| - Similar to the Training Montage, it consists of the hero gearing up for the big fight, preparing a multitude of weapons in anticipation of the need for More Dakka, usually taken from a Wall of Weapons. Usually features close-up shots of guns being loaded, knives being sheathed, headbands being tied, etc. Never complete without a veritable symphony of metallic clicking noises. Whether or not all the weapons are used or whether the hero is held to the limits of what is shown is up for grabs. For the Distaff Counterpart, see Lipstick and Load Montage. Examples of Lock and Load Montage include:
| - Similar to the Training Montage, it consists of the hero gearing up for the big fight, preparing a multitude of weapons in anticipation of the need for More Dakka, usually taken from a Wall of Weapons. Usually features close-up shots of guns being loaded, knives being sheathed, headbands being tied, etc. Never complete without a veritable symphony of metallic clicking noises. Whether or not all the weapons are used or whether the hero is held to the limits of what is shown is up for grabs. Frequently there will be one "special" weapon, a small and somewhat unusual one normally, which will play a critical role in the upcoming battle. As the use of firearms is a modern contrivance, works such as The Iliad and Beowulf often depicted warriors donning their arms and armor in scenes heavy with ceremony and ritual. The A-Team Montage might be seen as a variant. The Transformation Sequence is a close cousin, and the Extended Disarming the opposite. Sometimes ends up as Technology Porn, and in military or law enforcement-themed media it frequently happens during Red Alert. For the Distaff Counterpart, see Lipstick and Load Montage. Examples of Lock and Load Montage include: