| - The war in the United States goes back decades to the founding of the country, and in 1794 when Eli Witney's cotton gin created a new boom for the slave trade. Many people had begun to question the morality of slavery, and the Abolitionist movement had made many political gains in recent years, but slavery still existed and expanded. The Kansas-Nebraska Act, the Compromise of 1850, and the Missouri Compromise all only stalled on the issue, until eventually came the election of 1860. The two main candidates, the Stephen Douglas of the Democratic Party, and candidate for the new Republican Party, Abraham Lincoln. Many southern states threatened succession if Lincoln was elected, but that didn't stop nearly every Northern state from voting for him. On December 20, 1860, South Carolina succeed
| - The war in the United States goes back decades to the founding of the country, and in 1794 when Eli Witney's cotton gin created a new boom for the slave trade. Many people had begun to question the morality of slavery, and the Abolitionist movement had made many political gains in recent years, but slavery still existed and expanded. The Kansas-Nebraska Act, the Compromise of 1850, and the Missouri Compromise all only stalled on the issue, until eventually came the election of 1860. The two main candidates, the Stephen Douglas of the Democratic Party, and candidate for the new Republican Party, Abraham Lincoln. Many southern states threatened succession if Lincoln was elected, but that didn't stop nearly every Northern state from voting for him. On December 20, 1860, South Carolina succeeded from the Union, and the Confederate States of America were formed on February 4, 1861, including South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. And on April 12, 1861, with the attack on Fort Sumter, the American Civil War began. Meanwhile, the main political force in Europe occurred in 1848, when a series of revolutions swept throughout Europe, minus the Byzantine Empire, not ready for such conflict after its Civil War. People in France demanded the fall of the Ancien Regime and the creation of a French Republic. Protesters in Germany demanded national unity and freedom of the press. Multiple ethnic groups in Austria rose up because they felt they weren't being very well represented. Serfs rose up in Russia, and demanded political freedoms, including being able to earn enough money to free themselves. Protesters in Italy demanded national unity of their own, but many Italian leaders knew that this would certainly lead to war with the Byzantines. As the Revolutions of 1848 dragged on, politics in Europe began to change, when the dust settled, nationalism had become the driving force in European politics. The Kingdom of France had collapsed and been replaced with the French Republic, Russia freed its serfs in 1861, and the Italians began thinking about the process of unification. But now that the Italians had set their goal, they knew one last thing was needed for their own unification an army, and an ally. Meanwhile, people in Finland, an area ruled by Sweden began questioning their master's rule, and began looking for their own way to unify and be independent.