| - The TTS-2 Repulsor Tank was a Heavy Assault platform used by the Templars of Twilight on rare occasions when a wheeled or treaded tank was unusable. Extremely heavily armed with a Heavy Ion Cannon, Quad Laser Cannon, Dual Charged Particle Turrets, and Dual Blaster Cannon Turrets it was more than capable of dealing with virtually any opposition that came in its way. It could easily preform roles as Heavy Cavalry, Anti-Infantry, and Anti-Air, its Heavy Ion Cannon let it easily disable opposing vehicles and droids.
| - The TTS-2 Repulsor Tank was a Heavy Assault platform used by the Templars of Twilight on rare occasions when a wheeled or treaded tank was unusable. Extremely heavily armed with a Heavy Ion Cannon, Quad Laser Cannon, Dual Charged Particle Turrets, and Dual Blaster Cannon Turrets it was more than capable of dealing with virtually any opposition that came in its way. It could easily preform roles as Heavy Cavalry, Anti-Infantry, and Anti-Air, its Heavy Ion Cannon let it easily disable opposing vehicles and droids. As a Cavalry and Anti-Infantry unit its Blaster and Particle Turrets where quite effective at taking out both Droid and Organic targets with ease. Their high rates of fire and variable range and damage abilities allowing them to track and dispatch a wide variety of targets. In an anti-air role, the top mounted Quad Laser cannon could easily track and dispatch various forms of starfighters, up to lightly shielded and heavily armored craft. In an Anti Armor role the Heavy Ion Cannon was more than enough to disable nearly any mechanical device. For defense it featured Ablative Hull Armor and a X-90 Shield Generator, the shield generator was unable to generate a field more than 3 meters beyond the hull, due to the massive power generation requirements of the other systems. All these combined factors lead to an extremely expensive tank, costing nearly as much as one and a half Vindicator-class interceptors to construct.