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| - Batman: The Dark Knight Vol 2 20
- Batman: The Dark Knight Vol 2 20
| - Las aguas residuales están infestadas de cadáveres , por lo que Batman y el Comisionado Gordon esperan que estos los conduzcan hacia la guarida del Sombrerero Loco. thumb|left|342pxMás tarde , Gordon da una conferencia donde revela que los sombreros entregados por Jervis en lugares públicos fueron los que ocasionaron esa tragedia, por lo que insta a todos aquellos que aun posean alguno a deshacerse de ellos. Esto arruina por completo los planes del Sombrero, pero este decide seguir adelante y sale en busca de su nueva Alicia. Batman se introduce en los alcantarillado para ver de donde provenían todos los cuerpos, y la única pista que logra conseguir lo guía hasta las afueras de Ciudad Gótica, específicamente al Condado de Kane , cerca de donde la furgoneta que persiguió en el pasado fue ab
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| - Ethan Van Sciver, Hi-Fi Design
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| - Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
* Tweedledum and Tweedledee
Other Characters:
* Kane County
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| - Hi-Fi Design
- Ethan Van Sciver
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Executive Editor
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| - [[W:C:dc:Alfred Pennyworth
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| - After having discovered the corpses of hundreds of Gothamites floating in the Gotham Bay, Batman enters the system of underground tunnels beneath the city, hoping to find the source. Though he doesn't find it, he does emerge near the location in Kane County where he spotted a van on the night that he was tracking the Mad Hatter. Alfred determines that the land was probably government-owned, but any documents relating to it have been redacted, requiring him to hack into their system to find out what was hidden - but this will take time.
Despite the Gotham City Police Department's thwarting the Hatter's plans to bring an audience of mind-controlled citizens to watch his final production, he is still confident that he can bring his plan to fruition since he discovered his new Alice the previous night. He collects her at her home, smashing through Natalya Trusevich's window, and kidnapping her.
At Wayne Manor, Bruce Wayne begins to doubt just how long he can continue being the Batman, and living with the ghosts of those he lost; his parents and his only real son. Alfred suggests that they have Natalya to thank for opening Bruce up to life again, but it opened him up to death as well. In that respect, Bruce is already worrying that he will lose Natalya like he lost his son Damian. Alfred responds that it wouldn't be Bruce's doing if he lost her - it would be the doing of his vigilante lifestyle; a lifestyle that must come to an end eventually, lest he lose everything.
Later that night, Bruce has a nightmare in which his parents complain that he could have been doing so much more with his life than he has been, but that his clinging to their memory will likely prevent him from ever doing so. Upon waking, he announces that he is going to see Natalya, and tell her that he doesn't intend to be Batman forever. Alfred is surprised with his decision, but Bruce explains that it is not for her sake, but for his own. Once he has put down the Hatter, he will consider his future.
The Hatter drags Natalya through his recreation of the Wonderland themed park he visited as a boy, explaining her role to her. She refuses to cooperate, though, and rakes her nails across his face. Angrily, he realizes that she must not be his Alice, and decides to have her killed - but first, perhaps she will tell him who the Batman is.
Meanwhile, Batman arrives at Natalya's apartment, only to find that the GCPD is already there, investigating the break-in. Desperately, Bruce calls back to Alfred and has him track Natalya with the sensor he put on her earlier.
Natalya takes her beatings as Hatter tries to torture her into revealing Batman's identity. Though she puts up a strong appearance, she is worried for her life, and hopes that Bruce will get there in time to save her. The Hatter gives her a final chance to give up the Batman, but when she refuses, he decides that enough time has been wasted, and prepares to thrust her out the open door of the helicopter they have been hovering over the city in.
Batman locks onto Natalya's signal, realizing that she seems to be falling, and he speeds toward her. He arrives at the GCPD Headquarters just in time to see her make impact, crashing into the Bat-Signal on the roof in a pool of her own blood.
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| - I fear sometimes, dear boy, that if you don't give this up, you'll have nothing. You can't have darkness and light at the same time, Master Bruce...
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| - Las aguas residuales están infestadas de cadáveres , por lo que Batman y el Comisionado Gordon esperan que estos los conduzcan hacia la guarida del Sombrerero Loco. thumb|left|342pxMás tarde , Gordon da una conferencia donde revela que los sombreros entregados por Jervis en lugares públicos fueron los que ocasionaron esa tragedia, por lo que insta a todos aquellos que aun posean alguno a deshacerse de ellos. Esto arruina por completo los planes del Sombrero, pero este decide seguir adelante y sale en busca de su nueva Alicia. Batman se introduce en los alcantarillado para ver de donde provenían todos los cuerpos, y la única pista que logra conseguir lo guía hasta las afueras de Ciudad Gótica, específicamente al Condado de Kane , cerca de donde la furgoneta que persiguió en el pasado fue abandonada. Al no tener registros de esas tierras ya que estos han sido bloqueados por el gobierno , Bruce le ordena a Alfred hackearlos, mientras que por su parte Natalya recibe la visita de su secuestrador. De vuelta en la Baticueva, mientras sostiene el viejo traje de Damian le cuenta a Alfred que ha comenzado a preocuparse mas por Natalya desde que se sincero con ella. Más tarde esa noche, Bruce tiene un sueño con sus padres reclamándole que pudo haber hecho mas con su vida, pero se despierta al notar que la bati-señal ha sido activada. En lugar de ir a ver que es lo que quiere Gordon, Bruce decide ir a ver a Natalya primero para decirle que después de terminar esa misión, él dejara de ser Batman para siempre. En la guarida del Sombrerero Natalya se niega a ser Alicia, y termina arañandole la cara a Jervis. Furioso por que ella no hace lo que se le ordena, le pide a los Tweeds que la ahoguen. Pero antes de que ellos puedan terminar el trabajo, el Sombrerero cambia de opinión y decide utilizarla para saber quién es Batman . Bruce se encuentra con Gordon y la policía en el hogar de Natalya , y de inmediato le ordena a Alfred comenzar a rastrearla, quien en esos momentos es torturada, pero aun así se niega a revelar la identidad de Batman. El Sombrero, muy decepcionado de ella, la monta en un helicóptero mientras Batman intenta alcanzarlos. Al haberse negado a serle de utilidad, finalmente Jarvis la empuja del helicóptero en pleno vuelo y Natalya termina estrellándose contra la Batiseñal, muriendo en el acto. Categoría:Batman: The Dark Knight (Volumen 2) Categoría:Comic Categoría:The New 52 Categoría:The Dark Knight: Locura
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