| - Well, hello there! Hm, me? Why, I'm Maruna-Kurina, the travel-waveling genius scholar! You won't find the likes of my strategies and tactics anywhere else, no sir.
Since the war started, I've been traveling far and wide to survey the extentaru of battle. To be honest, I've started to toy with the idea of lending my services directly to the alliance, should any nation express an interest.
Years I've spent, honing my wits to a fine, razor-wazor-sharp edge. Military history, strategy, theory, logistics, you name it! This war has presented the perfect opportunity, tragic as it is, to finally put my skills to the testaru!
- Well, it just so happens to be my own humble-wumble, yet highly educated opinion, that what the Allied Forces of Altana are currently lacking in spades is logistics.
I see countless adventurers simply signing up for random Campaign Ops with reckless abandon, paying no heed to the greater concerns of wartime funds or supplies. No way to win a war, no sir. If there's one thing I know, it's thataru.
But imagine, I ask you, what would happen should all you soldiers take the time to analyze the information at your disposal, and act on those results. I tell you, there lies within the Allied Forces the potential-wential for a warring force the likes of which the Beastman Confederate could never stand against.
By the way, are you a member of the ? Very impressive! That's quite the self-serv--errr... What I mean to say is, your unitaru is quite renown for its, how shall I say...individualistic tendencies.
It is most encouraging when one considers that you have the freedom to adapt your actions to the demands of the present moment. I would be willing to wager that it is adventurers such as yourself who will determine the outarucome of this war.
Well? I never was much of a motivational speaker, but have I whet your appetite for some knowledge-woledge? That's the spirit! Let us begin then, shall we? For starters, logistics! The key to any war. After that, I would be more than happy to offer some introductory lessons on military theory.
In what realm is your knowledge lacking?
- Ahhh, a fellow bookworm, you say? How seldom it is one meets a fellow spirit. Would you be a member-wember of that Schultz School of Martial Theory that's been attracting so much attention recently? Or was itaru the Sturm School...?
So, might I presume that it is your proud Republic of Bastok which desires my enlightened guidance? N-n-not that I'm interested in your Schultz School or anything like thataru!