Galon Lor was a Human male student at the Sith Academy on Korriban during the Jedi Civil War. During his absence from the academy, he was working on translating the ruins of some of the tombs of Korriban. When Revan arrived to enter the Tomb of Ajunta Pall, Galon Lor was polite when he introduced himself to the former Dark Lord and explained about the ruins that the Sith first formed. Galon was quite excited to learn the history as an archaeologist where he wanted to learn about the existence of Ajunta Pall. However, he was too nervous to enter the tomb since it had traps and machines that were still active. When Revan left the tomb with the Sword of Ajunta Pall, Lor asked Revan to tell him who gave it to him. After learning that Revan encountered Ajunta Pall as a spirit, Lor was really in
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- Galon Lor
- Galon Lor
| - [Source] Galon Lor était un acolyte Sith travaillant sur la traduction dans les ruines de la Vallée des Seigneurs Noirs de Korriban.
- Galon Lor oli Korribanin sithakatemiassa vuonna 3956 BBY opiskellut ihminen. Hän työskenteli muinaisista raunioista löytyneiden tekstien käännösten parissa ja oli innostunut työstään. Hän työskenteli Ajunta Pallille kuuluvan hautakammion edessä, kun Revan saapui paikalle tutkimaan raunioita. Revanin saavuttua haudasta ulos Ajunta Pallin miekan kera, Galon Lor saapui ihmettelemään tätä ja sai kuulla muinaisen sithlordin antaneen miekan Revanille. Galon lähti sitten heti kertomaan asiasta ohjaajalleen.
- Galon Lor was a Human male student at the Sith Academy on Korriban during the Jedi Civil War. During his absence from the academy, he was working on translating the ruins of some of the tombs of Korriban. When Revan arrived to enter the Tomb of Ajunta Pall, Galon Lor was polite when he introduced himself to the former Dark Lord and explained about the ruins that the Sith first formed. Galon was quite excited to learn the history as an archaeologist where he wanted to learn about the existence of Ajunta Pall. However, he was too nervous to enter the tomb since it had traps and machines that were still active. When Revan left the tomb with the Sword of Ajunta Pall, Lor asked Revan to tell him who gave it to him. After learning that Revan encountered Ajunta Pall as a spirit, Lor was really in
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| - *Empire Sith
**Académie Sith de Korriban
- *Sith Empire
*Sith Academy
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| - Galon Lor was a Human male student at the Sith Academy on Korriban during the Jedi Civil War. During his absence from the academy, he was working on translating the ruins of some of the tombs of Korriban. When Revan arrived to enter the Tomb of Ajunta Pall, Galon Lor was polite when he introduced himself to the former Dark Lord and explained about the ruins that the Sith first formed. Galon was quite excited to learn the history as an archaeologist where he wanted to learn about the existence of Ajunta Pall. However, he was too nervous to enter the tomb since it had traps and machines that were still active. When Revan left the tomb with the Sword of Ajunta Pall, Lor asked Revan to tell him who gave it to him. After learning that Revan encountered Ajunta Pall as a spirit, Lor was really interested and went off to inform Master Uthar about the story. It is possible that Galon continued to study and translate the other tombs that he wanted to see while the Sith Academy discovered Revan's treachery over Uthar Wynn's death. He probably survived the skirmish in the Academy since he wanted to learn more about the tombs.
- [Source] Galon Lor était un acolyte Sith travaillant sur la traduction dans les ruines de la Vallée des Seigneurs Noirs de Korriban.
- Galon Lor oli Korribanin sithakatemiassa vuonna 3956 BBY opiskellut ihminen. Hän työskenteli muinaisista raunioista löytyneiden tekstien käännösten parissa ja oli innostunut työstään. Hän työskenteli Ajunta Pallille kuuluvan hautakammion edessä, kun Revan saapui paikalle tutkimaan raunioita. Revanin saavuttua haudasta ulos Ajunta Pallin miekan kera, Galon Lor saapui ihmettelemään tätä ja sai kuulla muinaisen sithlordin antaneen miekan Revanille. Galon lähti sitten heti kertomaan asiasta ohjaajalleen.