| - This title changes according to the language of the server on which RuneScape is played, as shown below:
- The First Mate of the pirates is a playmate of Captain Teja. He is found guarding the cell of Captain. He is slightly stronger than the normal pirates and can call reinforcements if the other rooms have not been cleared out.
- First Mate is a character that appeared in LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures.
- First Mate is a character in Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures. You can purchase him after the level Pursuing the Ark and he has a wrench for fixing things.
- On a civilian ship, the first mate was a role corresponding to first officer or executive officer on a military vessel. T'Ling was first mate of the cargo ship Aurora. (Star Trek: Aurora)
- This First Mate served under Demitirus on a ship that was destroyed by Crystal Waves from Atlantis.
- The First Mate is a Corsair on the Dainty Sload, a pirate ship anchored near the Solitude Lighthouse.
- A First Mate is the top officer on board a ship after the captain. Mostly, they may fill a number of roles from checking stock to making sure everyone else is doing their job on the ship. They answer only to one person on a ship, the captain.
- The first mate is an unnamed minor character in the fourth season. He is played by guest star Rhodri Miles and debuts in "The Laws of Gods and Men".
- The First Mate, also known as the Chief Mate, Chief Officer, First officer, First Lieutenant, or simply The Mate, was placed in charge of a ship's cargo and deck crew. They were head of the deck department on merchant vessels. The First Mate was responsible to the captain for the safety and security of the ship. Responsibilities included the crew's welfare and training in areas such as safety, firefighting, search and rescue. Though there were some First Mates, like Hector Barbossa, who betray their captains and take over their ships.
- The first mate of the Titan XII appeared in Arthur's imagination.
- A First Mate is the second in command onboard a ship. He or she answers only to the Captain. More often than not, the duty of navigation falls to the first mate.
- First Mate is the minor character of Rugrats that he is voiced by John DiMaggio.
- iana Jones: The Original Adventures. He is Captain Katanga's companion.
- The First Mate is the secondary antagonist in the play Skool and Crossbones.
- Chewbacca was first mate to Han Solo on the Millennium Falcon.