood. It fights continuously with Ezra. Ezra tells Kylar that it is his 'hubris'. In the beginning of Beyond the Shadows, Kylar leads a group of 5000 Lae'knaught into the woods and uses the hunter to kill them all. Ezra uses the Dark Hunter to protect the artifacts of power that Kylar and Durzo threw into the woods. It imprints a mark on the items which allows it to track them for miles. The only thing able to conceal them is the Black Ka'kari. The dark hunter is a near invincible killing machine. In the last part it is drawn to Black Barrow by Curoch. It seems to be incredibly fast. As soon as it touches the sword the hordes of Krull, Demons, bone lords and the titan all die and are replaced by red flowers and a lush green land. It then retreats to the woods and has not been seen since
- "Their long whips are useful in weakening their foes. Proper use of a Dark Hunter greatly expands your options in battle." —Dark Hunter description, Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight The Dark Hunter (ダークハンター Dark Hunter in the Japanese version) is a specialized whip and sword-wielding class, with the capabilities to debilitate their enemies with skillful strikes. With their high-speed, their debilitation can push the difference between loss and victory. Whether it's a dangerous F.O.E. or a local monster, the Dark Hunter has an arsenal capable of taking them all down to the party's size. Unlike their brother the Hexer, the Dark Hunter is best suited for the front line, though not as suited for close-quarter combat as their brother the Landsknecht. However, utilizing their baiting and disguising abilities, the Dark Hunter can become virtually untargetable by the enemy.
- Dark Hunter (ダークハンター) is an adventure game that is the second entry of Shibusawa Kou's "English Dream" series -following the three-part entry, Emit. The purpose behind both projects is to teach Japanese people the English language with the help of a thrilling narrative. Each game has English consultants with a dual language and subtitle option for players. While the English Dream series has been largely forgotten, both titles appeared on Koei's 2003 Winter Thanks Rare Campaign with cheap and forgiving prices. This game was released as two separate parts, the first part being Strange Dimension School (上 異次元学園) and Demon Forest (下 妖魔の森) is the second. Character designs were made by Atsushi Kamijo with Naoyuki Onda for line cleanup.
- The Horrible entity known to the Elves of Cuivienen as The Rider or The Hunter was an evil Maia and the greatest of the Hunters of Morgoth. Morgoth personally entrusted him to capture many elves in hopes to twist them into the unfathomable abominations that they would eventually become. So powerful and terrible was this horseman, that many speculated that the horseman was actually Morgoth himself, others however believed it was Sauron, Fankil or Tredeinos, one of Morgoths demonic Chieftains.