| - Dungeons & Dragons is a pinball machine produced by Bally.
- Dungeons & Dragons is a movie where geeks sit at a table with paper and miniatures with Phyllog-doodles and cans of WooHoo and casting spells at the darkness with a chintzy DM who can't even resist giving wondrous items to LV 1 characters trying to take over the Forgotten Realms. Gah.
- Dungeons & Dragons is an RPG rule system designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and was first published by TSR in 1974. In 1997, the game was acquired and published by Wizards of the Coast. The most common variations include:
* D&D Basic set
* Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
* Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition
* Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition
- Dungeons & Dragons was the first modern role-playing game. It is published by Wizards of the Coast.
- Dungeons & Dragons is a tabletop roleplaying game first published in 1974. It has since gone on to be arguably the most well known such game in the world.
- Dungeons & Dragons (or D&D for short) was the first modern tabletop roleplaying game. The original edition was published in 1974, and NetHack draws from it a huge number of monsters, items and concepts, as well as the turn-based probabilistic gameplay style. NetHack draws from many, many sources, but the D&D games may well have been its biggest single influence. Core game concepts taken into NetHack from D&D include Hit points, Armor Class, the six basic attributes and alignment.
- Dungeons & Dragons, commonly rendered D&D, is a tabletop fantasy role-playing game—perhaps the tabletop fantasy role-playing game, in that it pioneered the d20 gaming system as we know it and is responsible for many tropes in the genre, such as character alignment, "Natural 20" and "Nat 1," Spot checks, etc. Since its creation, it has become a massive franchise including various "campaign settings" that use its basic rules, including Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms (home of the infamous Drizzt do'Urden), Ravenloft (a Gothic horror setting), Eberron, and Greyhawk.
- D&D departs from traditional wargaming and assigns each player a specific character to play instead of a military formation. These characters embark upon imaginary adventures within a fantasy setting. A Dungeon Master serves as the game's referee and storyteller, while maintaining the setting in which the adventures occur and playing the role of the inhabitants. The characters form a party that interacts with the setting's inhabitants (and each other). Together they solve dilemmas, engage in battles and gather treasure and knowledge. In the process the characters earn experience points to become increasingly powerful over a series of sessions.
- Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) is the world's first published tabletop role playing game. It was originally created by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. From 1974 to 1997 it was published by TSR. In 1997 Wizards of the Coast bought the rights to D&D and published new material from then on.
- Ai giorni nostri, D&D è una piaga sociale che affligge tantissimi adolescenti che ne sono dipendenti. Costoro spendono la maggior parte della loro vita in un mondo immaginario a interpretare cose che non esistono mentre ignorano gli effetti distruttivi di D&D. Tra questi sono stati scoperti:
* la distorsione mentale;
* l'assimilazione della Sfiga Ultima, la quale non permetterà più ai giocatori di riuscire più a fare sesso consensuale nel mondo reale.
- Dungeons & Dragons, also known as D&D, is a tabletop role playing game that has been published since 1974. Its original designers were Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Dungeons & Dragons games may span one or many play sessions, and involve two or more participants. In each session, one or more takes on the role Dungeon Master, and the rest take on the roles of player characters. The group may run as little as a single encounter together, tackle a complete adventure, or even conduct a long-term campaign over many sessions.
- Dungeons & Dragons (abbreviated as D&D or DnD) is a tabletop fantasy role-playing game (RPG) originally designed by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and first published in 1974 by the Gygax-owned company Tactical Studies Rules, Inc. (TSR). The game is currently published by Wizards of the Coast, a division of Hasbro. It was derived from miniature wargames, with a variation of the Chainmail game serving as the initial rule system. D&D's publication is widely regarded as the beginning of modern role-playing games and, by extension, the entire role-playing game industry. Players of D&D create characters that embark upon imaginary adventures within a fantasy setting. A Dungeon Master (DM) serves as the game's referee and storyteller, while also maintaining the setting in which the adventures oc
- Dungeons & Dragons (D&D, DnD, or AD&D for the advanced edition) is a fantasy tabletop roleplaying game (RPG) published by Wizards of the Coast. The original Dungeons & Dragons, designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, was first published in January 1974 by Gygax's company, Tactical Studies Rules (TSR). Originally derived from tabletop wargames, this publication is generally regarded as the beginning of modern roleplaying games and, by extension, the roleplaying game industry. The game also achieved minor notoriety, particularly in the 1980s, due to exploitation of its imagery by many fundamentalists for the purpose of scaring parents of players; they alleged that the game promoted, among other things, devil worship, witchcraft, suicide, and murder.
