| - The mouth is the place in which all teeth are found
- Clarke "Mouth" Devereaux is one of the original goonies and one of the main protaganists of the film. He is nicknamed "Mouth" because he is a smart mouth. He is fluent in Spanish, which he first uses in the film to trick Rosalita and translate One-Eyed Willy's map. He also serves as Mikey's lieutenant and has secret feelings for Stef which are secretly returned.
- In 2151, Malcolm Reed and Trip Tucker used a plasma torch to create the mouth and the eyes of their Vulcan snowman. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice") The parasitic beings used the mouth of their Human hosts to get inside their bodies. (TNG: "Conspiracy" ) The Kradin were a species with muscular ridges and teeth outside around their mouth. (VOY: "Nemesis") The image of a male mouth was one of the violent thoughts the Mari Guill extracted from Tuvok's mind in 2374. (VOY: "Random Thoughts")
- In anatomy, the mouth is generally located on the head of most animals, and it is used for communication and consuming food. Some plants have mouths too, such as the Venus fly trap. When Marvin was describing Scuba equipment to the Krim family, Krim referred to it as "a mouthful."
- A mouth is one of the eight known orifices found in all mammals. Ten points if you can name John Travolta.
- The mouth is an oval shaped cavity in the anterior side of the digestive tube. It is limited on the front by the lips, and contains the tongue and teeth. It is formed by the oral vestibule and the oral cavity. The oral vestibule is in front of the teeth, bounded anteriorly by the lips and the cheeks and posteriorly by the gums and the teeth. It receives the parotid glands secretions, and when the maxillae are closed, communicates with the oral cavity through an opening located behind the molars and though the narrow fissures between the opposite teeth.