| - "It's like a comic book... But not." File:Mr Perfect small.jpg LessThanThree comics is a group of ongoing super-hero based serial novels. Set out much like a real comic company, <3 Comics have two titles, Brat Pack, the flagship 'comic', and <3 Comics Presents ,a platform for new titles, based on which heroes (or villains) the Author wishes to write about in a given month. In July 2010, a third title was added, LessThanThree Legends. Brat Pack documents the ongoing adventures of a teen super-hero team in California (the eponymous 'Brat Pack'), as well as further exploring the '<3-Verse'.
| - "It's like a comic book... But not." File:Mr Perfect small.jpg LessThanThree comics is a group of ongoing super-hero based serial novels. Set out much like a real comic company, <3 Comics have two titles, Brat Pack, the flagship 'comic', and <3 Comics Presents ,a platform for new titles, based on which heroes (or villains) the Author wishes to write about in a given month. In July 2010, a third title was added, LessThanThree Legends. Brat Pack documents the ongoing adventures of a teen super-hero team in California (the eponymous 'Brat Pack'), as well as further exploring the '<3-Verse'. <3 Comics Presents has presented a number of heroes, including The Shadow, Thunderbolt and Perdition. Less Than Three Legends reveals the history of the <3-Verse, chronicling the major events. This site provides examples of:
* Action Mom (Talon)
* Affirmative Action Legacy (Uncle Sam III/Miss Liberty II)
* Alternate Company Equivalent
* Always Someone Better (Mr Perfect is this to Firestorm, always saving the day, when Firestorm is unable to. However, Captain Awesome is also this to Mr Perfect, their similar powerset making the comparison more obvious.)
* An Ice Person (Ice Princess and Coldstar)
* Archnemesis Dad (Firestorm and Napalm)
* Audience Surrogate (Often Firestorm, sometimes Mr Perfect)
* Badass (The Shadow and Firestorm/ Pumpkin King)
* Badass Grandpa (The original Uncle Sam)
* Also Retired Badass
* Berserk Button (Firestorm, when compared to his father)
* Born Lucky (The Sawyers)
* Brotherhood of Evil (The Assembly of Evil)
* Calling the Old Man Out (Firestorm at Hire-A-Hero Headquarters)
* The Cape (Mr Perfect, Thunderbolt and Uncle Sam)
* Cute Bruiser (Dark Rose of Blood)
* The Cutie (Pixel)
* Death By Origin Story (The Shadow's brother)
* Five-Man Band (Brat Pack)
* Future Badass (Fissure)
* Good Thing You Can Heal (The Shadow)
* Hero with Bad Publicity (The Shadow)
* Jerk with a Heart of Gold (Firestorm)
* Legacy Character (Half the 'Verse)
* Mad Oracle (Mac)
* Massive Multiplayer Crossover (New Vindicators Hostis Humani Generis)
* Platonic Life Partners (Mr Universe and Belle)
* Reed Richards Is Useless (Thunderbolt (Aversion))
* The Stoner (Tom and Mac)
* Super Strength (Too many to mention)
* Triple Shifter (Brat Pack, mostly Belle)
* The Verse (<3-Verse)
* Vigilante Man (The Shadow)
* Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World (Brat Pack)