- It is normally played indoors with the participants seated around a tabletop. A typical Dungeons & Dragons game consists of an "adventure" in a fantasy world or "campaign setting". Typically, each player controls only a single character. The results of the characters' choices and the overall storyline for the game are determined by the Dungeon Master (DM) according to the rules of the game and the DM's interpretation of those rules.
- Dungeons & Dragons (Lochy i Smoki w skrócie D&D) – najstarszy i najpopularniejszy system RPG na świecie. Opiera się na mechanice d20. Obecnie obowiązuje edycja 3.5. Podstawowe rasy:
* człowiek
* półelf
* elf
* krasnolud
* niziołek
* gnom
* półork Podstawowe klasy postaci: Lista settingów do D&D:
* Forgotten Realms (Zapomniane Krainy)
* Greyhawk
* Planescape
* Eberron
* Dragonlance
* Dark Sun
* Ravenloft
* Spelljammer
* Mystara
* Lankhmar (został włączony do Zapomnianych Krain)
* Al-Quadim
* Birthright
- Dungeons & Dragons (약어 D&D 혹은 DnD)는 Garry Gygax와 Dave Aneson이 만들고, Tactical Studies Rules, Inc.(TSR)에서 1974년 출간한 판타지 롤플레잉 게임이다. Chainmail이라는 미니어쳐 워게임을 근간으로 하여 판타지 버전으로 변형한 것이 그 시작이며, RPG의 현대화된 개념을 세계 최초로 창조한 게임이기도 하다. 1997년 두가지 게임으로 갈라져서 좀 더 느슨하고 간단한 게임인 Dungeons & Dragons (Original)과, 세밀하고 복잡한 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 이원 체제로 출간된다. 1989년 AD&D의 2번째 판본이 발매되었다. 1997년, 운영상의 난점으로 파산 위기에 처한 TSR을 Wizards of the Coast(WotC) 사가 그 권리를 사들였다. 2003년, D&D 3rd의 룰적인 모순점과 세부 밸런스를 손질한 Dungeons & Dragons 3.5를 출간한다.
- Придуманная в 1970 и выпущенная в январе 1974 года первая редакция D&D была и самой первой ролевой игрой в мире. Правила для неё придумал Гэри Гигакс на основе правил своей военно-тактической игры Chainmail, доработав её ролевую составляющую вместе с Дэйвом Арнесоном. На правила оказали влияние настольные стратегические игры 50-60-х годов, главным образом военно-тактические игры с миниатюрами, в которых отдельные боевые единицы отображались на столе при помощи фигурок.
- Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), more commonly referred to as Satan's Game, is a role-playing game in which characters with 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, and (God Forbid) 100 sided dice create adventures and characters to go on a quest to discover why they don't have girlfriends (or boyfriends, as may be the case, or lives). These quests could involve finding treasure, such as a +3 vorpal longsword, battling trolls, or saving a princess all from the comfort of their parent's basement.
- Dungeons & Dragons was an animated fantasy cartoon series which followed the adventures of five teenagers who have been mysteryly trasported to a magical universe. In each episode they try to get back to their own world while having to combat Venger! This series ran from September 17, 1983 to December 7, 1985 and ran for three seasons in only 27epsiodes {13 episodes per season 1; 8 episodes per season 2; 6 episodes per season 3} A 28th episode never made would have shown the children finding a way home. Allegedely a fourth season was planned but never made. Characters:
- Players of D&D create characters that embark upon imaginary adventures within a fantasy setting. A Dungeon Master (abbreviated as DM, also known as a Game Master or GM) serves as the game's referee and storyteller, while also maintaining the setting in which the adventures occur. During each game session, the players listen to descriptions of their character's surroundings, as well as additional information and potential choices from the DM, then describe their actions in response. The characters form a party that interacts with the setting's inhabitants (and each other). Together they solve dilemmas, engage in battles and gather treasure and knowledge. In the process the characters earn experience points to become increasingly powerful over a series of sessions. D&D departs from tradition